How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen


How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen

The warm floor is simply enough to make their own handshape floors increasingly appear in the dwelling of a modern person. Such communications can be used as an additional heating, or as the main heating. However, in the second case, its service will be more costly. Today we will teach you to make the floor with your own hands and tell you what preparatory work before it needs to be held.

Warm floor options

The construction industry does not stand still, and manufacturers produce more and more different types of devices, to improve housing conditions in the apartment. This applies to the systems of a warm floor. At the moment, three types of such devices are distinguished. All of them have their pros and cons, so use the same demand.

How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen

To date, there are several options for warm floors.

Warm floors:

  1. Water warm floor - This is the most economical option of additional heating. This design can be carried out under an absolutely any floor covering, because it does not have the properties to overheat. The most important minus of the aqueous warm floor is the complexity of its installation. To properly make such heating in your apartment, you will need permission from neighbors and utilities, so most often this system is used in private homes.
  2. Electric heating Under the floor can be installed in the kitchen and in the bathroom. However, you should not put such a wooden coating device. Such floors can be the main heated. They are a cable that can be located on a mesh-based basis. To establish such a design, it will need to be added to the screed.
  3. Infrared film warm floor The cheapest option in terms of buying materials and installation. However, its service will cost you quite expensive. There is simplicity of installation of such a device with the indisputable advantages of such a device, it will be possible to install it in power with anyone. It is also believed that infrared radiation does not affect humans so badly like electric leaves.

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Warm floors can bring not only benefit, but also harm. The safest option is water heating, but it is very difficult to build it. We advise you to install a warm floor exclusively as an additional heated and only in places where it really needs, for example, in the bathroom. The fact is that people who constantly go to the warm floor often whiten of feet diseases associated with vessels.

Preparatory stage: how to make a warm floor

Before installing any of the above options for warm floors, it is necessary to produce some preparatory work. First of all, it concerns the alignment of the base and close the cracks in it, because if this is not done, the system will not work as it should be.

How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen

Before equipping a warm floor, you need to spend all the preparatory work.

How to make preparatory work before laying a warm floor:

  1. First of all, the base is leveling. If only small tubercles and cracks are available on it, they are eliminated using a metal spatula and cement plaster, but if the differences are large, then you will have to pour a new layer of screed, a solution for which it is easy to dilute yourself.
  2. The perimeter of the room and in the places of the heating joints glued the damper tape. It is attached either with a sticky layer, or with the help of self-tapping screws. This layer is necessary to ensure that the heated floor is not cracking.
  3. Next lays the layer of thermal insulation. Better if it is on a foil basis. The insulation sheets are stacked by a foil layer up and secure special aluminum scotch. A strong waterproofing film is laid on top of the insulation. If you are placing a film warm floor, then the preparatory stage is completed, but for water heating, preparatory work will have to continue.
  4. On top of the waterproofing film. The plastic guides, the reinforcement grid is stacked with 10 cm cells.
  5. Polystyrene plates with bobbs are stacked by the last layer. Thanks to him, you do not have to install additional guides.

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As you can see, the preparatory stages are quite complex. They occupy the bulk of the time in the installation of a warm floor. Not all lower layers under the warm floor are arranged this way, we described you the most practical option.

How to make a warm floor from heating

If you decide to use a combined method of home heating, that is, to spend a warm floor from the central heating of the house, then the water system will fit you. For its manufacture, metalplastic pipes are laid by "snail" in increasing from 15 to 30 cm. Such a distribution of heating elements allows you to create the most economical and warm device.

Before laying a warm floor, it is necessary to draw a plan for the scheme, with its help you can place the system elements as accurately as possible.

We are describing the stacking process itself schematically as the nuances will depend on how your scheme looks like. In any case, following our recommendations, you can assemble the system yourself.

How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen

The process of laying a warm floor from heating should pass in stages

How to make a warm floor with your hands:

  1. According to a pre-prepared pipe diagram fit on the floor. It is advisable to work in a pair to avoid junctions through which the leak can happen. Pipes are fixed with plastic holders on the reinforcing grid.
  2. The end of the pipe is derived to the distribution point and is fixed at the place of the gear transition on the wall using a metal sleeve. Next, the system is connected directly to the distribution point and filled with water and air to check the presence of leaks.
  3. After the system is installed, it must be pledged. In this case, the cement layer should cover the warm floor to 5 cm.

After the smooth layer of the screed is distributed over the pipes, it must be left to completely dry. Usually this period takes from 3 to 4 weeks. After this period, you can start installing the finishing coating.

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Description: How to make a warm floor of the infrared film

The film warm floor is distinguished by the fact that it does not fit along the entire surface of the floor, but only in those places you wish to ensure heating. This feature makes such a system more economical.

To correctly calculate the required amount of film on such a system, it is necessary to determine the additional or main heating will be a warm floor. In the first case, you need 40-50% of the material from the room area, and in the second - 60-80%.

Next, the film is cut into the plates of the desired size, and is distributed over a foil insulation according to the scheme. To avoid shock when the system is running, you need to exhibit all cut areas. The film is attached to the floor using double-sided adhesive.

How to make a warm floor: do it yourself correctly, from heating in the apartment yourself, electrical options in the kitchen

Infrared warm floor must be placed according to the instructions

After the film floor is installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, it is necessary to connect it. In this case, all wires must be located on one part of the room, this type of connection is called parallel.

Warm floor is an excellent and modern system for additional or basic room heating. It enjoys ever-increasing popularity, because this is an excellent alternative to bulky and inesthetical radiators.

How to spend a warm floor from heating (video)

Installing such a system with your own hands is a rather complicated process that requires large concentration and care. However, if you do all the stages correctly, your award will be a warm and beautiful flooring.

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