How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment


How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

How nice in the winter cold time to get a small bundle of dried mushrooms from the storage room and cook fragrant broth! This amazing pleasure can be possible if you know where to store them at home. Let's find out the basic rules.

Preparation for proper storage

In order for forest gifts to continue for a long time, they must not just collect and put it - you need to do it right. The product dried will not be in due expensive, will not lie for a long time.

If fibers with elements of dampness remain inside the mushrooms, they can be subjected to rotting or mold. Also do not blame them. They will not be able to lie for a long time due to the fact that they will become very brittle and they will crumble strongly.

Here is a list of forest gifts that are dried and stored best:

  • Champignon;
  • butter;
  • white;
  • Boosynoviki;
  • Honey;
  • chanterelles;
  • Podberezoviki.

After drying, this product is significantly reduced in weight and volume, and it means that it is not so difficult to choose a storage space.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

Storage at home

First, let's talk about what is better to keep the dried gifts of nature. For this purpose, it is good:
  • banks;
  • bags;
  • freezer;
  • twine;
  • attic.

Application of glass cans

For in dried form, darkened containers are best suited, as they will protect the product from excess light. Banks should be sealed, otherwise moisture and the product will disappear in them.

Important! It must be remembered that mushrooms always draw moisture. They are very hygroscopic. Therefore, choosing a place to store them, be especially attentive.

Before laying in banks, dry products must be prepared.

  1. Carefully wash the tank.
  2. Sterilize them.
  3. Dry so that there is not a drop of dampness.

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This method is considered the most relevant for storing white mushrooms. The fact is that tightly closed containers will be able to perfectly preserve their taste and aroma. The ideal option for storing these products will be containers whose covers can create a vacuum.

Tip! If you do not have vacuum cans, but you want to use this storage method, try the following. Before finally close the can with a lid, pour some quantity alcohol under the cover. Google it and quickly close so that the burning process does not have time to complete. So burning alcohol will destroy the remains of oxygen and create a vacuum effect.

This method is considered the most effective. Due to the absence of oxygen, the process of mold occurrence is almost completely excluded. This is true even in cases where mushrooms laid not quite in a suitable dry room.

But what if dried foods became brittle and began to crumble?

In this case, you can prepare a homemade mushroom seasoning and put it into a dry sterilized jar. Using a coffee grinder, grind mushrooms to powder state. Add salt, pepper and other favorite spices. This seasoning will be stored for a long time, and you can always add it to your favorite dishes.

Now it's time to find out how in the apartment you can save the dried gifts of the forest, using bags.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

How best to use bags

To take advantage of this storage method, you need to find such a place to which there will always be constant air access. This is a prerequisite that the product does not mold and have not spoiled. It is also impossible to allow various third-party smells in the room, because mushrooms can easily be in advance.

Choose a dry and ventilated place in the apartment. Typically, a pantry or balcony is suitable for this. It should not be allowed that the dried lines of forests are kept under the conditions of a sharp temperature dropped. It will negatively affect their condition: condensate will stand out, moisture will accumulate, and mushrooms can be molded.

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Storage bags can be sewn alone. For example, you can use dense gauze. Fold it several times and cut. Stretch the seams. In such a bag, the mushrooms will feel perfectly and kept stored.

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to keep dried forest gifts in the freezer.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

Freezer for dried products

Some hostesses prefer to store mushrooms in the freezer or in the refrigerator. And in something they are right. After all, no pest will penetrate here, and the products will be able to remain suitable for cooking dishes for a long time. How to do it right?

  1. Provide a product with hermetic packaging - Dampness should not penetrate inside.
  2. Mushrooms must be well dried.

The hostesses that use this method note that mushrooms freely retain their properties at least a year. In some cases, the product remained for a longer period, and its quality has not decreased.

Let's now consider how to store them on the ropes.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

Storage on the twine

If you used the rope when drying mushrooms, you can also leave them for the entire shelf life. But it is necessary to be especially attentive not to cut the forest gifts. Otherwise, they will not be able to stay on the twine, they will crumble and disappear.

Before hanging, wrap the twine with a cloth. In a place where they will be stored, there should be no damp or stares. If you comply with these rules, you will see how long your mushrooms will be fresh and fragrant.

Tip! When using mushrooms there is no need to unleash the twine. You can just break as much as you need. Undoubtedly, you will appreciate the convenience of this method.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

Storage in the attic

This place is suitable for the preservation of dried forest products in the event that there are no pests there. Follow the air temperature and humidity level. Regularly check whether there are some signs of vital moth or bugs on products.

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In the attic you can store mushrooms both in bags and in any suitable container. But how many months or years? It depends only on you. If everything is done correctly, their storage time is almost unlimited. But it is clear that sooner or later you want to put new mushrooms and enjoy their aroma and taste.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

Useful advice

In order for your mushrooms to always be delicious, fragrant and reminded fresh, stick to our simple tips.
  1. Every few weeks inspect them and remove damaged pests.
  2. Remove those moldy or imagined dampness.
  3. Do not let in the room in which mushrooms are stored, the temperature exceeds 12-14 degrees.
  4. Make sure that they were a constant influx of fresh dry air.
  5. If the forest gifts suddenly become wet, dried in the oven.
  6. For storage, select those that were correctly dried.
  7. Before use, soak products in water or milk - their taste will turn out fully.
  8. Water from under key mushrooms can be used with benefit - as the basis for soup.
  9. Mushrooms designed for drying should be perfect: without sand traces, dust or dirt.

How to store dried mushrooms in the apartment

The video below will reveal some subtleties of the storage of mushrooms. Now in the midst of the season you can collect them as much as you want. After all, now even a small part of them will not disappear, but will remain in the preservation of a dried form!

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