Features of panicing a private house


The basis of creating a plan of the house is the principles and standards of design and fundamental designer moves. It is important to approach this solution, taking into account the opinion of each family member, which means everyone should have their own personal space so that anyone can work and do not interfere with anyone. Consequently - to the planning of the house and zoning you need to come seriously, you should pay close attention to the planning, otherwise you will have to get up with the difficulties that have arisen or spend time and money on redevelopment.

Characteristic features of the planning

When planning it is necessary to take into account such factors as the overall size and separation into zones, to trace so that each room occupies exactly the room that is suitable in size. This will make the future stay in a private house comfortable and ergonomic. One of the main laws that is worth considering when planning is division into two categories of zones: household and residential. And then each of them is divided into subzones, among them there may be:

  • a tambourine or entrance room that performs the role of the lobby and maintaining heat in winter;
  • hallway and living room;
  • hall;
  • dining room;
  • veranda, terrace;
  • Restrooms.

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

The above rooms are included in the category of so-called "day rooms", there is also an "evening", including bedrooms and a bathroom, and "economic", to which the kitchen room includes, warehouse, central heating system, garage.

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Important factors

There is a list of characteristics and properties that must be taken into account when planning a private house, they include:

  • Choosing a functionality for each individual room;
  • accounting for the desired number of doors and openings for each room, which will allow adequately and competently distribute the paths of movement and increase mobility;
  • Light and light zones. It is worth understanding how many windows and where they are located, pushing away from this factor, you can not only distribute light zones, but also save on electricity using natural sources of lighting.
  • design style;
  • Dominant materials.

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Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

Features of panicing a private house

The final stage will be thought out of additional furnishings of additional premises, like balcony, veranda, etc. It is not necessary to choose a bedroom room adjacent to a balcony or with a room with a main entrance, it will help to avoid "wind roses" and keep warm.

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