All about the drain blade toilet


Buying a dressing kit, we estimate its external form and aesthetics, forgetting that it is particularly particularly interested in what inside is the mechanism of the drain tank. We remember about him only after installation and when noise or leakage of water appears.

All about the drain blade toilet

Installation circuit and connecting the drain tank.

It is necessary to know that the device of the drain tank toilet only seems simple, in reality it is a rather delicate thing.

It requires careful circulation and increased attention, otherwise the problems are inevitable. Remember that correctly adjusted reinforcement of the drain tank toilet will save the neighbors from the bottom from flooding, and you are from unforeseen financial costs.

Choosing a drain tank

When installing the drain tank, a shut-off valve must be installed for overlapping water, as it is necessary to inspect the locking device annually. The valve is the most important and complex part of the toilet kit. Its task is to provide a complete and fast flushing of the contents of the toilet, and then automatically be filled with water to a certain volume. This device is often sold with the toilet compartment.

Sobbitness of work is one of the main signs of the quality of the drain container. Pay attention to this - a strong noise when filling the drain tank with water indicates the wrong installation or the presence of a production marriage in the product. To insure from this, it is better to purchase toilet bowls in highly specialized stores where you can get a guarantee.

Choosing a drain container, look at the tank type and what is its location relative to the toilet. There are samples both with a separate location and jointly. Separate location is usually a suspended tank, which is attached to a specially designed frame. Capacity according to your desire can be positioned at any height. In the joint models, it is mounted to the toilet (from above) and there is an appropriate or solid one.

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What are water drain systems

Diagram of the drain tank.

Drain containers are of various types and designs. There are models with a two-button system. When you press one button, from 6 to 8 liters of water, the other is dropped from 2 to 4 liters. This, of course, is a very convenient mechanism that contributes to economical water spending, which is especially valuable in water interruptions.

The standard volume of water in the drain container of the toilet is 6 liters, it is recorded even in some GOST. This is enough for effective waste flushing. But it happens the volume of the tank and 8 or 10 liters. Some toilets are equipped with economy drain systems, which allows us to spend only a part of this volume, the so-called half drain. It happens that the full plum is not always needed - for example, for flushing a small amount of human life waste, enough and half of the tank. This feature is useful for whom water saving is important (counters are installed).

There are tanks with automatic drain. This drain system eliminates you from the descent of water manually. It works with a sensor that responds to the presence of a person: the presence of a person is recorded, and when it leaves, the sensor gives a team to drain waste. Such a drain system is particularly convenient and useful in shared toilets - in offices, institutions, industrial premises, it is as hygienic as possible, as they exclude direct contact with the toilet. But it can be installed in the home toilet.

Types of drain tanks toilet

All about the drain blade toilet

Device diagram and principle of operation of the freelance tank.

Drain containers are made from various materials and are cast iron, plastic and faience. Cast iron drain tanks of high location are almost not installed; The plastic tanks of the middle arrangement are easy and convenient, but are not a reliable support for the drain container fittings and are not quite suitable for porcelain and faience toilets.

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The most common now is the porcelain drain tanks with a low location, those that are installed simply on the toilet.

In shape and size, drain tanks are very diverse. If the form of the parallelepiped with the front-facing face is dominated before, now manufacturers make a wide variety of shapes, pulling them up or stretching along the wall to occupy a minimum of the place and could squeeze into an angle or in the technical cabinet.

Drain tanks from plastics are increased, medium and minimized volume. The main advantages are: strength (do not burst and do not fight), ease, convenience when installing and simplicity of reinforcement. Water can be merged both all right away and small portions - just pressing the protruding part of the float.

Faians drain tanks are harder than plastic and more fragile; They are installed on top of the toilet and they have a more complex inner device consisting of several moving metal parts. The tanks of modern models give the opportunity to lower the water in different ways: the entire volume is immediately (from 6 to 8 l) or its part (from 3 to 6 liters), or descend the water with parts while the run key is pressed.

The design of the drain container of the toilet is made of filling devices, drain and overflow. The volume of the tank is replenished with water through a metal or plastic tip of the supply pipe, which overlaps the float valve when the tank is filled to a certain volume.

Drain of water is carried out using a plum valve, which is driven, it is worth pressing or delay the valve head. The transfusion of excess water occurs through the overflow tube. Many malfunctions arising in the operation of a drain toilet tank are associated with the operation of 2 valves - the drain valve and the filling valve.

The quality of the mechanism of the drain tank toilet is largely affected by the quality of water, but if the device is secure, then the problems can be eliminated quickly. A professional is enough just to raise the capacitance cover and watch it filling out and drastic the water, determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it. If the mechanism is not important, you will have to tinker.

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Buying a dressing kit, it should be borne in mind that import drain tanks usually have a rather complex internal device that works reliably only with good water pressure. Since plumbing works are not demonstrated in stores and is not checked, purchasing imported toilet with a tank need to know in advance the water pressure supplied to your housing and ask how such plumbers has other consumers.

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