Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)


Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and corping

For most people, the cottage is associated with a place where you can relax, relax and have fun. The design of most country sites provides highlighted in a separate area, a place to relax. But what can be rest in the country without tables, benches, shops and other elements of garden furniture. The easiest way to independently make garden furniture from the most affordable materials: wood, hemp, branches and various corporal.

Garden furniture from logs

From the logs it turns out durable, massive and durable garden furniture. In the spring, it can be found in the surrounding forest stations in winter trees, which, after a small processing, can become, indispensable on any plot, element of furniture - bench or table.

The main advantage of the manufacture of garden furniture from the log is its low cost. After all, in order to make a similar element of furniture, it is enough just to cut the chainsaw logs along and thoroughly clean it, handle the verse and cover with varnish or paint. The furniture from the log will perfectly fit into the interior of any country area. Particularly organically, such furniture will look in the garden in the country style. The only lack of furniture from logs is the complexity of the delivery of the material. Manually move the thick log very difficult, so you need to use the trailer for transportation.

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden Furniture from Stumps

It is easier to build soda furniture from ordinary stumps. Especially since many stumps can stay after the cake of old fruit trees. In this case, the issue of transporting material disappears by itself. If you have a little imagination and creativity when working, the resulting from the stumps may turn out to be unique, exclusive furniture that will not remain unnoticed. For example, the seats of stools from the hemp can be decorated with a mosaic of pieces of a bit of dishes. Small pieces of broken saucers, cups or ceramic facing tiles are attached to the surface of the stump using liquid nails or epoxy glue.

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From unnecessary hemps, unusual hemps-fireflies can be obtained, which in the afternoon will be the decoration of the garden or the country area and perform the role of ordinary seating, and at night will turn into hemp-lanterns. Such stools perform two tasks at once - illuminate the territory of the garden and expand its borders. Make a similar item is very simple. Enough for well-cleaned spoke to put a fluorescent or LED ribbon and hide it with plexiglass and secure self-draws.

In the presence of skills to work with chainsaw from stump, you can make a great chair. If it allows height of the height, the chair will come with a back and even with armrests. For armchair with armrests, you will need a tall and wide stump. It will be an analogue of the usual soft chair.

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from boards

Wooden timber and boards are building material No. 1. Boards are used in the construction of fences, houses, arbors, and surplus and waste can be used to make garden furniture. Moreover, the furniture can be built any style: from simple minimalism, to modern modern.

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from branches and corping

A huge number of garden furniture options can be made from conventional branches, root part of trees and corpo. From, it would seem, garbage can get real masterpieces of the garden decor. The cost of the original works of folk craftsmen, made of branches and coriation, is quite high. But, if you show fantasy, similar elements of garden furniture can be done on their own. According to practicality and beauty, furniture made by their own hands will not differ from expensive analogues.

In order to make a beautiful bench, sofa, stand or shelf, the material must be prepared in advance. In order for garden furniture to be in a single style, it is necessary to gradually pick up interesting copies of corporate and process them.

Before embarking on the assembly of furniture with Kor'igi and branches, the bark is removed. Material needs to be kept to dry. In order to prevent the effects of insects and rotting processes, wood needs to be treated with antiseptic and antipile agents.

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Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Bench from Korag.

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

The advantage of furnaces from branches is that they will need only branches, screwdriver and hacksaw for their manufacture. Even fragile girls can collect the most simple furniture from the branches using only twine or any other textile material.

The finished product with the help of the veil is given the desired shade and is covered with varnish. For coating, acrylic or enamel paints can also be used.

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

Garden furniture from wood, branches, hemp and coriation (25 photos)

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