Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna


Today, the sauna in the basement is not something unusual. Many connoisseurs of a healthy rest and unusual pastime create such premises in order to give the basement of functionality and at the same time get a convenient, practical room in which you can fully relax, and sometimes to become it. Interestingly, the sauna with her own hands in the basement is created quickly, and quality, subject to compliance with all norms and recommendations, is not inferior to the work of professional masters.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Sauna in the basement of a private house

Features of the device of chimney and ventilation in the sauna

Special attention should be shown in the process of creating a chimney, as the furnace for heating the sauna in the basement of the house will still have to achieve the necessary atmosphere, which attracts people so much from modern electrical options.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Removal of exhaust gases through chimney in the wall

Creating chimney, it is important to remember the peculiarity of the sauna: the heating is exposed exclusively to air, and in the traditional bath, especially Russian, heating is carried out in relation to water . This feature of the "dry bath" provides hot and relatively dry air indoors, whereas in the usual it is hot and at the same time wet. It is for this reason that the reception of watering into hot water stones is used for humidification.

The chimney device in the sauna requires special attention. In his role can perform ventilation of the supply and exhaust type. The height of the ceilings should be 2 meters, but it should be remembered that the heating is needed more serious.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Allowed gases through chimney in the ceiling

The total area of ​​the room is 10 m2. In order to create a good circulation of airflows, which will update the air in the room, not having to-peel it, it will be necessary to make two holes - from above and below. The hole for air flow should be located under the oven so that it can immediately warm up. The extract should be located under the shelf at the height, about one meter above the floor. If you do everything according to the recommendations, the ventilation in the sauna will be good.

Tip: Do not have the exhaust hole above the shelf in the steam room, because then it turns out that the air movement will be rapidly, that is, there will be a draft that can entail various diseases, up to the inflammation of the lungs.

Often, the upper and lower shelves are also used in the sauna, so a slightly different type of device should be used for the ventilation device. When the air is heated, then the influx of clean, fresh air is required - the cost of all the circulation is at an altitude of 1.7 meters, and it will be heated at the level of approximately 25 cm from the floor.

In order for ventilation to be perfect experts, it is recommended to make the insulation of an exhaust pipe, it takes it above the ceiling level in the sauna.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Ventilation devices in the sauna

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The main points of the sauna

A comfortable sauna in a private country house should be equipped with some rules that are the main for those who use this room constantly. In order for a truly good circulation in the sauna, it is necessary to install a special device - an exhaust fan, which is best located at the end of the pipe.

The sauna device is the lesson responsible, requiring a responsible approach to the case. It should be understood that in the basement that is an integral part of the private house, it is impossible to create a swimming pool, as it causes the formation of mold and fungus.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Ventilation grille with a sauna or bath

In addition, all materials, which are used in the construction or finishing process, should be resistant to high temperatures and their sharp fluctuations, and also do not contain chemical components, as they can allocate evaporation, harmful to health.

As for the parameters to be followed, the recommendations are as follows:

  • The first row of shelves in a small sauna is recommended not lower than at a height of 45-50 cm from the floor;
  • The second row, if it is provided - at 90 cm from the floor, but the third should not be higher than the value of 135 cm.

If the space allows, the optimal distance in height between the shelves is considered 1.2 meters, and the width of the shelves themselves should be 50 cm.

Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Design of sauna with wood and stone

It is important to comply with the right microclimate, which will help the sauna located in a private house, be comfortable and cozy. Optimal indicators that should be arranged using ventilation and furnaces:

  • humidity 15%;
  • Temperature 110 degrees.

It is important to remember that the saunas in its classical understanding, much more preferable for the basement in a private house than the Russian bath. The reason is the lack of humidity. In addition, the sauna device will have a minimal impact on the construction of the house, and it is also easier to make it easier.

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Caltal Country House: Modern Sauna

Compact sauna in the basement with a shower


A sauna in the basement is the right solution, since the installation of the water heating boiler does not need, therefore, a person who has no experience will be able to do everything. The device of the room allows you to be placed with comfort on a small area, so it is possible not to take the entire basement for work if its area exceeds 15 m2.

Since to make a full-fledged pool according to the rules of using basements in the house will not work, it is best to install a shower cabin, in which you can rinse from time to time.

The sauna on the basement is no longer considered something unusual, as people learned to appreciate the available space and use each meter of the square with benefit for themselves. A similar room created in the house will enjoy all the pretters of rest at any time of the year without the slightest risk. That is why the work on the creation of a sauna in the basements are gaining popularity in humans.

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