Green wallpaper for kitchen


Green wallpaper for kitchen

In order to make the kitchen repair, first of all, the choice of color palette and material for the walls. Wallpaper is the best option to create a basis for high-quality and inexpensive interior. It is not for nothing that the wallpaper is called clothes for the room.

Green tones in the kitchen will be appropriate, because they do not annoy the retina, soothes, sets up on a positive and excites appetite. In this article, you will learn what walls of green shades will suit most suitable for the kitchen.

Selection of material

The kitchen is a place where the walls of the walls are particularly subjected to various tests: moisture, heat, the air is actively interacting every day with the wallpaper material. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters so that the wallpaper you selected in the kitchen hung for a long time and did not wear out.

So, they must comply with the following parameters:

  1. Tight material. It will have less pore, but it means that a lot of dust and fat will not accumulate in it.
  2. Color and heat resistance. If the wallpapers are picked up on the sunny side or near the stove, then you need to take care that green colors retain their saturation longer.
  3. Waterproof. Wallpapers must be washing - that is, to withstand wet cleaning.

Briefly list the main types of wallpapers that are suitable for the kitchen:

  1. Paper - the simplest and cheapest option. After the sickness, you can apply a layer of paint to make the wallpaper saturated and apply a waterproof layer. At the same time, the paper has a number of disadvantages: such walls are faster faster and wipes, and also very poorly withstand wet cleaning. Usually there is enough for 5-7 years. This option is ideal for those who like to often change the design of their apartment.
  2. Vinyl - this is truly universal wallpaper. They have high endurance in all respects. They are very hard to glue on the walls, but only vinyl can provide the durability of the decor you created. Some of them have a "supermarket" label - i.e. Hold a particular wet environment.
  3. Fliselinic - have high wear resistance and good elasticity. They are very easy to glue, as the glue is applied to the wall, and not on the wallpaper. Flizelin is well suited where uneven walls. It is perfectly held not only on concrete walls, but also on plasterboard, wood and plaster. Also, the color can be refreed to paint.

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Green wallpaper for kitchen

For a large kitchen, you can pick pictures. However, it should be noted that they cannot withstand wet cleaning, because they should be located away from the active zone of pollution. The remaining types of wallpapers are not suiced, and they are rather unstable to moisture drops, heat and bright lighting.

Accommodation in the kitchen interior

To begin with, it should be determined which area of ​​the walls will be pissed by wallpaper, because in the kitchen is usually more furniture than in any other room. This makes it possible to smash the space into several small zones that will have a different design.

In order to diversify the design of the kitchen, green wallpaper can be supplemented with painting, tiles or shallow mosaic. An interesting solution will be the use of bamboo. If possible, combine other types of finishes with wallpaper, it is necessary so that the latter are in areas that are least exposed to pollution. Usually the area of ​​the greatest contamination - i.e. The plot along the washing, the plates and the table closes the so-called. "Apron". Therefore, it is better not to glue the wallpaper. It is also worth holding the following rule: the smaller your kitchen, the smaller it should be different zones.

If you want to apply additional materials, then we must consider how they will alternate. The following options are suitable:

  1. Green mosaic stripes or tiles and floor wallpapers to ceiling.
  2. Separation of walls on the lower part, trimmed with tiles or painted paint and upper, boiled wallpaper.
  3. Wallpaper with separate enclosures of mosaic, tiles, etc.

Green wallpaper for kitchen

Selection of color gamut and drawing

You can choose as one basic shade that will complement brighter or dark green tones: for example, emerald, turquoise, olive. It is important that the shade you choose well approached the furniture color. Usually, when it is elected, playing contrast: if you want to choose a rich shade of wallpaper, then it is better to buy furniture of light tones.

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Green tones can be diluted with other colors. It should be not just a combination, but choosing the main topic of kitchen design. Supplements with blue and castern and turquoise tones are better suitable for marine, Mediterranean style. Yellow, lime shades, diluted with splashes of orange and red, will remind you of the fragrant and saturated taste of tropical fruits. Beige and wood colors will create a feeling of home comfort and comfort. Green shades with gentle pink supplements will create a feeling of a flower bed. You can also use contrast tones: green dilute whipped white and add bright lines. It will be interesting to look a combination of dark green with black. However, in order to dilute such a heavy palette, you should take care of the good lighting of the kitchen or complement the interior of furniture of light tones.

Green wallpaper for kitchen

After you have decided on the color range, you need to choose a picture. There are the following options here:

  1. Uniform uncomplicated, modest pattern. Simple straight lines with small images.
  2. Bright curved lines. Most likely, with the sticker, the bands will have to pick up the rud plots so, they formed a single picture.
  3. Complex abstraction. Here you also need to pick up the drawing.
  4. Big drawing. In order to look good, it is necessary that he does not eat all the space. In other words, you need to buy an additional roll to dilute the space background.

Green wallpaper for kitchen

If you have enough space, you can pick up several types of wallpaper. This will emphasize the section on the functional areas of the kitchen.

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