Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme


Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

The newest heating system today is considered a system of warm floors. This type of heating has obvious advantages over obsolete radiator heating, but not all people can quickly take innovations.

Therefore, a combined heating system is used very often in apartments and private houses: radiators and a warm floor, which allows each owner to experience a new type of heating, without making significant changes in the room.

Organization of combined heating

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

The main reason for the generating hosts to resort to the combined heating system in some rooms or in the apartment as a whole is the lack of heat in a certain room for a comfortable atmosphere.

The stationary battery is not always able to provide the owner the necessary feelings of coziness, so people turn to the combination of radiator heating and warm floors.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Central heating does not always effectively warm the dwelling

It often happens that in apartment buildings, the heating system is poorly functioning or heat is quickly weathering (the walls are poorly insulated).

The owners have to independently solve problems, carrying out additional heating in the premises due to heating devices: oil heaters, fan heaters and convectors (sometimes people include gas furnaces to heat the room to the desired temperature).

Air drying in the apartment by portable heaters very often leads to various diseases of family members and uncomfortable habitats, despite normal temperature indicators.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

The device of warm floors will require additional costs of electricity or boiler heating

Today, more and more people, leaving the old methods of additional heating, stop their choice on additional heating organized with the help of warm floors.

This type of heating is definitely requires initially high costs to install a new heating system than oil radiators or fan heaters, but the efficiency of work, the ability to create a cozy atmosphere, minimal energy consumption - make warm flooring with a clear leader among devices, with which you can create additional heating in Apartment.

It should be remembered that the warm floors, in contrast to other heating devices, do not interfere with the passage in the room and do not create obstacles and inconvenience.

Since this type of heating is located under the finish flooring and does not occupy the place, its relevance grows significantly in small rooms: bathroom, toilet, balcony.

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Selection of a warm floor option for a combination

Deciding with an additional heating device, you should know that the heating warm floor exists several options that have differences.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Types of warm sex

The main types of the heating system under consideration for a combination with radiators are water and electric heap floors.

Watery warm floors

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Water floors in an apartment building will require the permission of official structures

Water warm floors can be both an optional and main view of heating in the house. Water warm floor is not a simple device for heating the room.

The coolant of this design is hot water, which can be supplied from the heating system of the house and water supply (hot water), as well as heated with gas boilers or electric heaters.

If the coolant is selected from the heating system of the entire high-rise building, then the installation of the heating floor will need to be legalized, to take from the relevant help bodies that allow connecting to central heating, which will cause certain difficulties.

If you exercise a fence of hot water for a warm floor of the water supply, then problems can arise with the riser neighbors, since they may occur periodically (at the time of the coolant fence in the system).

The most optimal option is the heating of cold water with the help of a gas boiler of an individual heating or a column and the coolant supply to the system of the device.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

One collector is enough for the entire system in the apartment

The flow of the coolant occurs through the collector - the main distribution and brain center of the heating system of water warm floors, which distributes water along the contours of the heating device. The collector is installed one for the entire apartment or the house, its dimensions depend on the number of connected contours.

The contours are special heating pipes that are stacked under the finish coating. Depending on the size of the room, a different number of pipes can be used.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Water warm floor, as an additional type of heating, used infrequently, since this is a cost heating system that has its own specific requirements.

The installation of such a design is recommended to begin when conducting construction work or repair of the room, as it will be necessary to remove the flooring and make a niche in the wall (for installing the collector).

It should be known that pipes for water warm floors can fit in two methods: spiral and zigzag. Spiral - apply for large rooms when creating a water underfloor, as the main heating in the house.

Zigzag - Great for small rooms. When installing pipes Zigzag, excellent additional heating is exactly the floor covering.

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Electric warm floors

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

The most popular type of heating device, with which you can create a combined heating of radiators in combination with warm floors.

The cost of electricity on the heating of premises using a warm floor can be seen from the table.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Infrared warm floor

Warm electric floors do not require connecting to the water supply system and install additional devices in the form of collectors, but they have certain differences. So, electrical heating flooring can be divided into the following types:

  • infrared;
  • cable;
  • matte.

Warm cable floors have a fairly wide scope of application. They can be both the main and an additional source of heating. The heating element in this heating system is a cable that is placed on a concrete tie zigzag, and then poured a layer of solution and is covered with the finish flooring. A thermostat that automatically responds to a change in temperature responds to the operation of the cable to work. About how half it is better to choose, look in this video:

The warm electric floor in the form of a mat can be considered a type of cable flooring, but the difference is that the mat has certain dimensions and can both be increasing and decreased. The cable on the mat was originally laid with a certain width of the wave, which cannot be changed. The principle of operation of the matte heat is not different from the cable, but the combination of this type of heating with radiators connected to the central heating looks even more attractive.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme


The warm infrared floor is a thin film into which carbon plates (heating elements) are mounted, interconnected by thin conductor.

This species is the most modern version of the warm floor. It consumes the minimum amount of electricity and radiates heat under the means of infrared rays.

It should be known that the infrared film can be laid without the organization of a screed directly under the finish coating. It can be cut through contours and lay pieces in certain places, carrying out a common connection.

Thus, only the necessary items will be heated, which matters when combined heating systems are applied.

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Installation of a warm floor

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Think in advance the finish coating that will fall on the warm floor

By choosing a warm floor as an additional heating system, you should begin to install it. If you install the auxiliary heating system in a new house, then the "pie" of the warm floor is mounted onto the overlap, but if the room is repaired, then the finish coating. At the same time, some layer of screed will need to be removed.

Before laying heating elements (pipes, cable or mats), it is necessary to pave a thin layer (2 cm) of polystyrene foam, material that does not give heat to the floor. Only after that you can start laying the heating element. About how to put water in the floor, see this video:

When installing warm electric floors, a thermal sensor is placed in one level with a cable or mats, and only then filling with a cement screed.

It should be borne in mind that the recommended thickness of the warm floor according to the SNiP should be 6-8 cm.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

After soaring the screed and organization of the finish coat, you should start switching the additional heating system.

The conclusions of the electrical heat floors are designed in such a way that the flooring is connected to the thermostat, from which the power cable goes into the distribution shield, where it is protected by a separate circuit breaker.

The contours of water underground can be connected to the collector (mounted in the wall). To organize high-quality heating, it is recommended to make all the contours of water underfloor floor to do the same length.

It should be remembered that the installed warm floor is not recommended to operate within 2 days after installation, since the screed and finish coating (tile) should finally dry up so that destruction does not occur.

Combined heating system: radiators and warm floor, scheme

Heating Scheme with Warm Floor and Radiators

After reviewing the varieties of warm floors and learning all the nuances of these heating devices, it is worth determined with the choice. This decision must take each owner, given the requirements for the installation and operation of a certain type of warm floor. The financial costs for creating additional heating and compare the factors that may occur during installation. Having a choice in favor of a certain type of warm floor, it is necessary to make it so that it complements the existing system of heating and pleased you every day with its functionality.

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