Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features


The walls of my friend's house were erected, and Vadic called me to become once again his teacher. Facade putty was purchased from different varieties. My assistant to build his house wanted to know what it is different and how to apply it correctly.

The trim of the facade we started from the dispute, how to write the word "putty" correctly, with the letter to or T. I argued that the test word "spatula". My scientist friend found its meaning in German - a blade. For many decades ago, coming to Russia, an unknown word was repeated, as he was perceived by rumor in someone else's sound - putty. Even the spelling dictionary took both words.

Reasoning us a sales assistant in a construction store. He had both options on the labels. He with a calm view said that the action to equalize surfaces is putty. And the mixture itself, especially German manufacturers of Knauff, PUFAS, Rudel and others - putty. And in general it is plaster for outdoor work. Putty is made as finishing facade.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Spaklyka is plaster for outdoor work.

Why put the facade of the building and work order

Materials from which walls are posted, mostly hygroscopic. Brick and aerated concrete, the tree absorb moisture. The solution also wet. At the same time, they lose the property of low thermal conductivity and at home become raw and cold. In winter, water freezes, and crystalline destroy the wall from the inside.

To protect the walls from rain and sunlight, a facade putty is used. The outer layer of the finish has a low thermal conductivity and performs insulation. At the same time, it is a decorative building decoration.

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The facade finish is made in several stages:

  1. Installation of thermal insulation if additional insulation is made.
  2. Cleaning the surface from dust and coating with primer.
  3. Conducting work on rough equalization of the surface of the starting putty, mainly cement.
  4. The final decoration of the walls is used, the waterproof finish mixture is used, in the northern regions - frost-resistant.
  5. Decorative finish and painting.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Facade putty - this is also a decorative decoration of the building

It is necessary to know: in large cities, historical areas, on the territory of architectural monuments, a coloristic passport must be issued before finishing the facade. Colors and decor must match the document specified in the document.

A facade putty is produced in several stages. First, large defects are leveling. Then the finish putty is applied. In the list of work on finishing the facade of the house may be painting. The consumption of materials is calculated on 1m2 and depends on the size of the irregularities, the characteristics of the mixture itself, its components.

Preparation of walls for external work for all types of fascular putty is to clean the surface. All plots are removed, where the solution is kept well and can turn. The protrusions are knocked down. It is necessary to remove all dirt and mix dust. To increase adhesion, it is advisable to predict. The exception is a cement putty, which walls can just moisten a wall.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Putty facade

Required qualities of putty for the facade

Putchal must:

  • Have high adhesion and keep on any material from which the walls are made;
  • be plastic;
  • Easily align the spatula;
  • stick without cracking;
  • turn into a solid mass;
  • easily soap
  • Well covered with paint.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Puttailing facades

Facade putty have additional features:

  • waterproof;
  • frost-resistant;
  • protection against UV rays;
  • Pushes dust.

The main qualities that the facade putty possesses are aimed at protecting the walls of the house from moisture and temperature drop. The building maintains a microclimate, due to the low thermal conductivity of the protective layer. The walls breathe and remain dry, because the dew is not formed inside the wall. Protection against UV Rays retains a long time of paint. Walls do not require constant purification from dirt because it does not stick.

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Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Cement-based putty

Specifications include:

  • time of ripening and complete drying;
  • The thickness of the applied layer at a time;
  • material consumption per 1m2;
  • simple and combined;
  • for use inside and outside;
  • Dry mixes and ready-to-use compositions.

Cement-based putty

At the initial stage of the walls of the walls outside, the wrapper of the facade is made on a cement-based composition with sand. Lime, gypsum, synthetic fibers and other materials can be added as plasticizers. To give a decorative species, putty stains. The choice of colors is limited. More often use surfaces of walls and finishing with synthetic materials.

Basic manufacturers of cement putty firm Knauff and prospector. They produce a large selection of finishing materials of one-component and mixed. Consumption per 1m2 depends on the thickness of the layer and irregularity of the surface. It is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging in the optimal characteristics for the work of this finishing material. Packing dry mixture is usually done in paper bags of 20 kg.

Lack of cement putty in its hygroscopicity. Without a protective layer of synthetic, acrylic, silicone mixture, a prospector, a wall, poufas and Knauf, it quickly destroys rains and frosts.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Granularity of cement plaster

Acrylic putty for outdoor work

For the protection of the facade, acrylic plaster is produced:

  • for alignment of walls;
  • finish color and under painting;
  • Decorative.

It is applied with a layer of up to 8 mm and the consumption of 1m2 compared to cement is significantly less. The main component - acrylic, easier cement and sand about 2 times. Available in ready-to-use form. One package is enough for finishing 15 - 17 m2.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Acrylic spacure

Products from Knauff

The German company Knauf is known as a construction materials supplier for all types of finishing work. It produces multicomponent putty. The most demanded acrylic universal. Adding to the composition of the gypsum and mineral fibers makes it plastic, waterproof. Walls breathe under it. Consumption per 1m2 small. Due to this, it is more profitable for cheaper cement mixtures.

Acrylic decorative mixture of KNAUF is used for the finish finish of the facades and indoors. The large palette of colors allows you to create original finishes with unique variants of the combination of tones and depressed patterns.

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Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Spacure Knauf.

Putty from prospectors

The Russian company of prospectors produces their products in German technologies. The composition includes domestic components and import additives. Consumption is 1m2 higher than foreign analogues. If you recalculate the cost of finishing the entire facade, the domestic products of the prosperity is more profitable than similar KNAUF. The cost of materials is significantly lower, since the cost of transporting and the purchase of components is minimal.

Acrylic putty for external work of the company The company is produced with the addition of abrasive and granite small rubble. She has a lot of consumption due to heavy fillers. Such a mixture is used for the trim of the base and the protruding foundation. It has high strength, moisture and frost resistance.

Overview of the facade putties of different manufacturers and their features

Put pappy prospectors

If there are a large amount of products from different firms, the market competes mostly two manufacturers: Knauf and prospectors. Building materials of both companies have high quality. Everyone does the choice itself. My friend made calculations on the basis of value, consumption and economic benefits. I tried to work with different putty. I could not decide on the choice. Each putty has its advantages and disadvantages.

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