Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages


Building materials in the modern market are not reading. You can choose natural and synthetic materials, pick up the optimal weight, focusing on the type of foundation and other properties. But for the construction of a private house or cottage, gas silicate blocks are increasingly using. Keramictrade offers a wide range of aerated concrete blocks in Yaroslavl. Nice prices will surprise you. Let's talk about the properties and features of gas-silicate blocks for construction, which should be considered before the selection.

Basic properties and advantages

Gasilicate blocks for properties are very similar to artificial stone. The main benefits include:

  • Small weight of blocks. The weight of the material is almost 5 times less than concrete-based blocks. Due to this, it is not necessary to enhance the foundation, you can use on non-stable soils. In addition, construction materials are simplified and transported;
  • Compressive strength. If you choose gas silicate blocks that have a D500 brand, then they have an indicator of a density of 500 kg / m3. This is a very high indicator for building materials;
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Houses from gas silicate blocks are distinguished by low thermal conductivity. If your region is not a harsh climate, then the house will be warm even if it is not additionally insulation;
  • Heat accumulating properties. They allow you to maintain heat indoors for a long time;
  • Gasilicate blocks are materials that are distinguished by porosity. It has a positive effect on the level of sound insulation indoors;
  • Ecology. The composition of the blocks is completely environmentally friendly, safe. During operation, harmful substances will not be released;
  • Material does not support combustion. This is another "plus" in favor of the safety of gas-silicate blocks;
  • Parry permeability allows the building to "breathe", due to which a pleasant microclimate is created inside each room.
Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages

But there are also cons who rarely say manufacturers. The following can be noted:

  • The mechanical strength of the material is still not very high. If you decide to score a nail into the wall, then, most likely, it will begin to crumble;
  • The frost resistance is not very high, so the blocks are not recommended in the harsh climate;
  • High level of moisture absorption, which negatively affects the strength and reliability of building materials;
  • Shrinking building. Therefore, chip and cracks can be formed.

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  • Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages
  • Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages
  • Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages
  • Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages
  • Gasosilicate blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages

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