How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties


Extremely popular and to this day the decorative element is a lambrequin on the curtains. Most often it can be found in the interior decorated in the classic style, Art Deco, Shebbi-Chic or Country. Magnificent folds and cascades of the fabric perform not only the function of the decoration, but also help hide the shortcomings of the window opening or an ugly eaves . With their help, you can visually expand the window or make it higher.

How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties

To decorate the window, you can combine the lambrenes of different types.

The main varieties of Lambrequin:

  • Hard lambrequena bando;
  • Swag;
  • Buffs;
  • Kokil;
  • cascade.

They differ in appearance, and absolutely different schemes are applied to their tailor. You can sew a lambrequin without a pattern, focusing on your own fantasy.

The fabric usually coincides with the tone with the color of the main curtains. However, you can play contrast. The main thing is to know the measure.

How to sew hard lambrequen?

How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties

Removing measurements for rigid lambrequin in full width of the eaves.

A feature of this type of product is that it does not have folds, since its basis is quite rigid. Bando can make any form, the pattern is not needed for this. In addition, the fastening of the tissue allows you to create a real applique of segments of different colors. Such a lambrequen will look great in the interior of Fusion or Modern.

Tools and materials:

  • Pattern for a bandage;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine;
  • Velcro tape;
  • glue pistol;
  • pins;
  • dense light fabric;
  • Lining material;
  • Threads in the tone of the main fabric.

How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties

Pattern lambrequin double SWGA.

To begin with, the base of the gauge of the desired form is cut out - fliesline or other glue cloth, as well as lining. Perfectly ironed fabric folded over the base. Then, with the help of a preheated iron, we glue it to the fliesline, stroking throughout the fabric area. I turn over and cut up too much, leaving the allowances on the seams. If Lambreken consists of segments of different tissue, it is better to immediately cut the necessary elements using a stencil and only decompose them along a band and glue the iron.

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We fold the finished element face to face with lining. Fix the joints with pins. Try Bandan. It is necessary to leave a small plot is staitable so that the lambrequin can be turned. We fee into the unimpressed edges inward, we apply the velcro tape, more precisely its soft part, and we spoil all the pins. Next, sew the velcro line along the upper and lower edge. The rigid part with the thermoclaus is attached to the eaves. When the glue dries, you can do the installation of rigid lambrequin.

How to sew a lambrequen match?

To make this item, the pattern is necessary. You can find it ready to either make it in the process of modeling the lambrequin from the fabric.

Materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • pins;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • Planck;
  • scissors;
  • tape for wrap;
  • sewing machine.

So that the elements of the lambrequin are described symmetrical, it is better to sew them at the same time. For cutting in this case, the fabric folds twice. If there is a finished pattern, you need to transfer the contours to the withdrawal of the tissue with the help of shallow. There must be no less than 1.5 cm on the seams.

How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties

Pattern of lambrequin double bell.

If you want to form a product in the sewing process, another approach is applied. The fabric is a triangle. It is necessary to outline the middle of the future lambrequin and fasten the edges of the fabric on the bar. Next, begin to formold, fastening them with pins. At the same time, you need to focus on the middle mark. When the last fold is laid, we note the place of the connection and cut off the extension fabric. Now you can circle the contours of the resulting segment to remain the pattern for the future.

The bottom of the Svaga is wearing the oblique baker, then fold the folding of the formation of the folds and compress the fabric.

It is not always necessary to sew the cloth in order to get a lambrene with horizontal folds. You can take a rectangular segment of the fabric, process edges and fix one edge at the beginning of the cornice. Then we move it through the tube closer to the middle, we form folds and fix the eaves on the second end of the cornice.

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How to sew a lambrequin cascade?

Side lambrequins are usually performed in the form of small segments of falling tissue. Sew the lambrequin cascade can be from the Swag using the same patterns.

The tissue is cut out the trapezoidal element in size and form of the Swag. Then we fold it in half to get the bend on the diagonal. Corners do not cut. The edges appreciate the oblique baker. Freak fabric to the bar and start forming the folds. A long angle should look out. We fasten the cloth with pins, for greater reliability you can occupy future seams. We compare the lambrequen.

How to sew a lambrequin chill?

For the manufacture of such a decorative element, like a chill, a segment of a triangular fabric is required. This is a kind of soft lambrequin. Often, Kokille is used as a supplement to Swags or to disguise unsightly lumeges between them.

The easiest thing is to sew chill with the use of patterns, besides, it is easy enough to make it. We fold the fabric in half. With the help of a shallow or pencil, we mark the middle of the triangle. Cut the runtime. Its radius should be approximately 15-20 cm. Strip the edge along the car assembly. By pulling the edges of the threads, you can form folds. Instead, you can use a narrow curtain tape. We lay out the chosel form the necessary form and fix the line.

How to sew a lambrequin buffers?

A little more complicated at first glance is the tailoring of the lambrequin buffers. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the flow rate of the tissue. To do this, the Method of Carnishes is multiplied by the assembly coefficient. For a two-meter cornice, it is 2.1.

How to sew a lambrequin: lambrequin pattern and major varieties

Pattern LabMrequen Buffes.

Materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • oblique bay;
  • Decorative fringe;
  • curtain tape;
  • line or centimeter;
  • needle with thread;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

To get the fabric of the required length, sew two segments. Side seams handled using oblique bey. Top tissue is tailored to a couple of centimeters and drain. Under the line from the wrong side, sew a curtain tape. The bottom of the fabric is processed using an overlock. After forming the folds to it, a decorative fringe is sewn.

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We start making the marking of future buffers. Several centimeters retreat from the edge, measuring 35-40 cm from the marked point, we carry out a vertical line. Thus, process the entire length of the fabric. At the edges, it must eventually remain 3-4 cm. Then I measure on each of the lines of 4-5 cm. It will be the depth of the fold. Do this operation is necessary on all vertical lines.

We take a needle with a thread and start to wunt the folds on the points marked. For each line you need to go separately. Then they start them and spend them on the lines. Remove extra threads. To lambrequen acquired the necessary shape and length, pull for the threads of the curtain ribbon. Roll into the folds and decorate the bottom edge.

If the folds are not made in a straight line, but with diagonal stitches, you can achieve a more interesting pattern and forms. However, this method requires some training and the presence of at least basic knowledge in the sphere of sewing.

The lambrequins are the original interior decoration. If you sew them yourself, they will delight you even more, because this is a kind of proof that you are a real master.

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