How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners


The answer to the question of how to weave God's cow from a bead, will help to find this article. Beadwork is an ancient art, the basics of which was obliged to know every self-respecting mistress. After all, beads are not just a material, but the ability to transform things, create new images and create real wonders. From it you can make amazing crafts - accessories, earrings, bracelets, figures, interior items, plants and insects. By the way, insects are not only small copies, but also ideal options for beautiful tramples. Consider several master classes for beginners to make such a cutebird.

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

Beauty from simple

Such an insect can also be used in the form of a keychain on the keys or something else.


  • 5 g of red beads;
  • 1 g of black;
  • Carabian for a keychain;
  • Wire for beads 0.3 mm.

All the necessary materials are easy to find in any specialized store.

  1. Let's start with the body. The scheme will help to make it easier. We alternate colors.

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

  1. We perform the right wing in the picture.
  2. Then the left wing.
  3. Secure them on the body of our insect.
  4. Secure the carbine for the keychain.

Some Soviets

You can use this scheme. Here the paws are drawn in detail, which will help for beginners. For weaving it is best to use a copper dense wire that will help keep the shape of the product.

Consider a Read more product product:

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

The insect will be large and bulky. Try to tighten the wire, correcting your fingers and straightenfully straighten all the beads. Thus, we create a convex back, because it will be quite difficult to do this at the extreme stage of work.

Let's start weaving

  1. Weave bottom up. Cut the wire, the approximate length is 40-45 cm. We begin to risk on it. First, one beading, lay down in half a wire, we inlets another 9 beads. Try to make it towards each other, watch the scheme all the time so that it turned out exactly.
  2. We ride each end to 1 bead. Next on one side I will add 3 more, we will pass towards each other, do not try. Capture all segments of 2 beads.
  3. We carry a mustache. To begin with, we ride one bead, lay it in half. Do not forget to leave 1 cm on the mustache, twee in the spiral. We repeat the same actions and with the second mustache. We sell all the ends through extreme beads, squeeze, straighten. Do not forget to hold them towards each other, weeping through the lower row.

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How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

  1. Further weaves just until the end of the product. Do not forget to alternate colors to get a beautiful back.
  2. Now you need to add 1 beads. Wept until it is from all sides of 6 beads. We repeat the subsequent ranks on the beads without adding, then begin to subsoine them. Total should remain 5 pieces on the wire.
  3. Burn it, spend through the upper rows, tighten, cut the surplus. And in the upper rows of hide ends.

Such a cow will be with us:

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

Do not forget to make your paws so that she can stand like a real insect.

Solar girlfriends

A few more options for creating flying "beauties". For example, a bulkbow.

For work, you always need a fishing line or wire. As well as large beads of flowers such as red, black and white for glazing. By the way, you can make several such girlfriends, collect a whole family. You can use yellow or orange beads on the back - on all the will of fantasy.

We ride on the copper wire, the diameter is 0.3 mm. We start working from the head.

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

It is considered light weaving - parallel. They perform the body, mustache and foot over the scheme. Correct wire length yourself, usually 20 or 30 cm.

How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

  1. Slice to lay the wire in half. We put one black, twist the wire. Do not forget that the diameter of the mustache is 7 mm. Next, take 2 black beads, make another mustache.
  2. The second row starting with eyes. On the end we ride 4 beads, as well as white for eyes. The second end stretches through the row in the opposite direction. According to the same scheme, do the following rows. Alternate colors of beads to get points on the back.
  3. Paws are 4.6 and 8 row. At the end, wear 3 beads, go through 2 bispers. One bead will be at the end of the paw, the same is the same on the second end.
  4. Collect the Taurus. To do this, go through the ends to the heads on the sides, pull in the ends, cling the ends, sticking out of the head and the mustache, finish, spinning the ends, hide in the caller.

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How to Eust God's Bowls from Bead: Scheme with video for beginners

Under the bottom of the back, you can put the ball from plasticine or polymer clay to make a convex product.

So, usually no materials need for work. This is usually a high-quality wire, the presence of a scheme, beads, sometimes a fishing line. The craftsmen advise work on simpler products to fill their hands, get some experience.

Video on the topic

Best patience and time so as not to rush through the needlework. Tip - Look a variety of video lessons, in order to enjoy and watch the work of professional needlewomen.

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