I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo


Noma imuphi ingaphakathi nesikhathi angazihlupha, nesikhathi kanye nesifiso nokushoda kwezindlela zekhadinali zokuthuthukisa nokuvuselela.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Akufanele uphelelwe yithemba, kunezindlela eziningi zokuvuselela umklamo wakho ngokwakha izinto zoqobo ezingeke zivuselele kuphela ingaphakathi elinesithukuthezi kuphela, kepha futhi zinikeze amanothi asha, ukudala umoya oyingqayizivele wenduduzo.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Izinto nezinto zasendlini ezenziwe ngokwakho uqobo, ukuphinda zikujabulele iso futhi ziphindaphindeke zibe yinto yengxoxo embuthanweni wezivakashi zabo.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Ngasikhathi sinye, ukudalwa kwezinto ezinjalo akudingi imali ebalulekile futhi ube nolwazi olukhethekile. Kwanele ukunquma ngomqondo, futhi ubheke ezinhlangothini zifuna izinto ezifanele.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Kulesi sihloko, unikezwa ukunakwa kwakho okuqukethwe ngumqondo wokudala izingalo zakho zedivayisi yokukhanyisa kuzobhekwa, noma kunalokho ukusho iplafone kusuka ezintweni ezijwayelekile njengemicu ejwayelekile.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Funda mayelana nama-chandeliers acebile we-chandelier adalwe ngosizo lwemicu ne-glue, vele ubheke izithombe ezethulwe. Ubukhulu bobukhulu bombala lumangaza ngempela umcabango, kanti le mfanelo yokuhlobisa ingahle ilunge ngokuphelele kunoma yisiphi ingaphakathi segumbi, linamathisele imvelaphi yemibono.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Ngakho-ke, ake siqale ...

Amathuluzi nezinto zokwakha

Amaphutha okuthola umbono wakhe, ukudala i-chandelier yemicu, uzodinga:

  • Ibhaluni;
  • I-motor yentambo ephakathi, mhlawumbe ihlakazeke kukhokhoyili;
  • Jar nge-vaseline noma yiluphi ukhilimu lwamafutha;
  • Ishubhu nge-glue yepulazi;
  • I-Electric Cartrige;
  • Intambo yamandla ngemfoloko ngaphansi kwesokhethi;
  • Noma yiziphi izitsha zokuxuba isisindo esinamathela.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Ngemuva kwawo wonke amalungiselelo, kungenzeka ukuthi uqhubeke ngokuqondile ekwakheni ilangabi le-chandelier yesikhathi esizayo yemicu.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Imiyalo yokwenza

Sithatha imbiza ephuma ngokuxuba isisindo esinamathela, futhi sihudula kuwo ngamanzi ngokwengxenye, enye ingxenye yamanzi kufanele ibe nezingxenye ezintathu zeglue.

Qaphela! Ifenisha kusuka ekhadibhodi - ukukhetha kwabantu banamuhla. Izithombe ezingama-88 zemibono yokwakhiwa

Isihloko ngesihloko: Grey and brown tulle engxenyeni yangaphakathi: Imfihlo Design

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-inflation ibhola lomoya kuze kube usayizi ofiselekayo womkhiqizo wethu wesikhathi esizayo nothayi.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Endaweni lapho i-cartridge izotholakala bese iqala khona intambo yamandla, ebholeni, ibeka isibambo noma umaki ngombuthano, ngosayizi wabacishe babe ngu-70 mm.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Lubricate yonke indawo yebhola nge-vaseline noma ukhilimu wezingane, ukuze imicu ayinamathela ebholeni nayo yonke imizamo ayizange inyamalale.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Sithatha ezandleni zenxeba lentambo kwikhoyili, futhi sigeza isisindo esinamathela.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Sithatha ngesandla esisodwa ibhola lethu, kwenye intambo bese siqhubeka nokususa intambo ebholeni, ngaphandle kokuthwebula indawo emakiwe ye-cartridge. Ngasikhathi sinye, kuyinto efiselekayo ukuqapha umfaniswano we-winding, ngokulinganayo kuzokwenziwa umoya, uGrace uzobukeka njengomkhiqizo.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Wenze i-Winding, Uncheash ibhola futhi alishaye kancane. Lokhu kwenziwa ngenhloso yokuhlanganiswa okungcono kwezintambo phakathi kwazo.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Ingaphakathi leBurgundy - yini isici sakhe? Izibonelo zezithombe ezingama-80 zenhlanganisela nokuklama!
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    I-Flower Racks: Izithombe eziphezulu eziyi-100 zemikhiqizo emisha
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Izithombe zendwangu - Ungazakhela kanjani izandla zakho? Imiyalo ngemibono esithombeni!

Manje njengoba ukugcwaliswa kuqediwe futhi ibhola licindezelwa, kuyadingeka ukukhohlisa izingqimba eziningana ze-glue.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-glue kumele inikezwe isikhathi sokoma, ngemuva kwalokho okudingekayo ukushiya umsebenzi wethu wokusebenza cishe amahora angama-8, futhi kangcono ebusuku kuze ukomiswa okuphelele.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Sihlele ebholeni bese siyisusa ngomgodi wesobunxele kusuka emklamweni wethu oqediwe.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Ukuze udlulisele ubukhazikhazi enziwe ophahleni, i-sphere isembozwe nge-varnish futhi ishiye omisiwe.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Kulokhu, ukwenziwa kwama-chandeliers kusuka kumicu kungabhekwa njengokuphelele, kuhlala kuwuqoqa kuphela bese ulenga egumbini.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Amaphakethe angaphakathi okuhlobisa ahlelwe ngezandla (izithombe eziyi-100)
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Izimbali emabhodleleni - Dala i-flurarium ngezandla zakho (izithombe eziyi-100)
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Ukuhlobisa okuvela kwizikhathi zezinsumansumane - Imibono eyi-100 ewusizo enezithombe namathiphu!

Isihloko ngesihloko: Ukwenza kanjani ukubekwa egalaji ngezandla zakho

Umthunzi wenze ngokwakho

Kusetshenziswa ubuchwepheshe obunjalo, ungakha i-lpshade encane ekhangayo yokwehla noma isibani.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Njengebhola kuphela okufanele lisetshenziswe ithempulethi elenziwe kusuka kumakhadibhodi noma elinye elifanelekile ngesimo nosayizi wento, lapho kuthi khona intambo izolimala kamuva.

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

Amasheya we-stock foto avela emicu

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Ungawuvuselela kanjani itafula ngezandla zakho - I-Areat and Master Class yabaqalayo (izithombe ezingama-80)
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    Decoupage - umhlobiso woqobo. Isinyathelo-by-step umyalo +70 Photo + Video.
  • I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo
    I-Chandelier yenza ngokwakho - imibono yoqobo yokwangempela. Imiyalo +100 Izithombe!

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo

I-Thread Chandelier: Ukufundiswa okulula nge-Master Class and Photo


Funda kabanzi