Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23


A bottle cover is a great way to make a banal present in the original, and a festive table - an elegant and unforgettable. We bring to your attention some interesting ideas, how to decorate a cover on a bottle with your own hands for different occasions of life.

Original packaging

Each woman knows how difficult it is to choose a gift for a man on February 23. It is no longer surprised by banal socks and accessories for shaving, and so you want to be original and at the same time handing a worthy gift. But our craftswomen found a wonderful way out of this situation - a bottle of elite drink in the original case.

There is a lot of options:

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

The principle of execution in all is one, so consider a detailed master class of this miracle.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

We need:

  • Kosya Baika black (about 10 meters);
  • oblique beyk white (1.5 meters);
  • white ribbon 5 cm wide (30 cm);
  • Ribbon black and white 2.5 cm wide;
  • Golden ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • Stars and buttons.

Getting to decorating the bottle. In order for us to conveniently fix our ribbons, the bottle needs to tightly in the cellophane package, over the package is wrapped with cardboard.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

It is necessary to make uniforms, cut out the pattern, as indicated in the photo, and glue to the bottle.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Cut the collar in the same way.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Now proceed with decoration with ribbons.

In order for the tapes do not bloom, they need to be cut off with the help of a soldering iron or a slice location slightly grab the lighter.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

We glue, as shown in the photo.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

On a white ribbon, a width of 5 cm make the tongue and glue it.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

From the black ribbon 2,5 cm make a tie and glue it to the collar.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Now proceed to the uniform.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Getting to the pursuit.

We make the basis of the shoulder patterns from cardboard, we are tightening them with a golden ribbon, decorating the black ribbon, as shown in the photo.

Article on the topic: Production of furniture "Transformer" with their own hands

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

We glue the stars (if you did not find suitable asterisks, you can replace cut from cardboard and cover the golden foil from under chocolate).

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

We glue to our bottle.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Now glue the gate and buttons.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

We proceed to the final part - cap. To do this, it is necessary to cut the foundation from the cardboard.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23


Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

And decorating: we glue a visor from the black beaks, we glue with a white baking tip, glue a black beaker along the contour and we stick the same white circle on top.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Our wonderful gift is ready. It is convenient for removing simply a cap, you can coagulate a bottle and try its contents to taste.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Other options

In fact, there are a lot of options for such decorations. They can be selected for any holiday and on any occasion. Consider several options.

Want to surprise guests on New Year's Eve? Make a case on a bottle of champagne in the form of Santa Claus. Believe me, this guests will never forget.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

If you like to create crochet, then you can make such covers.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

And also do not forget about the symbol of the year - a monkey.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

If you need an original case as a gift, you can use excellent ideas with products related to knitting needles.

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Case on a bottle with your own crochet on February 23

Such covers look very stylish and elegant.

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