What and how to paint a veneered door


As often, the owners of an apartment or office space are faced with the fact that it is necessary to change the inlet or interior door. There can be a lot of reasons - from the change of style and design of the entire room, to banal wear. What to do if almost a new door you don't want to change at all.

How to paint the door?

The output is a traditional painting capable of "breathe" a new life. It would be faster and more reliable to entrust such work by professionals, but it is possible to cope with the work independently. If you paint the web taking into account the material and the corresponding compositions, the result promises to be more than excellent.

How to paint yourself a veneered door?

It must be immediately noted that it is not dependent on the material used, any doors face according to the existing rules:

  • First, the design before painting is always removed from the loops.
  • Secondly, accessories should be removed from the canvas.
  • Thirdly, all sorts of additional elements (for example, decorative or glass inserts) are closed (stuck) with a special protecting film.
  • Fourth, the old coating is always removed in various ways.

What and how to paint a veneered door

You can see this process in more detail by looking at the video ...

By itself, such material, like a veneer (photo), is quite "capricious" and demanding (in particular, in comparison with laminate). In practice, veneered doors are preliminary per week before work is done in order for the material to get used to temperature conditions and humidity.

What to do if small damage or scratches arose when handling?

Such "errors" easily eliminate themselves with the help of transparent compositions (varnishes) for painting furniture. Wax polyrolol for furniture is suitable.

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If damage is not very large, the paint layer is possible to paint only the damage to the area. When defects are noticeable from the distances more than 50-100 cm, the designs need complete staining - this will prevent the formation of gloss, which is not evenly distributed.

What and how to paint a veneered door

Choose the composition in order to paint correctly

The choice of paint is a serious and necessary composition must be purchased before performing work in the right amount.

It is recommended to use:

  • polyurethane paints,
  • water compositions - they are more practical,
  • glyphthale
  • compositions for staining at high humidity level,
  • Other varieties suitable in order to paint veneer.

What and how to paint a veneered door

Attention! It is not recommended to use nitrocracies. The reason is that such compositions are very poorly reacting to an excess of humidity, which leads to the formation of matte spots on the surface treated. In addition, nitrocracy is toxic and can cause poisoning.

How to paint on your own

Work is carried out in several stages. The initial stage is to prepare the surface to staining. The preparatory stage is to purify the surface from all sorts of pollution, as well as the removal of old varnish. There are situations when the color of a very new door is not at all suitable and does not fit into the common range in the interior. If the web is new and does not have visible damage, it is possible not to remove the base layer, but simply cover the right color.

What and how to paint a veneered door

Removing the old varnish or paint occurs with the use of special means for flushing or fine-grained skins.

Attention! Some make a big mistake using a grinding turbine - it is unacceptable. Such processing leads to the formation of a dentity due to revolutions at high speed.

Deep chips or visible scratches are loaded or aligned with wood powder, after dried, the processed areas are protected by a skin.

A little more difficult, if it is harder to smoothly the surface during production is provided by polishing. In such a situation, preparation is made using zonal treatment with a construction hairdryer.

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What and how to paint a veneered door

After the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed to the direct color. Painting is the final stage and spend it very easy if the canvas is well prepared.

Recommendations and tricks:

  • It should be borne in mind that paints with good shelterness can hide a unique pattern on the surface, so it is recommended to use the least concentrated options.
  • The use of colored varnishes will help better save the naturalness of the beauty of the structure, and in order to make the color more saturated, the use of the veil is recommended.

What and how to paint a veneered door

  • Processing the surface is recommended in a horizontal position, such a painting will allow you to make the surface smooth and smoother.
  • It is allowed and even recommended to use different shades of the parties to the web, which is especially effective when interior design in various colors.
  • Despite the huge range of paints for staining, sometimes it is required to make a special tone or any other way to decorate the veneered door. In such cases, verses will come to the rescue. A pulverizer will be the best and more professional option for applying the veil, but it is not a simple brush or a sponge.

What and how to paint a veneered door

Veneered door artificial and her painting

To date, there is a huge selection of models from a veneer. However, it is not always possible to distinguish (especially not professionals) artificial products from natural. The difference of artificial veneer is that in artificial versions, special film coatings created by 3D effect technologies are used. Artificial options are practically not different from the products from a natural tree, as a natural figure is fully created.

But, despite the external appeal, the models made of artificial veneer will paint it much more difficult. The problem lies in paint stacking from the door surface. Therefore, when staining, it should be remembered that the procedure will take a little longer. It is also necessary to approach and more responsibly to choosing paint for such products. Therefore, this procedure is recommended not to spend yourself, if you do not have without proper experience. Appeal to professionals will save you from gross mistakes and will allow you to get the most suitable result.

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