Connecting electric stove with your own hands


Connecting electric stove with your own hands

Connecting the electric stove occupation is quite not difficult, but it is not always easy to do it and properly without the help of the wizard.

Usually 25% electric stoves become faulty due to improper connection, so if you want to connect the slab with your own hands, follow our instructions.

Do not forget that plate manufacturers are reinsured and indicated in guarantees that with independently connecting the electric stove you lose the warranty. In case of breakdown, you can lose free repairs.

How to choose an electric stove

Criteria for the choice of electric stove is very much, but we will look at the most important so that further connection is easy and without problems.

Highlights when choosing an electric stilt:

  • place placement;
  • Electrical connection power;
  • design;
  • Method of control.

This aspects should be taken into account, but everyone chooses for themselves, what is for his pocket and to taste.

For a small kitchen, you must choose an electric stove with a cooking surface and a built-in oven. If you have a means and large area, then a separate cooking surface will not be worse, though the connection of the electric stove will become a little more difficult.

It is necessary to pay attention to the maximum power of the electric stove. If you acquire a stove with a power that does not match the power in the house, the connection of such an electric stove can end to replace the wiring, switches, or connecting the three-phase meter.

The design is an important moment not so much to connect as for the most hostess. Perfectly smooth surface, ultra modernity, suitable color scheme - all this is vital for good mood and delicious food.

Electric stoves can be electronic and mechanical control. There is already a choice only for you, because the electronic control depends on the network voltage drops, respectively, the connection of such an electric stove must be perfectly produced.

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If we talk about mechanical control, it is simpler and more convenient, but the electric stove functions are slightly limited.

The connection of the electric stove has several advantages:

  • Effectively use energy;
  • do not need constant maintenance;
  • do not create excess heat;
  • Safe.

After selecting the plates, you can proceed to its preparation for the connection.

Preparation of electric stove to connect

Connecting electric stove with your own hands

Do not rush to throw away the packaging from the electric stove, because when warranty exchange and when returning the store will require a complete set of packaging materials.

Before connecting the electric stoves, make sure that the packaging elements are left inside it. When connected, they can start burning and melt.

As we have said earlier, make sure that the power of the slab is the capabilities of your electricity in the house and electrical wiring also check the ground, if it is not in your home, it should be done.

In old houses, the wiring is absolutely not designed for any loads. In this case, you need to do a new wiring.

As a rule, electric stoves with a voltage of 220 volts are sold in stores. For them, a three-in-room cable with a cross section of 4 mm is suitable.

Install the autotrofrier in the flyer on 25-40 amperes, which will be destroyed only for your stove. In addition to this, set the electric stove with your own 2-pole protective shutdown.

Before connecting the machine through the electric meter, distalk it so as not to get a fine.

If you do not have a concept, how to handle the wires and do not understand anything in electrical crafts, it is better to call a specialist in order not to create an emergency fire situation and do not harm the health.

If you still have at least basic knowledge, you can proceed to an independent connection of the electric stove.

How to connect the electric stove do it yourself

Read carefully instruction manual for plates. Special attention is paid to the section "Connecting the stove to the power grid". In it you will find a diagram (single-phase or three-phase) connection and recognize which cable and how much you need.

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If you have imported electric stove, the connection cable must have 6 contacts. If in this case voltage in your grid 220 volts, then connect the electric stove according to such a scheme:

Connecting electric stove with your own hands

Installing the jumpers must be installed according to the scheme. This scheme is commonly painted on the rear plate panel.

Connecting electric stove with your own hands

If the power of your electric stove is 380 volts, then it is better to connect it according to this scheme

Connecting electric stove with your own hands

It should be considered which wiring is laid (hidden or outdoor). Depending on this, the Euror dress (outer or internal) is selected.

To connect the electric stove with their own hands it is necessary to understand the cables:

  • Black or brown cable - phase L;
  • blue or blue - zero n;
  • yellow-green cable for connecting electric stove - land T.

Connecting electric stove with your own hands

Take the tester and check the wiring, then turn on the auto switch and use the stove with pleasure.

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