Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)


Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for cottages and for home are not made hard, and the blowing materials are always at your hand. Sometimes there is a pretty serious problem of accumulating unnecessary glass bottles in your home. Of course, you can solve it by recycling, but why not try to entertain yourself, and make crafts from this container.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

From glass bottles make beautiful accessories in the decoration of the premises, use in the country, etc. In general, everything is in order, so let's learn a few ideas, how and where you can use it.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Ideas of crafts from glass bottles do it yourself

There are many options on this topic, but here are the several most popular ideas that are already implemented in everyday life. Let's see what you can do to decorate them your cottage and garden.

Read also : Crafts from plastic bottles for giving and home.

Ware from glass bottles with their own hands

It is difficult to believe, but from the used bottles you can make the original dishes, which you will use at home or in the country. To do this, it will be necessary to cut the bottles to the appropriate parts and get across a pretty.

For example, cut a bottle in half, grind, and ultimately we get an original glass. If you do everything figured, you can also get a glass, whose leg is made from traffic jams, or old broken glasses.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Speaking about plates, they will be more difficult to do at home, but taking advantage of the services of a glasswater workshop, your packaging will turn into a beautiful set of flat plates.

Vases, porridge and flower pots from glass bottles

Bottle itself is already a good basis for our vase. In order to make it interesting, you can decorate the thing with the help of paints, decoupage and other design techniques.

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Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Since the vases are not only ordinary, but wall-mounted is another version of the idea. Take a bottle, cut it in half. In that part there, where the neck, we smear the earth, using the grid, and the Sadim a small plant. In the compartment with the "glass" (lower part) we pour water. We have an excellent vase pot for growing decorative colors.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Read also : Vases made of glass bottles - option 1 and option 2.

Candlesticks made of glass bottles

Candles themselves are quite an important accessory in romance. But if you add an interesting candlestick there - it can call the furyor of positive impressions of your partner.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Read also : Candlesticks, lamps and other crafts for the house of glass bottles.

Glass bottles lamps

An interesting option to use crafts. Great wine and beer bottles that can be used as a ceiling.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

In addition, using bottles of different colors and shades, you will get the original lamp-garland, which can be used at home, in the country or in a gazebo.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Fences and fencing from glass bottles

Undoubtedly, the attention of neighbors and passersby will attract. Such a design will not select a lot of time in your work, but the result will be stunning.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Use the bottle of different shapes, colors and litters as a material. You can arrange a monophonic, or creatively selected pattern. In general, there is no fantasy, so experiment.

Read also : still crafts for giving glass bottles.

Decorative Bottle Flowers

To implement this idea, a sufficient number of bottles, cement and a couple of sketches for the design of future flower beds will be required. Such a project can be developed to a serious scale, and your garden landscape will definitely not remain without due attention.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Borders on bottle beds

The design of the flower is not to come. Part of the idea can be transferred to beds, and zonate departments with the use of colored bottles. For example, protect vegetables from fruits, creating them the original border that will look great on the background of a common picture.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

The course of work is quite simple. First you imagine and conventionally draw boundaries where they should be. Then you will need to roll out small grooves, where to put the bottles close to each other quite close, and at the end there is good to the ground of the earth.

Read also : What else to make borders and flights for beds in the garden.

Walls Houses of Glass Bottles

Have you ever seen how beautifully the colored glass looks in the decoration of houses, walls and other objects. So why not arrange and your walls in a similar way?

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

All you need is a bit of creativity and creative approach. Also directly the material in the form of bottles, cement mortar, ruler and pencil.

Table for giving from bottles with your own hands

It happens this piece of wood furniture, tires, and even from bottles! You can make such a cradle at the cottage, using the basis of several bottles that firmly install in the foundation of the place where you want to place your table.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Hangers - Bottles Hooks

Another extraordinary use of the necks from bottles, which first wanted to throw out. Do not believe, but you can find it enough to beat this functional and the right object of the interior in the corridor. Even make some accent, for example, install hooks chess, make them different shape, or use colored glass.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Read also : Wooden's handwheel with your own hands and ideas for her.

Master class "Staircase in a bottle"

Such an exercise with your own hands will undoubtedly be able to decorate the interior of anyone. It can also be used as a gift to his beloved and relatives.

Make the craft is easy, the main thing is to follow these instructions, and pre-stock all the necessary material for work.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

So, we will need:

  • Bottle (best use from under whiskey or vodka).
  • Dowel size 5 centimeters, the diameter of which will be 0.4cm.
  • Two square wooden sticks. Approximate size 14 * 0.8 * 0.4cm.
  • Water.
  • Pencil.
  • Drill.
  • Line.
  • Stack and tweezers.


  1. To begin with, rinse your bottle and completely remove the label from it. Remember that it was ready for work, you need to dry it well.
  2. While the bottle dries, we will proceed to the process of making the stairs. Take pre-cooked wooden sticks and arrange the marks on them, where our steps should be. When the marks are ready, put the sticks in vice, and carefully drill holes in the right places.
  3. Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

  4. Further insert the steps and here is our ladder ready. It is important to note the fact that all its details will need to raise a little so that the surface is smooth. Additionally, at will, you can cover it all lacquer for wood.
  5. Now the most intriguing moment remains: "How to push our staircase in the middle of the bottle?". To do this, we put it in boiling water by about 10-15 minutes. Throughout this time, the tree softened, and becomes a little plastic. In order not to burn, it is recommended to wear rubberized gloves, minimize the staircase diagonally, and quickly push into the bottle. Then you can already straighten and correct where it is necessary using a thin wand.

Alternatively, a bottle is filled with liquid or leave empty. Such a handicraft will make an indelible impression on those people with whom she will come to the eyes.

Master class "New Year's bottle"

In fact, the topics of the holiday can choose any, but in this version we will look at the New Year.

To work you need to stock:

  • Bottle from under champagne.
  • Aerosol paint gold or silver colors (wish).
  • Hot silicone pistol.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Napkin with a picture like a drawing on the theme of the holiday.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)


  1. To make a handicraft from a glass bottle, wash it and dry it carefully.
  2. Then we cut out the scissors we need a drawing from a napkin, and we apply it to a bottle with the help of PVA glue. Important moment: if the bottle is not carried out for the base, the tire-layer napkin, not separating parts.
  3. Next, using a glue gun, we applied the leaks around the top of our bottle.
  4. Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

    Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

  5. That part where the napkin was pasted, we rocked the usual sheet of paper and fix on the tape. It is necessary so that the aerosol does not fall into the drawing.
  6. Sprinkling aerosol paint, decorating the top of the bottle.
  7. We remove the paper, and our handicraft is ready.

You can experiment with it by adding various elements of the decor, piece snow, just snowflakes, etc.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

30 Photo Crafts from Glass Bottles

If you liked the ideas, but you haven't come up with how to make it yourself to make your own hands to decorate your own home or cottage, here are another 20 ideas for inspiration. So do not hurry to throw out unnecessary glass bottles, but try working with them, using crafts as a material for different types of crafts. It will not only bring you pleasure in the process of work, but will be an excellent birthday gift or anniversary.

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

Crafts from glass bottles for home and summer cottages (36 photos)

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