Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)


It makes no sense to argue about the benefits of new Eurocon with double-glazed windows in relation to some old window systems.

Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)

In the glazing of the balcony "Cold" way without planning further internal insulation, the installation of a single-chamber glass package is allowed.

Installation of double-glazed windows can provide reliable sealing and heat protection.

In this regard, a sufficiently large number of people wants to put them in their home or apartment independently, to save some of the money.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the design of such windows is quite complicated, the installation of double-glazed windows does not require any specific equipment. It will be enough to familiarize themselves with the requirements of GOST 30971-02 and GOST 23166-99 on the issue of installation of windows and take into account some specific nuances that may arise. Below will be considered the process of double-glazed installation with your own hands.

Elements that need:

Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instructions)

You will need the following tools (left to right): level, scrap, roulette, screwdriver and drill, mounting foam.

  • design;
  • water level;
  • plumb with a good axial center;
  • Anchors;
  • strokes;
  • rubber hammer;
  • drill;
  • Hydroral insulating adhesive tape;
  • moisture-resistant membrane band;
  • reference fittings;
  • windowsill;
  • Furnitura.

Installation steps

Stages that every owner of the apartment can take on:

Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)

If you have a desire to get rid of yourself from excessive noise, it is worth putting the outer glass thicker (thickness is not 4 mm, but all 6 mm).

  • measurement measurements;
  • dismantling old designs;
  • preparation of openings;
  • Installing double-glazed windows.

After measurements are completed, it will be possible to contact any firm suitable for the qualities and conditions that makes windows and order in it designs according to all requirements.

The main problem with which you can often encounter this lack of warranty that the windows manufacturer could provide. Only subject to the fulfillment of all stages of work by employees of the company and if any problems arose, it would be possible to count on the alteration or refund.

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Eurowindows do not have any rigid standardization regarding the size of the window block. They are performed by individual orders with different configuration and sizes. Consequently, as a result of the error, measurements may not fit into the opening or be much smaller. This may affect the scope of work, and on the final result.

Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)

In terms of level, it is important to install not only the window, but also the windowsill.

After detailing with the installation process and having studied all the nuances, it will be possible to highlight the installation of double-glazed windows. It is also worth considering that the installers from manufacturers often neglect some stages of installation for saving their own time or cash. Even controlling their actions, it is not always possible to insert your remark.

Below will be addressed stages of installation of windows that can be performed with your own hands.

Execution of measurements

Details will be considered to measure the windows in the window opening without an exterior quarter (which acts into the inner part of the windows opening a number of bricks from the outside of the wall), after which the characteristics of non-standard situations will be listed.

Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)

After you have shought all the gaps, do not immediately cut foam, you need to wait 3 days to dry well.

In order to measure the rectangular window, you will need to measure the width of the opening. This is the distance between the most extreme dots of the inner slopes along the inside of the wall. The height of the window opening is measured as the distance between the windowsill and the upper slope. The resulting height will need to add the windowsill thickness.

Next, you will need to calculate the preview window size:

width = width of the opening - 2 * the magnitude of the assembly clearance;

Height = Height of the opening - 2 * The magnitude of the assembly gap is the height of the undergraduate profile.

Measurements must be carried out at least in three places for each size, in the middle and extreme points. This is due to the fact that it is rarely found perfectly even opening. As a basis, you need to take a smaller out of the results.

A plunder with a good axial center will be needed in order to check the curvature of the window opening vertically. Water level (a thick transparent tube, which is filled with water) is needed to check the distortions in the horizontal plane.

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In case there are deviations, it will be better to display it on paper in the form of a sketch. The drawing of the frame must be the right rectangle, which is inscribed in the image of the sketch of the opening windows on actual measurements. In accordance with this, it is necessary to fix the frame.


Installing double-glazed windows with your own hands (instruction)

No need to remove the protective tape until the end of installation and finishing works, since it is possible to damage the surface.

After all the necessary dimensions are removed, it will be possible to go to the manufacturer. Together with the specialist, you will need to adjust the size, configuration. Determine the presence of flaps, deaf parts and choose accessories.

A fairly important point when choosing is the fastening system. There are the following types:

  • fastening through the frame in the mounting plane;
  • Consolidation by using the support fittings, which is mounted on the frame in advance.

The first option is more common, however, while the installation of the glass package will be made, it will take to completely remove the windows with deaf outflows.

The second option is more suitable for self-installation, because the risk of damaging the glass and tightness during disassembling assembly decreases. However, during the installation of the entire window block, the weight of the structure will be much larger, respectively, insert the glass with your own hands will be almost impossible.

Installation of glass packs

After the order, it will be necessary to clarify the timing of their supply and manufacture. Start repair work until blocks are delivered, it makes no sense. To the preparation phase, you will need to start exclusively when the windows are already in place.

First of all, you need to clear the place in front of the window, retain all furniture. The radiators of heating and the floor are covered with a dense cloth or a construction film. Next, you need to prepare designs for installation.

Preparation of profile

Installation of double-glazed windows begins with the preparation. If it is necessary, you will need to remove the double-glazed windows and swinging flaps from the frame. In order to disassemble, it is necessary to make a pin with a chin, with which the glass is mounted, then with a slight blow on the chisel it will slip out of the groove.

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First of all, you will need to remove vertical strokes. Next, in the same way you need to shoot the upper and lower. The strokes must be marked.

The frame needs to be tilted so that the glass accumulates out of the grooves.

From canopies of swinging flaps it is necessary to remove the decorative plugs and unscrew the clamping bolts. Further, if there is a fluffy system, you will need to release the top of the sash with turning the handle into the central state when the shutter is open and remove the hook from the lower canopy.

The process of installing double-glazed windows and their fixing

You must first lay the substrate to the bottom end of the window opening. It can be special plastic substrates or wooden bars. It is necessary to install them under the edges of the frame or just in the middle.

On the substrate you will need to install the frame or the entire window. It will depend on the fastening design, which was selected. Supports not need to be removed, the glass will stand on them. This is due to the fact that the anchors will not be able to withstand weights for a completely entire design.

The design is fixed on the sides using pegs. They need to be driven between the wall and windows closer to the upper edge so that the frame will not get into the middle.

After installing the anchors, you can proceed to the assembly. Double-glazed windows need to be inserted into the frame and secure the strokes.

After the design is collected, it will take to check the normal course of the swing sash and finally check the installation levels.

Only after all checks of the sash will need to close tightly and proceed to the sealing of the design gap.

To do this, use polyurethane foam. In addition, you will need to stick to the glass with one edge a hydropara insulating adhesive tape, which is intended for plastic windows. It is necessary to glue it around the perimeter, except for the upper part.

From the outside around the perimeter, you will need to stick the moisture-resistant membrane band.

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