How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies


How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

What you need to know before the fight against bedclosures

The problem of the emergence of bed bugs recently worries not one hundred people. It is mistaken to believe that these insects appear only in unclean owners or in wooden houses with overlaps from the same material. Bed bugs may appear in the dwelling when buying new furniture or stay when moving from one housing to another. Since these parasites breed very quickly, with their extermination should not be slow. Spinning, they can "capture" the entire high-rise building within a few months.

The relevant problem becomes for residents of urban apartments. Increasingly, they wonder how to bring bed bugs from the apartment. The dimensions of bed bugs are comparable to the apple bone. Such dimensions allow them to penetrate from one apartment to another through the slots in the plinths, sockets, etc. First of all, when they are searching for their search, you should pay attention to the underwear in the cabinets, they love to dwell there. Next, you can see a duvet cover and sheets to bed for the presence of stains of blood, which appears from their bite.

Council. Bed bugs can be seen at night with a sudden inclusion of light. But you need to remember that these actions should be carried out quickly, insects are quite quickly moving.

Also, bugs can hide behind the paintings, in the slots of the plinth, window and door frames.

IMPORTANT! It is not necessary to hide the presence of these insects from neighbors. Burning only in one apartment will not bring the desired effect, and after some time they will appear again. In addition, the danger is the larvae and the eggs of the bedcloth, get rid of them much more difficult. This will require more time.

The appeal to a specialized organization also sometimes cannot solve the problem, "specialists" to exterminate these insects can apply inefficient ways. How to get rid of bed bugs independently you will learn by reading the article.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

How to bring bed bugs at home

It is necessary to start the destruction of dangerous insects as soon as possible. Allocate the following methods:

  • Chemical methods (aerosols, crayons, gels)
  • Physical (exposure to high or low temperatures, the use of a vacuum cleaner)
  • Folk remedies (vinegar, kerosene, turpentine, herbs)
  • Calling a specialized service

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Not all of these ways may be equally effective in combating bedclothes. How to get rid of them at home we read further.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

How to bring bed bugs from the apartment with the help of special means

Consider chemical methods how to bring bed bugs at home. If parasites are present in neighbors, treatment should be carried out simultaneously so that in the future bugs could not re-enter the apartment along the ventilation system and through the slots.

To destroy insects, you can use aerosols, gels. But the best chemicals recognized microcapsulated. They have a much greater concentration of insecticides compared to powder and gel agents. Such tools are characterized by increased efficiency, they long retain activity, which makes it possible to remove not only bugs, but also their larvae. Examples of microcapsulous drugs can serve as GET, executioner, carbofos.

Before starting the procedure, premises should be prepared:

  • Remove carpets, palaces, bed linen, toys
  • Furniture to shift in one place
  • Dishes pack or take out of the house
  • Take from home plants and pets

How to bring bed bugs from the sofa on their own? To improve the quality of the procedure, it is recommended to initially clean the bed and a sofa using a vacuum cleaner. Such actions will lead to an increase in efficiency from the procedure. And then proceed to the destruction of insects with the help of chemicals.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

When carrying out disinfection, it is necessary:

  • take care of your own security Wear personal protective equipment and special clothing
  • Prepare a solution according to the instructions for the drug
  • Treat the resulting solution of the accumulation of bed ticks. It is worth remembering that there should be a greater amount of solution into place with a soft upholstery (bed, sofa). The amount of the drug depends on the size of the rooms and the exposure places.

After the disinsection procedure, it is worthwheeling the countertops, chairs with a solution of soda. Repeated cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in order to get rid of the remains of the bugs. It is also worth measuring the premises. If long-acting drugs were used, then flushing all surfaces is not worth it.

When making disinsection with powder, gel preparations or sprays, re-processing should be carried out in a week-second. This procedure will allow to get rid of the offspring, which appeared after the eggs with adults.

IMPORTANT! With a chemical processing of premises, there are pets, children, pregnant women and people who are prone to allergies, determine in another place.

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Things that cannot be processed with drugs should also be processed. Here are some ways to help save carpets, palaces and children's toys from infection with clouds at home:

  • handle toys, linen and carpets steam cleaners
  • Wash underwear at a temperature of at least 600 s
  • withstand under reduced temperature at below -200 C

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

How to bring bed bugs by folk remedies

The removal of bed bugs at home with the help of folk remedies is certainly the most economical way, but at the same time ineffective.

In the struggle in these insects from people's methods, the following are used:

  • Vinegar
  • Using herbal
  • Turpentine
  • Kerosene
  • Ammonia

How to get rid of bed bugs with vinegar? The use of vinegar or acetic acid is the cheapest way. But it is possible to apply it only as scaring, since it will not be able to kill these parasites. The present danger of vinegar will be able to cause clouds only in large quantities, which is extremely difficult to achieve.

Vinegar can be applied as prevention. They can handle gaps, plinths, window sills. But it is worth remembering that it will quickly disperse and processing will have to be carried out often.

Vinegar or essence can be used with some chemicals. In conjunction with them, he will scare away from your apartment with constant processing for a long time. Here are these mixes:

  • Vinegar with ammonia alcohol and naphthalene in equal parts. The mixture is able to kill the insect, if used as a spray directly on the cloud.
  • Vinegar with wormwood. From the wormwood you should make a decoction and mix with vinegar.

Denatet can also be used as a people's way. The surface processing does not make sense, but denaturates can be used directly on the bedbugs. From this alcohol death comes immediately.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

A mixture of kerosene with naphthalene and cresol has proven not bad. It is mixed in proportions 20: 10: 1. The resulting mixture with the brush is processed by places of insect accumulation.

Summer alcohol can independently be used as a prophylactic agent. Alcohol can be pouring into a small container and put close to the place of clusters of bedlops.

Boiling water is able to kill bedbugs, but the procedure is impossible to carry out on the couch or bed. In addition, he will not be able to prevent the re-appearance of insects.

Medicinal plants are also used to combat insects. But they are only effective as prevention or scare. There are plants such as wormwood and pyrhem. They are characterized by an unpleasant odor for bugs and are capable of keeping the invasion of insects for a while. But, it is worth noting that it is not for a deadly effect on the bugs of the plant forever.

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The maintenance can be laid under the mattress or next to the bed, it will scare ticks, but far, the more outside the apartment or at home they will not run away.

IMPORTANT! All folk remedies, including herbs, are very toxic. Therefore, it should be used as cautiously as chemicals. They can be disadvantaged for pets and for people. It should use good means of protection, because even the rubber gloves of the mixture are capable of burning.

Although folk remedies are not so effective as chemical, it is not necessary to give up completely from them. They will be able to serve if not the main way of struggle, then the addition to the already used.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

How to bring bed bugs: challenge a special brigade

Independent methods of struggle are not always able to get rid of these parasites. In this case, the Special Brigade of Specialists can serve as the only way.

The challenge of specialists is considered the most effective way to fight bedclothes.

It has its advantages:

  • There is no need to independently search for the drug to destroy bugs, employees of specialists will select it depending on the severity of the case and number of insects
  • A fairly fast way. Literally within a few hours, the placement of residence is carried out.
  • You can accommodate in the housing immediately on the day of disinsection, without fear of poisoning.
  • Specialists are suitable for solving the problem comprehensively. In addition to chemicals, they can use the impact of heat that instantly kills parasite larvae.


  • High cost of work. The processing of one-room apartment will cost 2000 rubles. For additional rooms will have to pay more.
  • Such organizations are not in every city. It is enough to find a company in cities with a small population.
  • The quality of the services provided by some "specialists" leaves much to be desired. If the company does not guarantee the complete destruction of bedbugs, then it may have to be engaged in this process independently.

When choosing a specialized organization, it is necessary to approach this issue seriously and neatly.

How to bring bed bugs at home by folk remedies

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