Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands


Advantages of plastic as a trim

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Finishing the balcony with your own hands

Plastic is a good material for finishing the balcony. Increasingly, builders choose this material as a loggia finish and there are several reasons. First, the ratio of price is quality. Unlike other expensive materials, plastic is inexpensive, but practical. In its manufacture, it passes a special processing, which becomes resistant to extreme temperatures both positive and minus. The temperature differences are not terrible to him, which is a big plus, since the balcony is subjected to different temperature fluctuations. Secondly, the installation of plastic panels can even make a newcomer, without construction experience. Therefore, to see a balcony plastic can everyone with their own hands. Thirdly, the balcony is covered in this way, looks aesthetic and beautiful. And so it will remain for many years. It is important that the material will not burn under the rays of the sun. It is resistant to mechanical influences. If you have children, they will not be able to spoil the panels. Fourth, PVC panels are environmentally friendly and during heating do not emit harmful substances. They are easy to wash, rub with a damp cloth. Using plastic, you can mount decor elements or practical things, for example, cabinets.

Preparation of tools and materials

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Balcony cabinet

First of all, you need to calculate how many plastic panels need to be purchased. To do this, measure the length of the walls and the height of the ceiling. The ceiling height is divided into the gap between the panels. The resulting digit is rounded and multiply on the perimeter of the walls. Using this formula, calculate the number of panels for windows and doors and take the second number from the first. As a result, the desired number of registers came out. But do not purchase the material backdrop. Take 10% more taking into account the fact that there may be a marriage or lack of material. If you are planning to make cabinets, also calculate the material consumable. Do not forget what fittings need. Purchase profiles, plinth, corners. For the crate, they need a profile and fastening for them.

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Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Internal balcony decoration by plastic panels

If we talk about the tools, you should take:

  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Perforator;
  • knife;
  • Lobzik;
  • level;
  • corner;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • liquid Nails;
  • Self-tapping screw or construction stapler.

If everything is ready, you can safely start working on the balcony.

From theory to practice

If the balcony is not insulated, the glazing is unreliable and there is no proper sealing, you should eliminate these omissions.

Then plastic will serve longer, and the balcony itself will be cozy and warm. It can be used as a separate room, office or dressing room by installing cabinets. In this case, you can buy panels for internal work, which will reduce waste.

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Touching balcony

After that, the lamp is installed on the walls. When the plans to shelter and the ceiling, we also mount the crate. Basically use wood rails, but if you want to make it from a metal profile, not a problem. The size of the plates are chosen depending on the walls - than the wall curve, the thicker the raiks are needed. If the wall is flat enough, 15 mm racks are suitable. The distance between the belts should not exceed 60 cm, but not less than 40 cm. It should be noted that the places where the surface will be subject to physical exposure, strengthen additionally or put a profile closer. The top bar is fixed at the walls of the wall with the ceiling, and the lower one at a distance of 5 cm from the floor. Intermediate rails are installed in parallel. Dowels fix the rails using the perforator. Mounting are done at a distance of no more than 1 m. And remember, if you want to lay panels vertically, the rails fix horizontally and on the contrary - horizontal panels, vertical frame.

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Internal trim balcony panels

When the doom is ready, the plastic panels begged with plastic panels.

But before, take care of the installation of wiring if it is planned to bring electricity to the balcony. Then panels will hide all wires .

Next, cut them into equal parts using the jigsaw. On this, the difficult part is completed, further is the case of technology. The guide profile must be fixed in the corner of self-drawing. Watch to install it as soon as possible, since the following elements will be focused on it. Install panels. You can consolidate them with:

  1. Stapler.
  2. Self-timers.
  3. Adhesive composition.

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Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Balcony decoration by plastic panels

When the starting panel is ready, insert the next element in the groove. Again, fix it and everything is repeated again. Gradually, insert one panel to another. The corner profile will help complete the trim at the end of the wall. Make sure that no cracks remain. Such a method to sew a balcony easily and quickly. Due to the variety of colors and patterns, you can see the balcony as it wanted, in any style and the form, which will make it not only cozy, but also beautiful.

Plastic cabinets on the balcony

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Inner covering with plastic panels

Often on the balcony make cabinets. And they are different types. But the function of them is one - the storage of things and other utensils. To make such a wardrobe, the bars are needed, of which the frame of the cabinet itself and doors will be made, plastic panels, corners, shelf boards, accessories and fastening elements. When choosing a material of BRUSEV, you can take a pine. It is not worth the dear material, as everything will be hidden. Nevertheless, the quality should be good. The first thing twist the framework. The front and rear frame is mounted and connected by metal corners. The frame is attached to the rear wall. In her role there can be a stove of fiberboard. The walls of the cabinet must be fixed to the wall anchor bolts, if they are prompt. Do not forget to use the level. Then attach the front part. To make and enjoy the doors, you need a light frame that will be the door. With a stapler, plastic panels are attached to the frame. After that, fittings are installed. Having finished with the trim, the doors are hung on the loop. Such a ward will save space in the apartment.

Beautiful plastic balcony with their own hands

Touching the balcony with your own hands

Make everything with your own hands will not be hard, but even interesting. Your balcony will be an excellent supplement to the dwelling. Beautiful, stylish, multifunctional - he will attract the attention of any guest, and you will be pleased, because you have created it precisely! The main thing is that everyone who does not resort to the help of specialists can shelter the balcony.

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