Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor


Creating a high-quality and beautiful interior in your home, we try to develop an original concept for each room. At the same time it is necessary that the design of all rooms has echoes into something, creating a complete picture of the overall idea. Therefore, finishing various rooms can be made of the same material.

In this article, we will consider the decoration of the hallway with liquid wallpaper, we will discuss on the main advantages of this advanced material, find out how best to use it, and with what to combine.

Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Original two-color walls in the hallway

Finishing material

Immediately it is worth saying that the first room of the house or apartment, which opens in front of us outside the door, is an entrance hall. It is she who forms the initial impression of our dwelling, sets the tone to further study the rest of the premises.

The interior design of the hallway is most often a low, made of high-quality, easily humid cleaning materials. Recently, it became popular to use liquid wallpapers in the corridor and the entire hallway, as they just satisfy all our requirements.

The criteria for choosing finishing material for walls of the hallway are quite acceptable for most materials:

  • Friendly color gamut made of the most common colors, most often pastel palette;
  • High practicality, the ability to transfer regular, complex wet cleaning.

Liquid wallpaper with more than satisfy these criteria, color you can choose anyone or make it yourself using a koller, but the practical characteristics at the proper level will provide a manufacturer. It is he who in stages of preparation of the material tests it under different circumstances, and then confirms a worthy level of quality.

Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Typical entrance to the domestic apartment

This finishing material is called wallpaper exclusively because it is applied to the wall and is based on cellulose, on this all its similarities with a standard rolled material ends. Liquid wallpaper looks like powder or granules, reliably packed in the cellophane package.

The decoration of the walls is performed similarly to work with decorative plaster, the mixture is distinguished by the fact that sand is present in the plaster, and there is no it in liquid wallpaper. Thus, with wallpaper in liquid form, it is even easier to work, all the actions you can do it yourself, without bringing professionals to them.


The furnishings of the hallway and the corridor can be performed by many finishing materials, at the same time, liquid wallpapers have several advantages that look like this:

  • To create an original design of the room, it is advisable to use either original materials or a non-standard approach. In the case of liquid wallpaper, both of these conditions are performed.
  • So that the decoration of the room served a long amount of time, it is important that it be made from high-quality and durable materials. And here we also put plus the type of wallpaper in question.
  • The indisputable advantage of any finishing material, its environmental friendliness, and liquid wallpapers are just made exclusively from the ingredients safe for humans.
  • Modern vinyl wallpaper on the phliselin-based basis is very significant, since in addition to the decorative component, there are great qualitative potential. In our case, you can do without a modest budget.
  • Long-term repair work is strongly exhausted, both both physically and psychologically, so it is desirable to spend them as quickly as possible. When working with liquid wallpaper, the repair process will not strongly delay, besides, all manipulations with the walls you can easily make yourself.

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Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Original drawing on the wall in the corridor

As you can see the advantages of this modern finishing material, therefore, it is quite possible to choose it for your hallway. However, when developing interior design, it is important to take into account all the fundamental moments, starting with lighting.

The hallway is not the most illuminated room, which is most often not even windows. Choosing a color solution for her finish, it is important to understand what light sources you have. If there are few of them and they are not the most powerful, repel from the bright color gamut when choosing a color for walls.

Walls in the hallway, as in any other room, are subject to mechanical effects, they are watched with touch, things, after which they wash. So for a long time they retain the source species, it is required to give the material high wear-resistant characteristics. In the case of liquid wallpaper, acrylic varnish will help protecting their surface.

The use of a special varnish perfectly protects the decorative surface, but in addition to it, primer is often used for additional protection. With this processing of liquid wallpaper, they can be wiped with a damp cloth, vacuuming with a soft nozzle for furniture in the form of a brush.

Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Cleaning ornament on the wall

The wall decoration with liquid wallpapers does not imply the ideal level of surface preparation. It will be enough if you get rid of large bugs and chipping with a putty. Small scratches, holes, highlights on the walls, liquid wallpaper will easily hide their texture.


Liquid wallpapers have recently experienced a real boom of popularity, which signals that this finishing material has many advantages. To not be unfounded, let's list them together:

  • Minimum preparatory work with walls before installation.
  • It is permissible to use in any rooms from children to the kitchen, and on various surfaces: walls, ceilings, pipes and even batteries.
  • High sound insulation characteristics, excellent thermal insulation within one room.
  • Antistatic properties of the material do not allow dust to accumulate on it.
  • Not the ability to absorb and save odors for a long time.
  • Neutral position in relation to ultraviolet, liquid wallpaper Sunlight does not cause any problems.
  • The absence of seams and joints creates a monolithic space, unlike most other finishing materials: classic wallpapers, tiles, lining.
  • Affordable price for any buyer, availability in all stores.
  • Easy in the installation and high speed of work with this material.
  • Any color to choose from or from the store presented or using the appropriate koller.

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Thus, in any of our rooms, we can easily make a finish with liquid wallpaper, and, of course, they will perfectly fit into the corridor or hallway.

Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Light coloring coating for hallway walls

By the way, about choosing color. There are most popular colors in the shops that have already been tested in practice. Manufacturers are constantly looking for new approaches, add interesting colors. The assortment there is always bright representatives that can be used as the main accents, and softer tones suitable for the background design of the walls.

For a small hallway or a narrow corridor, the colors of light gamma will be preferable, which visually will not reduce the room, and possibly will further increase it. Bright tones on the walls are narrowed by space, make it even less, which in our case can not be allowed. Approximately the same color selection technique should be adhered to when choosing liquid wallpapers into the kitchen, which in most cases has small dimensions.


Note that liquid wallpaper is well combined with other finishing materials, with the same vinyl wallpaper, laminate, plastic or decorative stone. It looks great for the separation of walls, both horizontally and vertically. The colorful and harmonious interior is obtained when creating clear boundaries between finishing materials.

Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Use of various finishing materials for walls

In this moment we will return a little later, and consider all the finishing materials for walls available today, which could be used in the hallway:

  • Classic wallpapers created from paper, vinyl, fliseline, fiberglass, some of them can approach. The choice of wallpapers today is colossal, but few of them will rise for the complex conditions of the hallway. In this room, it is definitely impossible to glue paper options, afraid of moisture and not laundered from woven. Vinyl, phlizelin wallpaper for painting and glass windows will be preferable, but the cost of these materials is already an order of magnitude higher. In addition, if you select a variant of painting, and paint material and tools for applying to the wall will have to buy.
  • Natural wallpapers created from traffic jam, bamboo, wood, most likely we will not fit at all. Very cool and great that these finishing materials are 100% natural, but it is very difficult to apply them in the apartment. They are extremely very afraid of moisture and temperature drops, they cannot be scam. In addition, they are not very strong and reliable, so it is inappropriate to use them in the hallway. Let it be better decorated with their naturalness bedroom or living room, any room with a constant microclimate.
  • Decorative plaster is one of the strongest and durable materials that can be finished by the hallway. However, the appearance of this wall cover is not the best, since the texture is created by various devices after applying. In addition, the high-quality decoration of the walls need experience and short-sighted skill, which there are no ordinary people.
  • It turns out that liquid wallpapers are one of the most advanced solutions for finishing a hallway or corridor. With such a choice, the walls of the premises do not need to cook much and long, it is enough to be rudely stuck together, and after quickly apply the coating. This material is quite a durable, easy to apply and inexpensive, and with a great desire, it can be done in all of the paper.

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Using liquid wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Combined wall decoration in the corridor

You are surprised, but in reality it is. As we have already spoken, the main ingredient of liquid cellulose wallpaper, and additional glue and dyes. Therefore, the finishing material itself is quite realistic, for this you will need: sheets of paper in large quantities, glue PVA, plaster, water and kel.

If such experiments are not your element, it is better to purchase a ready-made composition, just diluted with water. At the same time, you can choose a powder with various decorative additives, for example, golden threads or brilliants that will make a highlight to the interior. Silk variety of liquid wallpapers allows you to give the wall the effect of tissue finish.

Liquid wallpapers will become an excellent choice for you if you decide to make the first repair in the new building. Everyone probably remembers that the house will still be satisfied, move, from which some finishing materials will just go away from the walls on which cracks will appear. In our case, it is safe to say that this is not happening, since the material confidently keeps its shape, and has some coefficient of elasticity.

The use of liquid wallpapers for finishing a corridor, hallway, will make it possible to create an interesting, modern, very atypical interior that you will admire you, and your guests.

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