Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances


Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

The waterproofing of the balcony premises is made in several stages, different between the siridro-insulation, as they say, the waterproofing is retrid. It can be protected from moisture only the floor, and you can - the entire inner area of ​​the balcony or loggia. Waterproofing is considered to protect the balcony or loggia outside. This means the installation of a visor, drain, as well as a ladder.

Waterproofing balcony with your own hands: Materials for use

One of the mandatory conditions of the waterproofing of the balcony is sealing seams. And if the outer waterproofing is even more likely to imply the services of specialists, then the inner can be done by himself.

Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

Sealing interpanel seams can be produced by building sealants, silicone or mounting foam

Specialists are allocated to such groups of materials:

  1. Caution formulations . This, for example, bitumen-polymeric, bitumen rubber or cement-polymer. Such materials form a very elastic coating that needs a screed from above.
  2. Penetrating composition . This is probably the most popular compositions and the most important, persistent. They are applied to a wet surface, filling themselves all cracks. These materials increase by about 20% of the strength of building materials. But penetrating compositions are used only for the insulation of concrete surfaces.
  3. Harvest materials . This, for example, polyethylene and viniplast - polymer materials, and not polymer - fiberglass and rubberoid. These materials are not so often used, as they cost a lot, and it is not easy to work with them.

Another, which has already been used for waterproofing for waterproofing.

Waterproofing for the balcony: Ruberoid material and not only

This material refers to rolled species, it is stacked with a burner by burning.

As a modern alternative, the rubberoid is widely used by foam, polyfolga. This is a porous polyethylene, which is covered with lavasan metallized film. Externally, it looks like a conventional polyethylene with a foil layer applied from above. This material is also known as pholoisolone.

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Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

The waterproofing of the balcony with the help of pholoisolone will provide durability, strength of the waterproofing layer


  • I know how to accumulate moisture;
  • Perfectly reflects ultraviolet;
  • Do not have a property to form condensate;
  • It acts as a good thermal insulator.

A simple example: waterproofing with folgisolone, a layer of which is only 4 mm, quite comparable to its qualities with brick masonry in a brick.

If it is not necessary to work with folgicone, then no additional waterproofing is required.

Warming and waterproofing balcony outside: typical errors (video)

Paul on the balcony: waterproofing under the tile

Ceramic tile is one of the most high-quality types of coatings for balconies (open) and loggias. Tile remarkably tolerate moisture, solar effect, the effect of precipitation. Special care tile also does not require - wash it from time to time, and that's it.

It is believed that the tile on the balcony should be rough, or with such a texture pattern, which somehow creates this roughness. But the glossy tile is impractical: it is easy to get dirty, not neat, slippery, even there is a little bit of water on her fell.

Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

Waterproofing of the balcony floor under the tile is performed in the standard way

Features of working with tiles:

  • The tile is glued to the purely primed tie;
  • Adhesive adhesive according to the instructions and are applied to the insole of the tiles;
  • Laying begins with a far corner of the balcony;
  • To start laying, the first tile is cut at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Spit glue easier and more convenient to the spatula, she picks up surplus;
  • Put the tile, pressing to the screed, slightly silent;
  • After that, remote crossings are installed so that the seam width is unchanged;
  • In all rows of tiles, horizontal is checked using a level.

It remains only to insert metal corners, it is done already after drying the glue.

Loggian waterproofing outside: technology

To begin with, we enjoy two simple rules. The first - the surface in front of any finish is inspired, the same here. If there are cracks - close them. The second - all outdoor work is performed in dry and warm weather, at least from +5 degrees.

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Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

It is possible to obtain roof waterproofing with coating materials, and can be used rolled materials, which is more efficient. Optimum option - several layers of rolled material

And then the work goes according to this plan:

  1. Roof Isolated . This stage is desirable for residents of the last floors and private houses.
  2. Isolated partition . Outdoor isolation should be performed only by specialists who use special climbing equipment. In most cases, loose materials are used.
  3. Pole Isolation . How to do? Yes, on the same principle that the insulation of the visor. But the possibilities for water insulation are several times more. For example, to make the floor of the loggia or the balcony to be warmer, put a small layer of clay.

And then on how to insulate a closed loggia from the inside.

Waterproofing of the loggia when insulation from the inside

Why do you need such waterproofing? At least for the fact that all power structures should be protected from moisture, which inevitably contains in the air of the dwelling. Internal waterproofing of the loggia is performed by special materials - deep penetration primers.

Usually, primers are ready-made mixtures that thoroughly clog the pores of structural materials.

Waterproofing, if you perform it efficiently, is used in conjunction with vapor barrier. Thus, the first layer takes moisture, which condensed on the surface of the waterproofing, and the second layer does not allow basalt wadet or the extracted polystyoline with water in indoor air.

Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

The waterproofing of the loggia from the inside may be carried out using polystyrene foam and vapor barrier film

The waterproofing of the floor of the loggia first always suggests:

  • Moisturizing, it means that the plates are wetted with a wet roller (or brush);
  • Increased angles, where the stove matches with vertical structures, the angles are treated with a deep penetration primer.

If we formulate an internal waterproofing plan, it will include five stages.

Five steps in waterproofing

  1. Pouring tie. . That is, the stove is aligned, on the open balcony you need to create a slope to outward and make compensation seams with an elastic cord.
  2. Mounting foam processing . This material fills the gap between the formal structures, however, remember - the foam is not sealed.
  3. Waterproofing ceiling . The upper plate is cooked with liquid mixtures.
  4. Roof protection . A special mastic is used, which is applied by a centimeter layer. It creates a monolithic coating type of rubber.
  5. Installation of drainage and tumps . Films are fixed at the level of glazing, and with the help of gutters of the drain, wastewater is discharged from the visors of the upper floors.

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By the way, about visors, how to be with them?

Waterproofing visor balcony: water removal from the balcony

The visor on the balcony is the waterproofing of the balcony, because this design protects the balcony from precipitation, which, of course, extends its service life.

Warm balcony: waterproofing, materials, technology, nuances

Scheme of waterproofing and insulation visor balcony

If you are going to install a visor, you will have to choose how it will look, from what will be made. It can be steel sheets, such as professional flooring or metal tile. It can be polymeric materials, they close the roof well and securely protect it.

Well, of course, the third option is the installation of double-glazed windows. In this case, a triplex, tempered glass is used. This is the most expensive way to design a visor, but it is not only a reliable way to remove water from the balcony, but also the most aesthetic and modern.

As for, for example, waterproofing terraces, the most popular option is the combination of special tape seals and liquid solutions. As an alternative - polyurethane glue.

Warming and waterproofing of the balcony from the inside (video)

Waterproofing is necessary and closed, and an open balcony. It is also necessary for the roof, and for the floor, and for concrete jumpers, as well as the outer cornice. It does not matter which composition, coating or penetrating you use, the main thing is a high degree of moisture resistance of this material.

Good repair!

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