How to wear a transparent blouse?


Transparent fabrics do not go out of fashion since humanity has learned them, and have always been considered one of the best funds capable of emphasizing female beauty. As for the fashion for a transparent blouse, its boom coincides with the beginning of the mass production of synthetic tissues (nylon, capron, etc.). Such a blouse in the distant fifties of the last century was in the wardrobe of every fashionista, she was worn both under the jacket, and without it.

The rules of good tone were prescribed to wear under such a blouse without finishing and strapless, and to ensure that the white bra is completely covered by the edge of the same combination (which was mandatory). Since then, the style of clothing, and tissue manufacturing technology have changed, however, the translucent blouse continues to remain a symbol of femininity and the desire to look attractive. At the same time, this item of the wardrobe requires a very responsible relationship.

Where and how to wear?

How to wear a transparent blouse?

Blouses made of transparent fabrics confidently conquer their positions in the onions of any style (perhaps, except for sports), they are worn at any time of the year. These blouses are indispensable for evening exits, as elegant clothes, are quite allowed on the street and even in the office, they are well harmonized with such wardrobe objects, like skirt, trousers, jeans, cardigan, jacket or jacket. However, so that the overall impression is not a dissonance for a particular situation, the transparent blouse needs to be properly worn.

First of all, the translucent clothing should not be "in the tightness" and too open. Long and loose things are on an eye, on the classic blouse, which is filled with a skirt or trouser belt, in the office or official setting it is desirable to put on a jacket, a cardigan or at least a short vest . In no case can we carry two translucent things at the same time, so the transparent blouse should be combined with skirt or trousers made of tight fabric.

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What is the bottom?

Putting on a transparent blouse, it should be remembered that if it does not put a fairly closed jacket or jacket on top of it, everything that is located under the cloth becomes not linen, but clothes.

  1. The most restrained addition for translucent blouse is a T-shirt or top on the straps, which are ideal for casual and office style. These accessories should be smooth and without finishing.
  2. The more elegant option is the imitation of a deep neckline, translucent through the fabric. To do this, we should wear a bustier, a bandanda or strapless (and also without finishing).

How to wear a transparent blouse?

Most women prefer to wear in these cases only a bra. However, a bra with lace and other similar details that are clearly visible, even despite the cardigan or jacket beloved on top, looks vulgar.

A better laundry for a transparent blouse is a smooth closed bodice.

As for the photo of models and colebritis, which demonstrate the obvious lack of linen under translucent clothes, if your plans are not included in the red carpet or showing a new collection of clothes, limit the reproduction of such a bow in the setting of romantic dinner.

White, beige, colored ...

Very difficult question is the selection of the color of additions. Color underwear under a transparent cloth also looks very stylish and elegant.

There are several color selection rules:

  1. Bra, top or bando pick up the same color as the material of the blouse (on white color this rule does not apply).
  2. Accessories for a transparent blouse can repeat the tone of skirt or trousers.
  3. If there is a cardigan or a jacket with a large cut, their color can match the color of the bra.
  4. White color belongs to the category of practically prohibited, and beige accessories, merging with the unaczzle and creating the effect of a solid background, are considered the most versatile.

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You can find a variety of underwear in the style of Nude. However, it is often even a product of an authoritative firm looks like a translucent fabric not the best due to the fact that its color does not coincide with a touch of the skin. Therefore, in its wardrobe, it is desirable to have several bras of this type - almost white, light - beige and darker, corresponding to the usual shade of your tan.

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