Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands


The decoration of window slopes indoors is one of the types of mandatory finishing works, which are designed to create a reliable isolation of the window system from environmental impact. In order for it for a long time and efficiently exploited, one of the modern materials can be finished.

What will be needed for finishing

Improvement of the apartment does not stop only on the installation of the new window. When installing, the opening of the window is partially destroyed. To eliminate all the chips appeared in the walls, extend the service life of the window system, you will need to finish the slopes in your own home. Optionally, you can do it with your own hands.

Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

Now it is fashionable to live or hold a vacation in the summer in an eco-friendly wooden house. In such a home, it is realistic to install both plastic and wooden windows. Wooden lining, natural wood or practical plastic are used in a wooden house for the inner and outer decoration.

For plastic windows installed in a wooden house, experts advise to choose plastic panels. To independently spend the decoration by plastic panels in your favorite wooden house, you will need material, corners, sealant, reliable screwdriver, special construction stapler with brackets.

In the wooden house, erected from the logs, the window finish with the molding is relevant. It is environmentally friendly, durable, durable, frost resistant. For this kind of finishes in a wooden house, you will prepare a screwdriver, the desired amount of material, sealant, self-tapping screws and corners.

A starter set of tools and materials for finishing any of the materials that will be discussed further includes a raner knife, fleece and profiles (for a frame method), a screwdriver, a perforator (for a frameless method), Glue for drywall, putty, GLK, Level, self-tapping screw, spatula, glue tank, sickle, perforated corner, acrylic, construction pistol.


Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

Everyone who wants to finish with their own hands is pre-advised to inspire. When choosing plaster slopes as the finishing layer, you can use the paint. Sheets of plasterboard to metal base should be attached by self-reversal, reinforcing the angles to rip. For any kinds of slopes, you only need to adhere to the expanded angle, outside not to leave the raw seam from the foam.

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Next, we will focus in detail in the ways are carried out by finishing window openings.


Pre-open the windows are released from the old plaster, the mounting foam is covered with primer, metal profiles are installed. For plastering, a dry mixture based on gypsum or cement is diluted with liquid and the spray method is placed on the base, then it goes soil and covers. The plaster is sandwiched and amenable to grinding, staining.

When carrying out such a finish, you can not keep the window open. Otherwise, the solution will fall into the gap of fittings and then it will interfere with it to work normally.

The advantage of the method is considered low cost, the disadvantages include a large amount of dirt.


Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

The decoration of slopes of drywall is good and does not require much time method. Sheets are attached to special glue in case of walls and slopes are not curves. But professionals advise to pre-establish a frame consisting of metal profiles, carved according to slopes dimensions.

Take care of good heat and sound insulation. There can be no emptiness in the space between the wall and the trim. They should be filled with a special mounting foam, and under the sheets with their own hands are placed mineral wool or foam. Next, spend putty, grinding and painting of the resulting design. Where plasterboard is placed in the window profiles, advise to glue the tape-grid. Next follow 2 layers of putty, grout, painting acrylic or oil paint.

Take into account that moisture-resistant plasterboard boasts a high level of hardness, excellent thermal insulation and high thermal resistance.


Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

Plastic slopes are recognized as a universal option. Plastic can serve from 15 years or more. Unlike plastering, the slopes from this material are permissible to do the day when the window is set. PVC panels create heat insulation, have good moisture resistance, stiffness, strength, do not sweat, do not lose the primary color, just wash. In such panels, no extra voltage occurs if changes in temperature regime are observed. Window openings have a presentable view. For insulation in such structures, minvat is used.

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Popular steel plastic wall panels and sandwich panels. The second type of panels is 2 sheet of plastic with a layer of extruded or foamed polystyrene. Manufacturers offer such panels with a thickness of 8 to 36 mm. For the facing of the window, it is better to take those thickness of which is 1 cm. You can do with such a material, the finishing of the slopes of window systems width 5 - 150 cm. The disadvantage is that when exposed to moisture, the bundle of such material is not excluded.

Before mounting panels, foam give 1 day to dry. Installation is carried out simultaneously with window sills. The ends of the materials are fixed with dowels to the basis of slopes, set fasteners and decorative plastic corners. The seams are treated with PVC-based glue or neutral sealant. It does not have a sticky consistency, so it does not boost and does not cover mud.

Decorative stone

Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

The decoration of slopes, which is performed by the beloved many decorative stone, referred to as artificial brick, perfectly imitates natural material. Facing with artificial stone is much easier and cheaper than natural marble, granite either onyx. Gypsum or cement are the main components of any decorative stone, as well as fillers (ceramzite, pumice, perlite) and dyes. The stone is often similar to the brick. There are options for designing slopes with a brushing or sawn decorative stone.

An instances of 1.5 - 2 cm thick are chosen for finishing a stone indoor. Such an artificial brick needs to be laid with their own hands strictly horizontal stripes and secure to the surface with liquid nails. If the main component of the decorative stone is the gypsum, to cut it with a really hacksaw, and if cement is only an electrical circular saw. At the end of the slope of slopes, the stones are required to strengthen the seams. After waiting for the day, they are treated with a special solution and smooth using a rubber spatula. It is permissible to lay artificial brick on the technology of jack without seams.

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The finishing of the slopes of the tiled, ceramic or imitating natural stone tile is equally popular.

Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

Advantages of finishing by any tiled:

  • Excellent appearance,
  • Wide selection of colors and textures
  • Easy to maintain, resistance to damage,
  • Strength and long service life,
  • Additional holding window frame.

The minuses should include high cost when finishing with tiles and the complexity of its installation for beginners.

The finishing of the textured tile is easy to produce with minimal theoretical knowledge with their own hands, since it is not necessary to do the surface to do smooth. Step-by-step technology performance looks like this:

  • On the surface, lay out the mark;
  • Slip slopes;
  • Apply glue (permissible to take liquid nails or sealant);
  • Attach the tile on the glue horizontally;
  • Use the angular elements to not stick the tile on the outer corners.

Options for finishing windows of windows with their own hands

And the last way of registration of slopes, which we will talk about - finishing windows outside by siding, which will allow the dwelling of the presenter view.

Siding for slopes is available metallic, vinyl and wood (block house). When finishing siding, you will need to buy finish and coil strips, n-shaped and J-shaped profile, corners, fasteners, chamchairs. To mount slopes from siding, prepare a hammer, a metal corner, hacksaws, a roulette, level, screwdriver, pencil.

Siding installation is complicated - measurements need to be made as accurately as possible, and the material cut at a certain angle. The simplest view of the creation of slopes from siding is obtained if the frame is on the same level with the wall. Sucks siding is difficult to do if the window design is in-depth to the surface. It should not save on the quality of siding and components - then it will be possible not to make waterproofing.

Video "High-quality decoration of slopes"

This video is a step-by-step instruction for finishing the slopes in the moisture-resistant gyprosh leafs after installing plastic windows.

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