Create at home: Sewing basics


In the past, most women were able to independently make clothes. This lesson was for women of the past as normal as washed or cook. Sew studied from quite young age. In the nearby past, sewing was trained in technology lesson.

Today, the ability to sew thoroughly forgotten . Of course, many people still can repair their belongings. However, most women have not produced clothes for many years, but they buy it in the store.

Create at home: Sewing basics

Often, modern women not only do not like painstaking work in the production of clothing, but do not even know the foundations of sewing.

Independently producing clothes, you can save a mass of cash and nerves. Stitched on a concrete clothing will always fit. In addition, the cost of materials for sewing is much smaller than the cost of buying finished clothes. There is even the likelihood that the hobby turn into unofficial earnings.

Where to start learning

In the process of sewing everything is quite simple. Create simple wardrobe items may every woman and almost any man. For sewing training, it may take to half aoline. But if you get a good sewing education and practical skills, you can create truly awesome things.

Scatter scum should be styled. At first, the future seamstress must learn the Azam sewing and get theoretical knowledge. Then you need to learn to make simple things. At the last stage, training can be tried to produce complex clothing models. You can learn at paid cutters and sewing courses. As an example, you can call courses of the Burda Academy. Even after the completion of the training, you need to get practical skills in the sewing of clothes.

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Create at home: Sewing basics

How to learn to manually perform seams

If there is no experience in the manufacture of clothes, it is better to first learn to sew hands . This can be done by having mastered the main seams. They can be found in the editions dedicated to the needlework, and on specialized sites.

Create at home: Sewing basics

How to sew on a sewing machine

As soon as the main seams are learned, you can start working with a sewing machine. Of course, it did not exist until a certain period of sewing machines. And all the clothes were made manually. But independent clothing manufacturers usually takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to buy a sewing machine for sewing.

Create at home: Sewing basics

To learn how to sew, you need to buy new skills. The main aspects of the work are the refueling of the thread, the creation of seams and simple procedures for caring for a sewing machine.

Create at home: Sewing basics

When buying a car, you can ask the seller which care is needed for a specific machine . Before using the sewing machine, carefully examine the instructions. It can be found in the box in which the goods were sold. If some points of instructions are not completely clear, you can clarify on the Internet.

Theory and practice

The simplest work can be considered the manufacture of the nasal handker. To make this scarf, it is enough to spend the edges of the square segment of the fabric. You can taste different seams for the bulk. You need to start with the simplest seam . So the seam "back needle" is considered.

Create at home: Sewing basics

After making a handker, you can make a towel or sheets. After the simplest work skills will be mastered, you can make slightly more complex products. For example, making hot food tapes. This work is more difficult, as it is necessary to sew no one, but two sides.

Create at home: Sewing basics

To master the sewing terms, you can use Internet sources or print publications. In many books and magazines, it is quite detailed about sewing.

How to make a pattern

Without creating grids, it is impossible to sew clothes. Today there are many understandable drawings even for beginners. They can be found in stitching magazines. To learn how to create patterns yourself, it is better to buy books on school technology or sewing benefits.

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Create at home: Sewing basics

The most simple outlets of the wardrobe, which can be made independently, are considered apron and a nightgown.

How to sew simple things

When products for beginners are made, you can try more complicated. It is better to start with a sewing skirt-pencil and a vest.

Create at home: Sewing basics

Printed publications often contain phased schemes for making many things. Using them, you can quickly learn to sew beautiful and high-quality things.

Fabric care

Before using the cloth, it must be loosen and dried. Best before sewing, turn out the segment of the fabric.

How to learn to sew? My 5 tips! (1 video)

Sewing things with your own hands (9 photos)

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

Create at home: Sewing basics

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