GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements


Why comply with the requirements of GOST PVC doors so important? Consider the main provisions of the standard.

Actual Requirements for Door Designs

GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements

Interstate GOST 30970-2002 adopted by the Competent Commission (MNTKS) and approved by six countries: Russian Federation, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova. In the Russian Federation, manufacturers rely on this standard since 2003. GOST 2002 regulates the parameters of the design of the doors, dimensions, permissible deviations. The characteristics of the components of the elements, hinged devices, PVC profiles are determined. Describes marking, packaging, warranty.

GOST 3097 is designed for the manufacture of PVC door blocks that have a framework design and open with a swollen way. The specified GOST does not concern the doors overlooking the balcony and special doors. It is standard when certifying PVC doors. Gosstandart No. 30970 from 2002 refers to 25 guests on measuring instruments, elements of door structures, materials, quality testing techniques, conditions and installation standards.

The classification of PVC doors according to the standard is as follows. Based on the destination, allocate:

  • Entrance from the streets
  • tambour
  • Inside between rooms and apartments, in common areas and all that are indoors.

By method of filling:

  • glazed
  • deaf
  • decorative
  • Light.

Glasses for filling are made of several layers, fortified and patterned. Solid doors are made of opaque sheets. Driving door light - on top transparent, and below is opaque. Doors with curly inserts are called decorative.

According to the design, products with one canvas (left and right) and from 2-weft, different width and filling, with thresholds and without, with a different number of components of profiles are distinguished.

By availability of finishes:

  • white
  • painted
  • with lamination,
  • lacquered.

GOST lays conditional designations. For example, DPV on the B PR 2100 - 970 is a glazed door without a threshold, opens to the right with the specified parameters in millimeters.

By concluding a contract for execution, you need to stipulate the design, materials, type of opening and types of technological elements, desires for design and accurate dimensions.

Requirements for GOST

GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements

Doors should be made according to the schemes and drawings in compliance with the technology and the installed sequence. The framework design must be strengthened with steel parts and is collected from PVC profiles. Especially subject to strengthening angles. The threshold, if it is, is performed from metal and firmly fixed.

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The document describes the architecture and patterns of doors, methods for connecting the canvas and install the product itself. Examples of architecture and geometric sketches are given to fill the doors according to GOST No. 30970 from 2002, for variants of various parts of the doors with a variety of sealing methods.

According to GOST No. 30970, no more than 6 sq.m are manufactured from 2002, and each discovering part is limited to 2.5 sq.m. Door weight is installed up to 80 kg. If the doors exceed these limits, then their calculation must be confirmed by additional laboratory studies.

Anti-vandal doors can be supplemented with glasses to 10 mm, they have strengthened the angles, and special anti-removal fixtures, locks and loops are installed. The strengthening of the corners produced strong alloys. Also there are in the standard methods for fastening tech-finding.

Door design should include ventilation openings of the internal cavities (pair at the bottom and above). The number and location of technological slots are stipulated in the standard.

All products of their PVC are performed according to safety requirements, especially for children's institutions and seats of evacuation of people where panic is possible.

Loads must comply with the standards. Installation must be performed only according to the GOST drawings.

Maximum allowable tolerances in mm are set by such:

DimensionsBoxes (inside)Frames (outside)GapDimensions of mounted elements
Up to 1000 inclusive+/- 1.-one+1.+/- 1.
More1000 to 2000 inclusive+ 2-1+/- 1.+1 -0.5
More than 2000.+2 -1+1 -2.+1.5 - 0.5.

The difference in the length of the canvas is not allowed to exceed 2 mm at a half-meter area and 3 mm with a larger area, and the advantage must be no more than 0.7 mm. All parameters of the grooves are described in the document.

Doors characteristics are combined as follows:

NameNumeric value
Resistance to heat transfer, kv / m per hail of C / W. Insulation:
not less than 16 mm0.8.
not less than 20 mm1.0
no less than 24 mm1.2.
Soundproofing level in dba26.
Airflow permeability at dp = 10pa, cube M / (h * sq.m)3.5
Number of closures and openings500000.
Durability, years
PVC profile40.
Sealing funds10

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Door blocks are divided by strength to groups A, B, B, and have strength to static loads, respectively, in H: 5000, 3000 and 1000.

Loads on opening and closing doors are presented in the table.

Group of strengthDistance from which cargo falls in cmWeight in kg

Table with impedance impact soft item 30 kg.

Group of strengthDistance from which cargo falls in mWeight in kg

Clearance efforts should not be more than 120n, and for opening - 75n.

Looking visual doors should according to standards, the color difference at normal illumination should not be. In places of welding, the color also cannot differ and there should be no cracks on the seams.

To the surface of Techizeli gloves film to protect. All component elements must respond to the testimony, and the main elements are tested in laboratories that have the right.

Requirements for climatic changes are presented to the profiles and inserts according to the Ghosts on them.

The outer elements are allowed at the request of the Customer with different color. Products are protected from the effects of ultraviolet and change color under its influence.

Inserts of steel are used with corrosion protection, and aluminum can only be used by one that corresponds to the presented strength. Inserts sizes are calculated based on the required operating conditions. The liner is fixed with two self-draws or screws established by standards. Fastening steps are negotiated for outer doors - no more than 400 mm, and for color profiles - e more than 300mm. A amplifying liners are installed without the use of special tools, by hand.

Requirements for filling and sealing

GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements


Opaque blocks are made by three-layer with filling PVC foam. It is allowed to fill with sheet and facing materials. The design of the fasteners provides a disassembly option from the outside.

Translucent fillings are made of durable glass in several layers and have anti-skid protection. Regulatory documentation permits the use of darkened glasses. It is not allowed to use unandarded glass of large size and a small thickness. For strengthening glasses, hills and decorative framework are used. The pinching of the glass by the staps is performed with a depth of 18 mm.

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Double-glazed windows are installed on gaskets that happen:

  • basic
  • remote
  • reference.

GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements

Glass windows

The reference performs the function of holding the weight of the glass unit, remotely used to excerct the required gaps. Basic lining applies for alignment. Basic linings have a length equal to or not less than that of support and remote, and can also combine the functions of these lining. The lining should be slightly larger than the thickness of the glass package. Installation of glass must comply with the standard taking into account its weight and design. The lining is performed from atmospheric polymers. During transportation, protection should be protected from offsets.

On one plane, the glass package is made up to two lining. Purchase is unacceptable. In the doors with enhanced constipation are added adding lining. Seals are performed from elastic polymers. The installation of the stroke is not prohibited. External seals must withstand temperature differences and humidity and fit absolutely tight.

Corner gaskets should not contain protrusions and discover, which would create additional loads on the glass. Castles and canopies must be specially designed for PVC doors. Closing and opening doors should be smooth.

Control and equipment

GOST PVC Doors: Production and Installation Requirements


Completeness must be performed in accordance with the order. Supply of non-mounted products and separate delivery of double-glazed windows is not a violation. In factory manufacture, the door must be fully equipped with all additions and covered with a film to protect the outer surface. When delivered, the package includes:

  • Passport products,
  • Instructions for use and installation,
  • marking.

The marking contains the name of the manufacturer, order number, production date, quality control mark.

Control rules are regulated by the manufacturer's instructions, the control is made by the CUT. Methods of control are set in the documentation.

Storage and transportation of doors from PVC is performed in compliance with the protective measures from damage, the effects of moisture, temperature drops and rays of ultraviolet. When stored, the products are paved with soft gaskets. To contain them, it is necessary to stand under a small angle on the pallets of the tree in warehouses or in containers. Warranty on the doors from polyvinyl chloride is one year from the moment of shipment from the factory. In general, PVC doors are non-toxic, moisture-resistant and durable.

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