What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher


What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher

The art of tattoos, of course, did not go around the topic of dreams of dreams. Now it has become fashionable to do such a tattoo, and the trend went out of the environment of the enthusiastic ethnic youth. But the origins of this should also be found in the Indian tradition.

What does it mean: According to the ideas of indigenous people of North America, a tattoo with a dreaming will help to avoid the evil eye, naval, damage and the like trouble. A kind of amulet is a charm who is always with you and who cannot be lost.

Where to apply on the body: According to the ideas of shamans, a tattoo with a catcher had to be applied to the area between the blades, on the back. It is this part that is vulnerable from a bad eye, as it is in the back the quiet curses and envy sounds.

What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher

Here is one sketch for example, so that you have a general idea of ​​which pictures can be applied. Now there is no strict instructions to the Tattoo Place, many make tattoo on the shoulder, on the thigh, on the shin, etc.

But only that long which is located on the back, between the blades. You can believe in it, you can not attach importance, but if you are a supporter of traditions, then consider this moment.

Picture You can choose from a variety of examples, just googled in search by pictures. For the application of tattoos, it is better to apply to professionals in the salons. You can bring a printed photo, and the master on it without problems will make you a great tattoo.

What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher

And this is an example of the realization of a tattoo with a dream catcher. He is applied to the forearm, just for beauty. It looks, no doubt, stylish and fresh. The plot is very deep. I do not encourage everyone to make tattoos, but if you weighed everything and against, then the idea was given to you. In all other cases, it works well and just amulet above the headboard bed.

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Mehendi Catcher Dnov

What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher

However, there is an alternative to the eternal tattoo - this is Mehendi, the painting of the henna on the skin. The drawing is kept on average for about a month, and then gradually loses the look and disappears. The principles of painting are the same as when tattooed, only this is rather an image picture, so it is done on the hands, on the wrist, on the back.

What does the Tattoo Dream Catcher

Ideas and examples, again, countless in search by pictures. Here I do not see the meaning of many options to publish. Temporary tattoos are in demand, as it makes it possible to try one or another drawing, see how the constant tattoo will look if you decide to do it.

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