Worn-tube boiler


Worn-tube boiler

Wheel-tube boiler - a device that has received wide popularity from users. First of all, the simplicity of the device and the availability of its settings are attractive. To use such a boiler is not so difficult, but the efficiency of the device is several times higher.

True, simplicity of use should not exclude safety requirements. Still, the heating system does not tolerate the relationship dismissive to it.

The appearance of such equipment dates back to another 19th century. Surprisingly, but to this day, the design undergoing natural changes remains popular and in demand.

Boilers of this design were widely used in both private farms and industrial scales. If you are planning an organization of the heating system in the house, this option, like a winter-tube boiler, should not be written off from accounts.

How does the heat-tube boiler work?

When the first winter-tube boilers were created, their main task was to increase the productivity of steam equipment without significant changes in its design and dimensions. Today you can buy a modern woodcutting boiler turboterm

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Today, the frozen design is a subspecies of gas-pipe equipment, which consists of several pipes, inside which there is fuel.

There are two main varieties of such boilers, each of which has its own principle of operation:

  • Wheel-tube steam boilers;
  • Fir-tube water boilers.

Depending on the manufacturer, the design of these boilers may have its own characteristics. Features of the configuration of the components do not affect the efficiency of the equipment. On the equipment, dimensions and features of the work also affect the purpose of the boiler.

Pros and cons of heat-tube heating boilers

Let's start, of course, with the advantages that give us this kind of device. Wheatube boilers were popular in different industries, due to the features of use.

The boiler design is simple and convenient for users, both in private and on an industrial scale.

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In addition, the popularity of the boilers received due to the diversity of the species mentioned above.

  • Fir-tube boilers provide a fairly optimal level of use.
  • The compactness of the device does not limit its power and performance.
  • The boiler work can be organized at an automatic level, equipping it with additional control devices.
  • You can install the thermometer, air vent, pressure sensor, pressure gauge, so that the boiler does its work in automatic mode. At the same time, during operation, the burner does not arise the problem of the ripple of the fire, which we can observe in the work of other devices used for heating.
  • Thanks to modern materials used for manufacture, winter-tube boilers are not subject to corrosion and rust. This means that the heating system can work for many years, without exposing the risk of heated premises.

The disadvantages of boilers, especially in industrial use, applies high explosion hazard. What, however, is explained by the organization of insufficiently safe operating conditions.

Worn-tube boiler

Therefore, choosing a winter-tube boiler for work, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for its use. Due to the presence of heat pipes, security requirements are presented particularly strict. The work of such boilers as follows:

  • In steam and hot water-tube boilers, the coolant moves with a much lesser speed than in other heating devices, this leads to the appearance of stagnant zones inside the device dangerous to work;
  • Another reason why such boilers are more explosive - this is the presence of a larger amount of water in the device;
  • A large amount of water causes another problem - the formation of scale and deposits on the walls inside the device.

Screening is dangerous for any device. As for the winter-tube boilers, it is precisely unevenly formed in them, which disrupts the work of the device and can lead to serious problems.

This means to avoid problems with the work of the boiler and ensure its safe operation, it is necessary to regularly produce a technical inspection of the device and repair it, in case of malfunctions.

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The timely replacement of spoiled components will allow you to return the operation of the boiler safety, and the device itself return the power and efficiency of work.

In any case, in order to ensure the safety of the equipment, it is not necessary to go beyond the scope of operation, comply with the security measures and technical instructions of the manufacturer.

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