Burlap flowers: master class on creating a beautiful decor element


Create flowers from burlap can each. This is a pleasant and useful hobby, because the variations of the flowers themselves are a lot. Of them make bouquets, festive wreaths, decorations. Adds attractiveness and the fact that it is simple to make such a thing simply, it is enough to master the basics of technology.

What will take to craft

Such needlework from burlap is inexpensive pleasure. Among the main auxiliary items, such:
  • burlap itself;
  • threads (the same color as textiles);
  • pin (for fixing moving elements);
  • wire (creates a frame);
  • glue (volume creation);
  • Decorative details (beads, rhinestones, ribbons).

Flowers from burlap do it with their own hands on the basis of photos found on the Internet. From the finished design, push it easier. Therefore, it is initially necessary to familiarize themselves with the design options, and then take for the direct creation of your own masterpiece.

Universal technique

The easiest way to apply the method of sticking burlap on the finished frame of robberies from the wire. The algorithm of actions is:

1. First you need to wash the burlap glue. Next, the cloth must dry. Thus, textiles becomes solid and will easily take the right form.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
Burlap to miss glue

2. Prepare frameworks from wire - in the form of future petals. They must be of different shapes. So the flower looks natural.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
We make wire petals

3. Metal petals are superimposed on the cursed segments of the fabric and are once again treated with the adhesive substance. For a better fastening, covers the blanks with a film and on top put a heavy item. In this form, the exercise remains for one day - to sleep.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
Printe the petals for burlap

4. Shears cut the petals along the contour and cut off extra threads. All edges must be smooth. After the petals are connected to one flower and twisted with wire. Flower elements can benty and give them the desired volume.

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As decoration, lace, beads and rhinestones are chosen. You can give color with nail polish - both monophonic and sparkles.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
Ready result

Create a vintage rose

The master class on creating an elegant flower involves using:

  • burlap;
  • lace ribbons;
  • Beads are better than one-time color;
  • Soft felt.

Auxiliary tools are pins, needles and scissors.

To begin with, the burlap in the form of a rectangle is cut. This piece of fabric is folded in half and turn into the tube. In order for the fabric to be returned to the previous position, it is fixed by a pin.

We form petals by flexing the fabric in the opposite direction. Thus, a bud is based on textile chances. Continue to turn the flower should be the formation of the desired size.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
Make a rose from burlap

The next step is to fix the booton pin and the creation of lining. She is made of another piece of material. At the same time, he must be more flower. Collecting the fabric with small stitches, the circle should turn out. It is allowed to relax a little tightening of external edges. A more dense lining is felt. The circle cut out of it and make cuts around the edges.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
We make the basis for a flower

After the preparation of all elements, their connection is proceeded:

1. A lace tape is attached to the base.

2. The center is placed bud.

3. The entire design is fixed to the fetal lining.

4. It is worth making small stitches in the center of the bud - so they can be easily hidden by finishing.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution
We connect all the details

Beads, brooks and rhinestones appear as decoration. They are placed arbitrarily over the entire surface of the flower. Fasten both with the help of glue and using threads. By creating several flowers, you can try to combine them on the panel-panel. Different textures and rudeness of flowers from burlap look unusually and stylish. You can decorate your dressing table with a vase, lace with lace and burlap colors.

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On video: Creating a flower from burlap.

Colors Creation Tips

This type of hobby is constantly being improved. Qualitatively decorated things are sold at Exhibitions Hand Maid and just please the eye of the guests at home.

To decorated with flowers from burlap element looked beautiful and served for a long time, it is worth knowing several useful tips:

  • The last step in the manufacture of such an element of the decor should be the coating of aerosol paint. It will secure the shape and color of the decoration.
  • So that the thing is neat, you should do all the cuts of the fabric under the tilt. Thus, textiles will be a little effort, which gives a charm flower.
  • Convenience of bonding depends on tools. If the novice masters costs the usual glue, then to create advanced products it is worth buying a glue gun or a high-quality stapler. This will speed up the work and securely secures all the elements.
  • For decor, choose elements in stylistics things. Burlap is a rough fabric. Therefore, this quality can be supported by wooden beads, buttons, compositions using flax fabrics. But there is an option to give grace and relaxed beauty - with the imitation of pearl buttons, gentle lace and wildflowers. This is the most profitable technique for creating a retro interior.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Where to place such flowers

From burlap create different types of colors - from field to greenhouse. Their appearance completely depends on the designer. In accordance with this, and choose the placement of this type of decor:

  • Kitchen. Sunflowers are suitable here, the cores of which are decorated with coffee beans. The shade of burlap itself gives the leaves of the diligence. Therefore, it is worth creating a background for a picture of monophonic materials. The colors should be somewhat - then the composition looks bright. Flowers in the kitchen are decorated and cans for cereals, sugar, salt. Curtains from similar materials will help withstand stylistics.

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Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

  • Living room. Panno, paintings and books are embroidered with flowers complement the interior. There is no boundaries for creativity, since the flowers can be painted and enter them into the desired color gamut.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

  • Sleeping. Vase, stacked by flowers from burlap decorates a table near the bed. On a bare and empty wall it is recommended to spend the garland from similar colors - a different shape and color. If the wall is busy with photographs, it is worth making a live frame of flowers.

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

This item is very original. Therefore, it is better to attach it with a scotch and look at the overall picture. In case the thing is not suitable, it will simply be removed.

Needlework in the form of flowers from an unusual material burlap - a popular pastime. Create unique decor elements is simple and unpainting. Things can be done with your own hands and attract children to this session.

It is important not to forget that burlap is a rough material that is difficult to beat. Therefore, you can experiment and try new types of fabrics and beads that will help adapt to the burlap to the room stylist.

Various color creating ideas (1 video)

Flowers and various compositions (35 photos)

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

Burlap flower with their own hands - Stylish interior decoration solution

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