Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations


Acquisition of housing in a new building or in a ready-made house is always an exciting event that promises many pleasant troubles. They will require a lot of time, money and mental strength, but as a result they will bring with nothing with any comparable feeling of their own nest: this understanding comes to future new seals at the moment when they first crossed the threshold of their new apartment.

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

Roll device diagram.

In most cases, the purchase of housing assumes that before going to it, the owners will have to carry out repairs. In some cases, when the house has been in operation for several years, and neat hosts lived with a good taste, the volume of repair work can be reduced to a cosmetic minimum, which involves updating the operating paint, wallpaper liner, housing decoration in simple ways and some other uncomplicated work , such as painting with roller walls. But if the new acquisition is an apartment in a new building, which is usually transmitted to new seals in a state of a draft finish, the scope of repair work that will need to produce may be quite large. In this case, you will have to start with the preparation of walls, gender and ceiling to the subsequent finish, as well as make another number of operations that are necessary to bring the future dwelling into a presentable view.

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

Wall staining circuit with roller.

Finally, similar problems can wait for those owners of an apartment or houses that have not moved anywhere and live at their usual place for several years, or even decades. Such a situation can turn into the fact that they will want a little or substantially modify the interior of their home to feel the spirit of updates. In this case, they will also have to resort to the implementation of the repair work, and their volume will be directly dependent on how serious changes in the interior they want.

Independent work on painting walls

Planning repair, each housing owner understands that it is limited to a certain budget, which is ready to spend on this task. At the same time, the budget amount does not have a decisive value: in any case, future newsnels will have to approximately assess the market value of the practical embodiment of their interior fantasies and then compare them with the amount allocated for repairs.

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At the same time, one of the common ways to reduce the specified amount is an independent performance of some or most of the work on the repair, which allows owners of housing to allocate a more serious amount for the acquisition of high-quality construction and finishing materials. At the same time, if difficult work requiring significant experience and availability of a special tool, most of the owners of apartments prefer to entrust professionals, despite the high cost of their services, then relatively simple operations that do not require special skills, it is quite possible.

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

Motion schemes of painting tools when painting with water paints: a - roller; b - brush.

At the same time, such repairs are becoming not only useful for budget savings, but also nice, if they are one of the final steps, giving the dwelling, a finished and landscaped appearance.

One example of this work is the painting of the walls, which is carried out quite quickly, does not require greater experience and special tools, and besides, it can be carried out in various ways, of which employees can choose for themselves the most suitable.

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Painting of walls with a painting roller: main features and necessary tools

So, one of the fastest and cost-effective efforts of the way to paint the room is painting walls with a painting roller.

At the same time, a set of tools that will be needed for this is very concise: the number of necessary items include a roller, which will be made of painting, and a special tray in which paint will be poured, carrying the name of the cuvette. Also, it will also take a brush for painting tech sections of a wall that cannot be painted with a roller, and a rag for removing surplus and dyeing paint from hand and tools.

An important point in the process of preparing for work on staining of the walls is the choice of roller. Depending on which area it is intended to be painted, the main characteristics of the instrument should be selected, such as its size. So, in the event that a large area is given to painting, it is better to stop your choice on a large roller; For a small area of ​​painting, a smaller roller is better suited.

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

Distribution scheme for roller paint.

Such a recommendation that experts usually be given is based on the desire to reasonably distribute the time required for this work: after all, if you paint the wall of a large area with a small roller, it will take quite a lot of time.

In addition to choosing the size, it will also be necessary to determine the material from which the roller is made. For the application of water-free paint or so-called primer, a tool made on the basis of foam rubber is suitable. For the same purposes, a roller from natural fur can be used: it will provide a dense smooth coating. But the oil paint is usually applied by velor roller.

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If you plan to use this tool for a long time, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that in the process of painting, the working part of the roller will gradually wear out. To solve this problem, it is possible to purchase one or more replaceable nozzles with a roller, which can be replaced as the first working surface of the roller. In addition, this advice can be useful to those who plan to use in the process of painting the premises a large number of radically different colors. In this case, in order to be confident that they do not mix on the surface of the roller and will not give unplanned colorful divorces on a freshly stained wall, you can similarly use replaceable pumps for roller.

The last preparatory step before proceeding in itself to work, will be filling the cuvette paint. Do not fill it up to the edges, since in this case the dive of the roller in the container can cause paint transfusion through the tray's sides. It is enough to fill the container to half, and as paint is spent, add it to the tray.

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Works on staining wall roller

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

Wall painting sequence pattern.

After that, you can proceed to staining. Immersion roller in a container, keep in mind that before painting it must be squeezed about the special surface provided in the tray: this will avoid the fence of an excessive volume of paint, which can then form ugly drips on the walls and pack hands. By pressing the roller, apply paint on the wall from top to bottom, however, remember that the painting of the walls usually requires a re-passing of the same roller region, so after that, check the wall tool from the bottom up. A permissible embodiment of painting, specialists also call alternation of horizontal and vertical movements in the process of applying paint. If, after double passing the roller on the surface of the wall, there were noticeable gaps, it is necessary to carry out the tool for another or several times to achieve a smooth surface of staining.

Sometimes beginner masters may not be sure of the correctness of the choice of type of paint and its compliance of the surface on which the application is planned. In this case, you can find an answer to the question, painting a small section of the wall located in a relatively inconspicuous place. Thus, you can see how much paint lies, whether it is well covered with the surface and what the features of its application.

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In the process of coloring, a common mistake should be avoided, which newcomers often allow, seeking to accelerate the work. They dial to the roller too much paint: it can really allow to make less roller movements on the same surface until it is fully covered with paint, but in this case the likelihood of the occurrence of drills, which will spoil the final type of work. Therefore, it follows the paint as a thin layer as a thin layer, which will provide a smooth surface of the painted wall.

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Completion with additional tools

Painting of walls with roller: tools, work order, recommendations

If, after using a roller on the wall, inexpected sections remained, you need to use a small brush.

Even if a small roller was chosen for the work, it is hardly possible to completely paint the wall, since the shape of the roller will not allow to penetrate the corners and other complex design elements. This problem may become particularly acute if it is planned to be painted a wall of a difficult geometric shape or a surface having a large number of small parts.

The solution to this problem will be the use of an ordinary brush. With this simple tool, it is fairly easy to cover the paint surface elements, inaccessible to the roller, thereby ensuring the uniformity of the appearance that painted walls will have. At the same time, it should be closely monitored that the nature of the paint paint and the roller will not have significant differences: so, if after applying paint brush on the wall, pronounced strokes remain, they should be erected with smaller movements. In addition, the brush may be required if there are uneven walls in the house: in this case, the roller can leave non-crushed areas, and only a brush can eliminate this disadvantage.

These simple tips will make work on the color of the walls with roller is quite simple, and the result that will be obtained during this work is really high-quality and durable. And perhaps, in the future, this method of staining walls will be simple and familiar to today's newcomers and will be used by them in the next repair, for example, when they enter the new apartment or change the interior in the existing housing.

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