Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class


Let's analyze some of the schemes of bulk toys from beads and begin, perhaps, with a hamster. This product is manufactured in the technique of parallel weaving. This is a very simple weaving method, ledden to novice craftsmen. Such toys are better to do from a large bead size, as it is easy to work and toys are pretty.

To create a hamster you will need:

  • Redhead beads;
  • White beads;
  • Pink bead;
  • 2 black;
  • Wire.

Armed with this scheme, you will quickly make this wonderful toy:

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

But look at the video creation of grinding, marine stars:

Crumb rabbit and lovely swan

Another wonderful animal is a rabbit. For its manufacture you need:

  • Large gray beads;
  • Big white beads;
  • Large dark gray beads;
  • Two large black bispers;
  • Wire.

Work start from my head. It also woves parallel weaving. The larger the beads will be, the larger the toy will turn out. If you have no wire available, you can use a fishing line, only toys from it are badly holding a form, so the fishing line will have to pull stronger. And in general, it is not very convenient to work with it. But you decide.

Here is a rabbit scheme:

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

Swan is a very beautiful bird, you can also make it using the scheme below. For him will be needed:

  • Frosted white opaque bispers;
  • Black of the same quality of bead;
  • Orange, the same quality of bead;
  • Gray exactly the same;
  • Wires about 6 m for a large swan;
  • And one and a half meters for swan.

Many toys are wearing a parallel weaving method, these swans are no exception.

The big swan is made according to the following scheme:

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

Figures start collecting from head. Then in the future it is full of additional wires for wings and paws. Wings leafing with flat weaving.

Article on the topic: Fairy costume do it yourself

Little swans such a production order:

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

Good New Year spirit

Now we will analyze the schemes of weaving the New Year's toys, and the first in the queue will be angel. They are the most cute toys for decorating the Christmas tree and in general.

For weaving angels you will need: different colors and size of beads and beads, glass, wire 0.3-0.4 mm, line 0.4 mm, Lurex, ribbons, round-rolls. Following the scheme, you can easily handle the weaving of these cute creatures.

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

They rush in the technique of parallel weaving. Initially, you need to make the basis for angel. Put on the wire a big round bead - it will be head. On the diagram the desired feeders and beads according to the scheme. In the event that an oval bead, then, to make the ends of the wire through it by the method of parallel weaving, that is, towards each other, the wings will turn out. And the ends will be handles, strip on the beads scheme. Then bend the end of the wire with the round rows so that they do not crumble.

If the head is a round bead, then wings and hands are done at one time and then twist them with each other with a separate wire. Here is a skeleton ready!

Further, according to the scheme that you chose, weave clothes for an angel. The size of its clothes directly depends on the size of the head. Having finished weave, closer to the ring work and put on to the toy.

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

At the ready-made toy, attach the ribbon, lace or Lurex and you can hang on the Christmas tree.

Next you can decorate the Christmas balls beads.

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

They will turn out bulk and beautiful. Here is the master class on the manufacture of balls, proceed.

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

According to the scheme, start weave the ring, corresponding to the size of the ball. From this ring, let go links on the diameter of the ball, link = 7 beads, this is the first row. For the second row also weave the links, but already 11 beerin in each. Then execute a row in the center, links in it = 15 bispers. If this time you do not have a ball center, then you will have another row, until you finish up to the middle of the ball. After that, we put this product on the ball, and continue to weave already together with the ball, but in reverse sequence. This is: 11 Beerin, then - 7 Beerin, at the end tighten the ball into the ring. The ball is ready.

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What other beautiful Christmas toys can weave?

Sparkling snowflake

For its manufacture, it will take a light beads and wire or a fishing line, a candle and scissors to pay for the fishing line.

We present the scheme of this snowflake:

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

This product woves in a "circular weaving" technique and consists of chains. Each series consists of a separate chain. It is necessary to collect a chain of 17-20 units in the cross and connect to the ring. It should be freely located on the table. Tie the nodule and cut the ends, the ends will fall out a bit. Make the next chain, and the side beads are now two. Communicate chain in the ring, tie the nodule and place as the first time.

Surround beaded toys with schemes: Beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas decorations with master class

The reduction scheme of the beery is visible in the figure, on it you see that the connecting bisper has become three and side 5. Further increase the side beads on one side. Complete snowflake with a toothed chain.

Video on the topic

Check video to create snowflakes:

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