Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas


The modern schoolboy is important to have a workplace in which he can comfortably and without harm to an eye to perform homework, work in creativity or hobby. But when decorated it is worth considering several factors like lighting, writing height, etc. Improper lighting can adversely affect the vision of the child, and due to the low table, the curvature of the spine can develop. In the article, we have prepared for you tips on design and 4 stylish ideas.

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas


Before designing a child's workplace, do the following:

  • At first it is worth discussing with a schoolboy, what kind of workplace he would like to see. Children from the initial classes are unlikely to be able to answer, so they themselves offer them several options. But older schoolchildren will be happy to describe their perfect workplace;
    Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas
  • First of all, take care of buying a written table of the right size . While working at the table, the chest of a schoolchildren should be at his edge, his hands lie on the surface, and the legs on the floor;
  • Take care of good natural lighting at the student's workplace, we advise you to install the table next to the window . It is also worth taking care of buying a lamp for work in the dark. The lamp is installed on the left side of the table (if the child is left-handed, then with the right);
    Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Tip! The workplace should not be limited to 1 lamp, it is worth installing a chandelier or a lamp on the ceiling.

  • Highlight a place for a schoolboy's hobby. For example, if the child loves to collect designers or draw, create a favorable atmosphere for this;
  • Walls of the interior worth painting in calm tones . For example, green promotes the emotional discharge of a person, and the blue will increase the performance and training of a schoolboy.

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Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Tip! It is not necessary to paint the walls in a solid color, they can be stripped or with drawings.

  • Highlight the room for storing books and other schoolboy accessories. These can be boxes or shelves.

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Ideas for registration

Here are some stylish ideas for design, which will taste a schoolboy:

  • For travel lover. This idea is suitable for loving schoolchildren's adventures. 1 of the walls adorns a huge map of the world, and the surface of the white wood table is perfectly combined with snow-white walls. The wall has a stylish sofa with pillows in the form of donuts, the windowsill adorns a mini bed. On the edges there are snow-white cabinets with numerous shelves for storing schoolchild items;
    Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas
  • zoning. If 2 children live in the 1st room, zoning the workplace separation into 2 parts is perfect. Chairs and tables are decorated in white. Hinged cabinets with open shelves rise above each table, and a soft sofa is located opposite the window. The walls of the room are painted in cream, which is perfectly combined with furniture;
    Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Tip! To create a unique interior can lay a rug with thematic pattern.

  • Mini library. The essence of this idea is to create a small library at the desktop of the child and from the early years to instill a love for reading. The room decorates the desktop of a brown tree and a multi-tiered cabinet with open shelves. Right over the table hangs a brown board, which a child can fix reminders, drawings or homework. Wallpapers are decorated in light brown, and near the table is a high lamp of golden color;

Tip! This design is more suitable for students of primary classes. For teenagers it is worth checkout out the interior differently.

  • Mini-Cabinet. You can create a working atmosphere with 2 racks located opposite each other. Places in these racks are enough to store a large number of things, so you can not worry about the order in the room.

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Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas


These were advice on the design of the student schoolchildren and several popular ideas, each of which has its own characteristics. We advise you to learn about the preferences of the child before registration, you can also offer him the options given in the article.

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Organization of the desktop of a schoolchildren (1 video)

Schoolboy's workplace (9 photos)

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

Schoolboy workplace: 4 design ideas

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