Furniture arrangement art in a small room


Furniture arrangement art in a small room

On how to arrange furniture in the room correctly, it turns out, there is a whole science.

There are rules for large and small premises, children's and bedrooms. And even in the corridor you need to put everything on the mind. Consider how and what to do.

Small room

Furniture arrangement art in a small room

Commit to put furniture in the room large size can each. But how to do it in a small room? For example, in a one-room apartment in a small housekeeper?

The first step is planning. Experienced designers recommend measuring the room and draw her plan on paper or in the computer. The latter is even better, you can always correct the error or remake the project option if it does not like it.

To properly arrange furniture in a small room, you need to clearly imagine what you need for comfort, and from what you can refuse. Therefore, the second step is to compile a list of furniture.

Now you can proceed to the selection of furnishing items.

The main rule here is to save the space horizontally and most use it vertically.

Therefore, the cabinet should be unintelligible, but under the very ceiling. And instead of a double bed, it is better to buy a sofa book or another conveniently folding model.

Under the table for work, you can redo the windowsill. If there is no such possibility, then the computer table according to the design is better to pick up as far as possible up.

Furniture arrangement art in a small room

How to put furniture in a small room so that it does not interfere in a limited space? The center of the room should not be held, you need to always leave a free passage.

The sofa is better to put under the wall so that it does not block the space in the unfolded form. From the alignment of decorative tables and the docking it is necessary to refuse, they will only interfere.

By the way, on how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room depends on its separation into zones.

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Putting a sofa in one corner, and a working or dining table - in another, you can create a visual distinction. It will emphasize the special backlight for each corner of the room.

So that zoning was natural, the placement of furniture is made in its intended purpose. That is, the items associated with work are put in the same zone, and with rest - to another.

Narrow room

Experienced designers believe that the most difficult task is to arrange furniture in a narrow room.

And indeed, the traditional setting along the walls can only emphasize the lack of such a premises. And lovers put all items, a sofa, a wardrobe, a servant or dresser along one wall only emphasize that they live in a terribly narrow room.

Furniture arrangement art in a small room

Furniture location options in a narrow room.

Therefore, it is also advised to use the principle for which the narrow room is divided into zones. The division can be purely visual (carpet on the floor, lighting) or subject. In the latter case, a small sofa will separate the public zone from the private sofa in front of the TV.

Another example of the discharge of zones in a narrow room: TV is located in the center on a wide end. The sofa for viewing is installed on the one hand, and the sleeping place is on the other.

So that everything happens beautifully, it does not follow in such a room to put all the furniture "in one pile", otherwise there will be a kind of visual skew. Get rid of it and properly arrange furniture in the room of this type will help the principle of asymmetry.

This means that heavy and large items should not stand opposite each other, and the cabinets should not pull into the ruler. Place them in different parts, create some chaos. But the cabinets should not be scattering in space, the narrow room will be reminded by a corridor.

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Getting Started, it should be remembered how little place in the room. Therefore, apartments design experts advise before placing furniture in a narrow room, make measurements to make all the items selected for it could fit without problems.

Children's room

Furniture arrangement art in a small room

Parents often do not think about how to better place items in the nursery, so that the child is comfortable to play, study and relax. And meanwhile, the thoughtful design of the room will only contribute to the harmonious development of a small man.

Stylists offer to take advantage of well-developed principles of how to properly arrange furniture in the room for a child.

The first rule: a children's room is primarily a place for games. Therefore, the less furnishing items in it, the better.

The second rule: items should clearly correspond to the child's age. This is especially true of the chair and the table, behind which the kid learns or plays.

The third rule: put furniture in the children's room so that it is and convenient, and useful for health. For example, a bed or sofa should not be put at the battery - there are too dry air. And the writing table is better to set near the window so that the light falls on it on the left side.

With age, parents can apply the principle of zoning and in the children's room. The usual is the selection of 3 sections:

  • for sleep and rest;
  • for study and classes;
  • for Sport.

How to put furniture to put furniture so that each zone is clearly highlighted? The sofa, the wardrobe for things, the chest or night table is put in one place. And a computer desk, a shelf for books or a rack - in another. Simulators, Swedish wall or horizontal bar, respectively, are located in a separate corner.

To emphasize zoning, designers are recommended to arrange their own separate light source in each. Experts emphasize that in the children's room there should be at least 2 - common and near the bed, if the child is small. For older children, the presence of a lamp above the desktop.

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Also in this room you need to make a separate place for toys. It must be accessible to the child so that he can clean them independently. Complete interior shelves on the walls that need to be located at a convenient height.

Having become acquainted with these principles, you can understand how to put furniture right.

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