The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute


The dream of every person to buy inexpensive beautiful paper wallpapers, then shove them so that they hung 5 years old and more like new. Unfortunately, cheap paper options have one noticeable drawback, they are easily dirty and remove contamination is not always possible.

The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

Erased decorative surface at the switch

The craftsmen found the original way out for those who want to make paper finishing materials serve for a long time, and mud or fat on them could be wiped. After salaling on the wall, when the glue is finally driving, acrylic varnish are applied to the canvases. Thus, you will increase the life of your wallpaper and after 5-7 years of service they will do decently.

Pros and cons

What is the advantage of such treatment with acrylic varnish:

  1. The treated surface can be wiped with a soap sponge, not afraid to spoil.
  2. If you properly cover the paper wallpaper with varnish, then the color and drawing depicted on them will become noticeably brighter.
  3. If you want to hang on the wall poster with a scotch, and then you will remove the paint with particles of paper will not remain on the scotch. From touches with dirty or bold fingers to the wall, there will be no spots, and if they remain, see paragraph 1.

The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

Laminated painting wallpaper

What you can lose

  1. Thin paper canvases generously impregnated with varnish can be translucent. Through them, you can see the wall, which will definitely not add decorativeness to finishing material. To prevent this, paper wallpapers are pre-treated with PVA glue, and then apply varnish from above. With this approach, he will not be able to absorb the paper base. Such processing technology is considered correct.
  2. If you are badly prepare the walls, and then beat the canvas so that there are bubbles in some places, then after applying varnish it is worth waiting for surprises. When the acrylic varnish will dry, it will become somewhat compressed and if the glue was poorly or you not enough, glued well on the junctions, they wrapped. In those places where there were bubbles on the wallpaper, and you did not remove them, under the influence of a frying varnish paper burst, and on the wall it turns out ugly holes. They can be corrected by placing a piece of the same wallpaper and swaying with varnish.
  3. Cover the walls can be glossy varnish. When applied to paper, he will emphasize all surface irregularities. If you do not want it to happen, then buy a semi-union, or a matte version of the wallpaper canvas.
  4. Wallpapers covered with varnish are not so easy to remove from the walls, if you compare work with removal of cloths without such a coating. Simple paper is enough just to moisten with water and remove. With lacquered you will have more about it, you will have to actively paint the spatula. All problems are solved using a good tool.
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As you already guessed, the wallpaper should be prepared well. As a primer, it is possible to use an aqueous solution consisting of PVA and water glue and water connected in proportions 1:10.

What varnish to choose

Some experts who were looking for a special lacquer for processing paper wallpapers say that there was one good version of Vak-A-104. The annotations to it says that it is intended specifically to cover the wallpaper. If you use other options, you may encounter some of the problems described above.

The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

Interior lacquer for wallpaper processing

Some masters say that they tried to cover the photographic walls with a lacquer. Since it is intended for the other, there are special additives of the contraindicated paper in the composition. As a result, the solution deeply penetrated into the paper, dried and spots were formed on the photo wallpaper. Poor and the fact that such a varnish is sprayed on the canvas unevenly.

Of course, you too can try to carry out such manipulations with the wallpaper blade, but you have already found the craftsmen whose experience says that the hairpiece should not be used in a similar way.

Is it possible to apply lacquer on paper wallpaper with phlizelin base

If we are talking about canvases with a flieslinic basis and paper riding, designed for staining, you can safely apply the selected paint on them, and with top with acrylic varnish. It is permissible to apply the same special varnish of VAK-A-104, it will perfectly fall on the paint material.

The masters warned against the purchase of thin paper wallpapers on the phliselin-based basis under the coloring of the white color and the use of this material without paint applied from above. If you decide to simply apply a varnish on them, then it will make the canvas translucent and you with households clearly see a gray concrete wall located under them. In this case, you will have to paint them on top right along the lacquer, which will make it very difficult or removing and sticking new, which will certainly lead to additional costs. It makes sense to learn the question before work, and then already begin to realize the wallpaper.

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The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

Casting walls of the room with white wallpaper under painting

How should I do if you want to be white lacquered walls in the hall? Purchase white wallpapers, glue them on the walls, and apply the same paint on top. In this case, the paper will become strong and washed, and will serve you 10 years or more. Repair is always costs, it is more advantageous to hold quality work once and forget about this issue for decades, this is where economical people do.

Other varnishes

After applying the lacquer and the full drying, the wallpaper acquires the property of washes, which will certainly like many hostesses. It is convenient to care for such a coating, and the walls in the room will seem as fresh even five years later. The advantage is that the surface of cloths from hand-drawn with time will not be erected, for example, at the switches or on the corners of the walls. In addition, lacquer-covered canvases look brighter, the drawing is clearer.

In order not to make a mistake ask people who made repairs, what varnish did they use, for the improvement of their paper wallpapers? Some advise to use the "Alpina", others call "azure from Ticcurils", the third is very pleased with the familiar Vak-A-104. What to choose, in principle, you can purchase the first one that will be found on sale. For reliability, ask the seller in the store, which composition is suitable for you, in your current realities.

The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

Glossy lacquer Alpina

Remember about the features of working with varnish, because if it is applied to bright wallpaper, they will become translucent, the wall will be visible through them. Even dark paper variants will be slightly shuning. How to be in this case? Strong the entire surface of the PVE glue glue. To do this, it is diluted with cold water in the proportion of 1 liter of PVA glue by 10 liters of water.

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It means that when you wake the room with paper wallpaper, let's pass the day and only then apply the glue solution to all the walls. As a sample you can experience this method on a piece. If everything goes fine, stuff the whole room.

Processing PVA glue

Consider a Read more Technology for applying PVA glue, like primers on all walls of paper wallpapers. If you started overhaul and varnish you need to cover the walls in all rooms, it comes out quite expensive. More economical option, preparation of emulsion from glue, in particular construction PVA.

Make a solution as follows: 10 liters of PVA glue take a 10 liter of clean cold water. Then the composition is well stirred. The resulting emulsion should be covered with paper coverage on the walls. For convenience, take a large silent and starting from above. Move down, evenly apply an emulsion.

The better to cover the paper wallpaper so that they do not pollute

For applying on the walls, a large amount of glue will be required.

Some hosts after such a coating are further applied acrylic varnish. It is not necessary to do this immediately during overhaul, you can paint later, after time.

If you are afraid to spoil something, try the mixture on a small area, then wait for the composition to dry and evaluate the result. If you received the result satisfied, then you treat all the walls. Now they are protected from pollution and you can not fear that they accidentally touch the walls with oily fingers. It will be enough to wipe the place with a soapy sponge to remove the contamination.

Here are such simple ways to be easily maintained in good condition for a long time decorative covering of paper wallpaper. If you do not like difficulties, buy durable and wear-resistant vinyl counterparts.

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