What is worth planted at the cottage in July?


Middle Summer - July. The first stage was collected by the harvest, and the place was released on the landing of vegetables, greenery again. What can be put in the country in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Siderats - what is it?

Help the soil before the second landing of vegetables, Siderates will help save the beds from weeds . The following plants are sidewood as sediments:

  1. Peas, beans, soybean, lentils, the beans in their influence on the ground are similar to the manure: tearing the soil, saturate with elements of nitrogen.
    What is worth planted at the cottage in July?
  2. Sneakers and barley, millet, sorghum at times increase the ability to pass the air, significantly increase the percentage of potassium and nitrogen.
  3. Mustard, rapeseed, radish is actively saturated with a fertile layer of phosphorus compounds, stop the decay process of useful minerals.

Attention: the radish should not be sung in front of the cabbage (prevents the growth of kochanov).

  1. Buckwheat enriches non-good soil with the useful compounds of organic, phosphorus and potassium. It is helpful to peel to peppers, tomatoes, potatoes (helps prevent the development of putrefactive lesions).

Looking out greens

Cress Salad, asparagus beans, spinach, dill, arugula and basil, kinza - fresh greens are always welcome on the table, and the dried and frozen will become a find in winter.

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Secret: Accelerate the time of germination of dill seeds, parsley can be hot water. For this, the seeds are poured with water (temperature + 40 ° C) and stand thirty minutes. After the seeds succulent and evy into the ground.

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Space vegetables

July - Ideal time for planting early grained vegetables adapted to hot weather . So from mid-July you can hang up radishes, turnips, Rediska and Daikon.

In July, the seeds of the Beijing cabbage seed well. The crop of early varieties can be obtained by the end of summer.

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What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

July - Suitable time for plating carrots and beets . If for any reason the seeds of these plants did not rise at an early landing, then in the second half of July, it is possible to re-attempt to land the seeds of these roots. Already in the second half of September there are a chance to collect a good crop of juicy and sweet beets and carrots.

Secret: Before planting seeds, beets and carrots are treated with hot water. Otherwise, the shooting process will delay.

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Also in July, seeds of cucumbers of the second harvest are planted. Select varieties are distinguished by resistance to diseases and adverse environmental conditions (for example, ants, Masha).

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Sold well in July Zucchini. Early varieties will begin to be fron by forty-seventh day.

Secret: In order for the zucchini longer fruit, the seeds pre-germinate in the container in the greenhouse. Already sprouted bushes of zucchini planting in the ground.

For those who missed the sowing of strawberries in the spring, in July they will be able to catch up and hang into the soil the fine varieties of this sweet berry. Large varieties are better not to sung, its seedlings grow long and you can simply not wait for the crop.

Looking out flowers

There is a certain list of colors whose seeds need to be planted in July. This is a two-year-old, who will have time to climb and strengthen the next year to please the eyes of a lush color next year. These plants include: forget-me-not, Turkish carnation, daisy, Malva, Mattiola, Pansies.

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Attention: you should not forget that July is the hottest, dry berry time. All work on landing, watering and care of plants must be carried out in the morning or evening.

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

Sunny days - good time for plant landing. Under the condition of properly selected seeds, proper care, timely irrigation, you can get a good harvest of vegetables and fruits, lay the foundation of the magnificent blooming garden.

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What to put in July in the country and get a crop? (1 video)

Garden crops that can be planted in July (9 photos)

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

What is worth planted at the cottage in July?

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