Device of drain equipment toilet: main types of plum, work mechanism


To date, most citizens live in apartments or comfortable houses. Almost every owner has such equipment as a toilet. It is a device for washing the human activity products into the sewage system. The toilet itself consists of several parts. The main ones are the bowl and drain mechanism (drain tank). The bowl is pretty simple. The drain tank is also a simple design, but it is not least important to know the principle of its work and the plan for possible repair work when it is out of order.

Almost in all homes and apartments have a toilet. However, a breakdown of a particular part may occur, in order to be able to repair, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the toilet device.

Most users do not think about how the drain system works. But at the first signs of malfunction (murmure in it, leakage) this question becomes very relevant. A drainage tank breakdown can create not only the problems associated with operation, but also considerable financial costs. When the drain tank breakdowns, you can not always find the replacement you need. Often, a tank breakdown during installation. Most often it arises because installation work is carried out on their own, and not with the help of specialists - plumbers. The principle of operation of the toilet concludes with the help of a simple flush of water products with a hydraulic appraul. Consider in more detail, from which it consists and how the drain mechanism of the toilet is works, the possible causes of breakage.

Direct wash system

Scheme of a straight wash system.

The plum mechanism is the most important component of the toilet. Several types of toilet bowls allocate depending on the type of flushing. The mechanism can be direct. In this case, the direction of water from the drain tank does not change its direction. In the second case, it changes its direction. Depending on these 2 drain circuits, several blocks of toilet bowls are distinguished. When the first, the flow is in the front wall of the toilet, with the second - in the rear. With direct drainage, water without any obstacles rushes down. The disadvantage of this is that the drain process is accompanied by noise and splashes as a result of a large water pressure. Splashes can spread over long distances, which is not very practical and not hygienic.

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Such a drain system was used almost everywhere a couple of dozen years ago. At the same time, the drain tank was highlighted high above the toilet, and the drain rate was about 4-5 m per second. At present, therefore, the installation of a drain tank is carried out as low as possible to avoid similar incidents. This made it possible to save water resources, organize re-discharge, but did not affect the large extent to splashing.

Reverse wash system

The diagram of the reverse wash system.

The system of a drain tank toilet can work in a slightly different version. In this case, the semi-open channels allow the water stream very smoothly, while optimally distribute it on the surface, minimizing turbulence. As a result of such a drain of the toilet bowl, water comes slowly and more efficiently cleaning the bowl. In this case, even smaller volumes of water can give a good cleaning effect than when applying a direct drain method.

A large role on the quality of washing affects the device brand. Any toiletz, its surface must be made according to a specific pattern, while the deviations from it are allowed not more than 0.2-0.3 mm. Otherwise, this can cause high turbulence of water flow, noise and toilet arches. In addition, the tank itself is of great importance for the turntability of the toilet. It should always be designed for a certain amount of water for a drain, under whatever conditions it is operated. For any drain tank, it is advisable to equip it with a special button. Plum setting is very important.

Now more modern toilets are produced, having 2 buttons for draining at once.

Pressing the 1st volume of water drain is about 6 liters, pressing 2nd - 9. This allows you to adjust the volume of drain and save water.

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Building a drain mechanism for toilet bowl and varieties of tanks

Diagram of the device of the drain mechanism.

Collect the toilet possible, knowing its main components. The drain tank system is of great interest. The drain tank is the main element, with which the drain system occurs. The armature located in it is divided into the system of set and water and its drain. Depending on which the drain system is organized, the tanks in the toilet mechanism can be with the upper and side descent. The first of them is now rarely where you can see, as it involves the location of the tank from the toilet to not less than m. Most devices have the upper drain system.

It assumes the presence of a special button that can be located or on the tank itself or on the panel if the toilet is built-in. In the mechanism for the toilet, the water set system can be automatic. That is, the tank is filled immediately after the drain. Such a mechanism is very convenient. But such a mechanism has one large drawback: it does not allow water. That is why in recent years alerts have a locking mechanism. It allows you to regulate the release. In addition, such a mechanism can be implemented on the old model of the toilet. Sold locking devices are quite wide. The structure of the drain mechanism is quite simple. The drain hole of the tank is closed with a siphon. He looks like a cantuz, only without a handle. The siphon is directly associated with a device for draining water with special levers.

Device of a cumulative toilet mechanism

The main elements of the design of the washed tank: 1 - Float Valve, 2 - Pear combined with overflow, 3 - traction, 4 - float, 5 - water level.

It is difficult to collect the toilet with your own hands, since, in addition to the drain, it also has a cumulative mechanism. This drain tank system is needed for direct accumulation of water when it is used. It includes such a device as a float and shut-off valve. With full water consumption, the tank becomes empty, while the float falls on the bottom and turns on the lever system. It is they who open the valve, thanks to which the water from the central water supply system enters the container. As it fillings, the float rises upwards, and the levers contribute to the closing of the valve.

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The drain tank can be several options: equipped with a foot button, with 2 buttons and with a two-mode operation mechanism. Often the structure of the drain system includes another 1 element - plug. It is necessary if there is a side cause of the tank to the toilet. It is located oppositely the bay valve. The drain unit can be installed in different ways: on the shelf toilet bowl, in a suspended position or built into the wall. The principle of work will not change. The tincture goes in one scheme.

Causes of drainage damage

Device of drain equipment toilet: main types of plum, work mechanism

If the drain tank is mounted in the wall, be sure to remove the lid from time to time and check its performance.

Even the correct setup of the plum system cannot provide its durability. If the drain tank is mounted in the wall, first it is necessary to remove the button and visually inspect the container. Most often faults occur in the tank filling system. At the same time, the water simply does not come. The reason for this can be both breakdown of the mechanism itself and damage to the pipeline. Tank repair includes the first to remove the lid and check the operation of all its parts. The next step is to turn off the water and disconnecting the flexible hose of the water pipeline.

After that, unscrew the valve slightly, holding a hose above the tank. If everything is in order, then the reason in the pipes and must necessarily call the plumbing. If there is a blockage in the hose you need to clean it, it can be done with a simple screwdriver. If the water does not fill the tank, but it goes into it, this is a sure sign that it is necessary to adjust the work of the mechanism itself. If the shutter does not work with a full tank, then you will need to replace the float if it does not pop up. If it works fine, then it's in a shut-off valve.

Very often occurs the presence of noise when filling the tank. To repay it, it is necessary to take a rubber tube long 15 cm, one end to connect to the float, and the second is lowered into the water.

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