Lambreken Shell: Pattern with table, manufacturing technology


Sew the lambrequin in the type of Veter, which is also called a swag-shell, can be independently. There are 2 types of patterns of such an element of the curtains, the first of them has the shape of a rectangle, the second - trapezium, here as the shoulders of the lambrequen, the shells are the sides. The upper middle part of the shell must be assembled by applying a curtain tape, in the role of which the braid can be used, and the lower part will be the provis company of this wagon.

Lambreken Shell: Pattern with table, manufacturing technology

Figure 1. Lambinen scheme "Shell".

You can sew a lambrequin of this type by using a weighting cord, it will help at the initial stage to determine the final dimensions of such a window decor, forms the necessary natural sagging. Having measured all the values ​​on it, you can build a pattern. So, the cord will have to strengthen the ends to different sides of the cornice. The lower point of Svcription will determine the height of which the lambrequin sewer will have.

Lambreken Shell: Pattern with table, manufacturing technology

Figure 2. Table for building a sewage pattern pattern.

But there are certain rules to be respected in the proportions of the height and length of the pattern. These calculations can be seen in Fig. 1, on which the pattern is presented. If you consider it, you can see that the length of the main element along the eaves should be 2.5 of its height.

To understand how to build a pattern and how to sew a lambrene, you can use the data given in the table in Fig. 2.

From this table, it can be seen that with a width of a width of 120 cm, which goes along the length along the cornice, its height is 45 cm, and the length of provisions is 165 cm, these numbers are marked in red.

With the pattern, it is permissible to carry out experiments, having reduced the length and height of the wire, making more round upper angles, and from the pattern, which has a rectangular shape, you can make a trapezium.

Tools and materials

  • braid;
  • cord;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • the cloth;
  • a piece of chalk.
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Labreken manufacturing technology

Before sewing the lambrequin, it is recommended to make a pattern. Using the cord, you should schedule the form of a future shell, that is, a fan, in the process of which should be denoted the height and width in the finished form. A built-up rectangle will have side sides, the length of which is equal to the height of the template, to this figure you need to add 10 cm. This element of the curtains decor is permissible on the tape and dangle to the belt.

In order to treat the edge of the product, it is recommended to prepare a strip, the length of which will be equal to the length of the eaves, its width should be equal to 8-10 cm. Then the resulting strip is to be folded in half.

Now you can set a narrow braid to it, retreating from the bend to a distance equal to 0.5 cm. The band must be applied to the lambrequen, turning the flashes, so it will not interfere with the firmware. As soon as the band turned out to be sewn, it is possible to turn it out inside out, hiding sections inside. After the front side, the finishing line should be laid to strengthen the braid. The edge of the strip should be wrapped in inside out, fixing all the zigzag.

After sewing the lambrequin managed, it will be necessary to hang it. You can do it on a curtain tape, loops, skews, velcro or recordings. If the curtain decoration was decided to hang with a velcro, one of its parts should be glued directly on the cornice.

It will be perfectly held on the surface of flat cornices, and with round rods, in the case of velcro, it is preferable not to have, since the velcro will be left over time.

Its soft part must be sewed to the lambrene, and hard to strengthen the cornice. As soon as the Velcro was glued to the place, it should be allowed to grasp well, for this, the speed should be left for several hours, only then you can start hanging the crosslinking element. If it was decided to attach it to the clothespins, then the tape must be strengthened with an indent from the edge by 1.5 cm.

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When building a sketch, you can use the table, so the decor for the cornice will be perfect sizes and it is not necessary to redo it.

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