Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video


Some time ago, the creation of various crafts from beads was mainly engaged in children, since such leisure is developing a small motorcy and expands the horizons. And at present, adult people are also fond of activities, this is a fairly popular direction. From such a material as beads, you can create many things - figures of different types, floral compositions, you can even even embroider whole pictures. They decorate the house, they create comfort, also such a thing will be an unusual gift. From a variety of compositions that can be created, various birds are often found. For example, peacocks from beads unambiguously conquer all.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Pavlin is rightfully considered to be a royal bird, since since ancient times she was present only in the luxurious Gardens of Sheikhs, as well as representatives of exclusively noble and high dynasties. In the modern world, Peacock remains a very popular bird, and not only in the ornithologists. Needlewomen also like this majestic bird, it is embroidered with threads and make masterpieces from beads.

Figurine of bead peacock

To create a peacock with your own hands, you will need materials that are exactly every lover of crafts from beads:

  • Beads of the following colors: blue, black, red, white, green and yellow;
  • Blue beads;
  • thin wire;
  • Lamps (pliers).

When selecting beads, it is necessary to consider what quality they will be better not to save. In stores for needlework, you will definitely prompt which beads to choose. The final form of figurines depends on this.

When all materials are prepared, you can proceed to weaving.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

We start weaving

The phased master class on the creation of the original volumetric peacock is starting with the creation of beak and head. To do this, it is necessary to use red beads, as well as a wire about 5 cm. The main material must be cut into 2 parts, each of which will be 2.5 centimeters. Now we do 2 cuts through one bead.

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We will weave the upper part on the first, and the lower part will be located on the second. The upper and lower beak departments are made by a parallel weaving technique. We recruit 2 glass on one edge, and the second we draw from the opposite side. The same action repeat 3 times. Each new row should be 1 biserink more. There must be 5 rows.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

The billet of the lower part is made similarly. At the very end it will need to attach directly to the top.

At this stage, it should be very neat so that errors do not happen in the connection, since then it will be very noticeable.

After the weaving of this part of the body is completed, you can start creating your eyes. This requires 2 blue beads and beads of white, black and blue. This part of the bird is best to weave french technology.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

We recruit blue glass and beads, which should be in the center. Fix her loop, it will mean pupil. Now we ride dark bispers and perform an arc, while fixing it. Next, it is necessary to drive dark elements again and perform the following arc in the same place. After that, there should be white color, blue and white again. Next, we entered the arc from the opposite side and all fix. According to the result, the bird's eyes should turn out. Now take blue and white beads. Perform an arc from above, and then on one dark rim from each side. For a second eye, we use the same scheme, only already in the mirror image.

Next, we attach my eyes to the beak. To do this, make a wire in the last strip and in one edge of the rim of the right eye. Just do it with another eye. Blue bispers need to penetrate the wire from both sides. Now we have done it through the glass rim, and then we connect with my eyes.

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The bird's neck must be placed similarly to the beak spinning. However, you should not forget that the amount of beads should be increased to the bottom of 3 or 4 pieces. The length of the neck can be adjusted to its taste, but it must be remembered that it should be proportional to the body.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Next, take the blue beads - we do torso. This part of the statuette should directly continue the neck, and she woves the same way. The number of elements first need to do more, and then gradually reduce. The lower part should look a little wider than the top.

Peacock wings are created from the beads of different shades, the technique of French weaving is used. It is necessary to dial 7 glass, then weave as color strips of rainbow. When the wings are ready, they need to be attached tightly to the body, as shown in the photo.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

At the end of the crafts weave the tail. Each feather on it should also be like a rainbow. The edges of the feathers are wearing the same French technique. The most important band consists of one bead and two beads. Next we are wearing 5 color rows. The billet ends with a needle way, as shown in the photo. After the tail is finished, fasten it to the bird body.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Ready! Peacock will be bright, memorable and incredibly beautiful.

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Schemes that will help in weaving peacocks from beads:

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

Peacock from beads with your own hands: master class with schemes and video

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