Japanese curtains do it yourself: master class on tailoring


Japanese style in the interior of the room is characterized by simple lines, careless colors and at the same time grace. Make Japanese curtains with their own hands Even novice, barely familiar with the sewing machine. Such a detail of the window design, made independently, will emphasize the individuality of the hostess and its independence from standard design solutions. What is Japanese curtains, how to sew them?

Japanese curtains do it yourself: master class on tailoring

Characteristic and advantages

Japanese curtains resemble vertical blinds. They consist of a number of rectangular panels whose width can reach 1 meter. The material is stretched from above and below the rigidity is fixed with a frame. Each panel is located on its guide cornice, which allows you to move them separately by changing the design of the curtain. You can breed the panels in different directions, shift them all for one or shift in the form of a ladder.

Japanese curtains can be used not only on the window, but also for decorating the doorway, separation of the room to the functional zones. They are suitable for many interior styles. In the best way they look at wide windows. Thanks to its design without folds panels, dust are not collectable, so it is convenient to care for them and easily.

Japanese curtains have other advantages:

  • Natural fabrics are used for their sewing, which provides environmental purity;
  • With their manufacture there are no restrictions on the selection of shades of the material;
  • To control them, you can use both manual and electrical mechanism;
  • It is easy to create such curtains with your own hands using an affordable master class by sewing.

Japanese curtains do it yourself: master class on tailoring

How to choose a material?

Classic fabrics for sewing Japanese curtains - flax, silk, cotton. Original samples are obtained from the root, bamboo, jute, rice paper. Panels suitable for the budget variant can be made of colored plastic. In addition to the material, trap-weighting agents should be prepared for fixing the lower curtains.

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Modern styles allow you to use for the manufacture of Japanese curtains as hard, dense materials and weightless and transparent, most importantly - so that they are natural. Due to the simplicity of the replacement of the fabric panels, each season can be changed. For winter it is better to use tight material: it is not stretched and creates the atmosphere of comfort in the room. Curtains for the summer period can be sewed from the lightest fabrics.

How many material will required? When using a special cornice for Japanese curtains, the width of the panels should be exactly 60 cm. You can apply another method of mounting the web: in this case, it should be selected arbitrary size. To determine the length of the fabric, you need to measure the distance from the eaves to the floor and add 10 cm per battery. If it is necessary that the panels go online, the width of the window should be divided into 60: it turns out the number of cloth. You can increase the number of panels so that they overlap each other. Special master class will help correctly determine the size of the tissue.

Japanese curtains do it yourself: master class on tailoring

Tips for sewing Japanese curtains

Choose calm, natural shades of fabrics: green, brown, blue, as well as pastel colors: beige, sand, white, gentle pink. Such colors do not carry loads, and help add harmony, peace and purity in the interior. You can add an expressive atmosphere using bright tones: orange, red, lemon.

To raise the degree of illumination of the room, the curtain canvas should be made transparent. You can combine light panels with pale blue or pink. If in the room it is necessary to reduce light, it is better to sew curtains from a dark opaque material.

For sewing of Japanese curtains, you can choose a fabric with a pattern. It may be not too bulky images of birds, trees, sakura branches, oriental symbols and, of course, hieroglyphs. It looks good with a combination of white fabric and bright print. You can alternate the monophonic canvases and the pattern with a pattern. When choosing material with pictures, be careful: they should not go beyond the panel.

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Japanese curtains do it yourself: master class on tailoring

Step-by-step instruction

The master class will tell you how easy and quickly make Japanese curtains do it yourself. It is very important to accurately follow the instructions. In this case, the canvases will be the same and perfectly smooth.

This master class will be understood even by novice.

  1. Remove strips from the selected material of 60 cm wide, adding several centimeters to the allowance, side lining and shrinkage of the fabric. It is better to immediately open all the panels to save time to significantly.
  2. Purge the side seams. At the bottom of each panel, hide the scenes in which the racks will be inserted.
  3. At the top of each canvas, the Velcro Velcro. With its help, each panel of the Japanese curtains can be attached to a separate guide on the cornice.
  4. Before sewing the velcro carefully shifting it. The panels also move along the entire length. This is a very important point in the manufacture of Japanese curtains with straight lines of lateral seams. Throw the fabric taking into account its features.
  5. Attach Velcro-Velcro on the top of the web. Fasten it with pins and push. Having bent the velcro inside out, go again.
  6. At the end, insert the weighting bar in the slice of the bottom of each panel.
  7. Japanese curtains are ready! You can hang them on cornice and admire the new interior.

Using a master class, you can sew Japanese curtains at home yourself, but do it yourself the cornice for them will not work. It is an aluminum profile with several rows, in which the guides are inserted with the top of the panels. The movement of the canvas in the cornily can be carried out using a special cord or electrical mechanism. It can be directed from one edge to another or from the center in both directions. Depending on the characteristics of the desired interior, the cornice for Japanese curtains can be mounted on the ceiling or to the wall.

Japanese curtains are easy to operate and care. In addition, it is easy to make them with your own hands using an affordable master class. Purchase in the store will require only all the necessary materials and special eaves. The ease of replacement of panels will allow you to enjoy different models by changing them depending on the time of year or the situation.

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Japanese curtains are suitable for many modern interior styles. She sewing them with their own hands, you will give the interior originality. The main thing is that the panels are combined with the surrounding environment and created a single composition with it.

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