How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video


The answer to the question of how from the beads to miserably monkey will help to find this article. Sometimes I really want to make a beautiful product yourself. Therefore, you begin to search on the Internet all sorts of master classes on needlework. But there are a lot of them, the eyes scatter and do not know what to do. The way out is simple - to relax and create beautiful things can be used with beadwork. This is a very ancient needlework, its base is beerins, which are the basis of all works. By the way, such a kind of creativity really likes the children, because work with small materials is developing the motility of fingers, logical thinking and fantasy. You can create beautiful animal figures. Let's try to make a monkey. It can become not only a reduced copy, but also keychain, suspension, brooch, earring. They are flat or voluminous, the number of materials and spent time depends on the choice of technology.

Parish from jungle

The volumetric "girlfriend" occupies decent time, it is difficult to make newbies. But if you gradually work, then everything will turn out and will work.

It is best to use a strong fishing line, a parallel weaving, which is suitable for beginners. Use the schemes to perform the caller, face, ears, foot and tail. Remember that the size of the product is choosing yourself.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video


  • Beads of two colors. Choose colors yourself, in this master class Dark and light brown, which are needed for the body;
  • black beads for the eyes;
  • Durable leak for beadwork - cut from 80 to 120 cm;
  • scissors.

So, start!

  1. We recruit on the line about 7-beads of light brown color, tighten them into the ring. We begin with a monkey lips.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. For the second row, we recruit three beads, for the third - two, then a large bead for the nose and then two small ones.

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How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. We form the lowest row. For it, we recruit 7 beads of light beige color.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. The following series form consistently: take dark brown, then light, black, two light brown, and then black, light and dark brown - row is ready!

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. Weave the ears on the muzzle, type 7 light, rubbing the loop for the ears between the second and the third bead from the end.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. We form a head using a scheme. Torso create from dark brown beads. Stop, weave to the paws, stretch cut cuts.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. By the way, the Council. In order for the body to be smooth, put on it a marker.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. We return to the legs using pieces of fishing. One foot is nine rows of beads.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. Recall the flat technique, we inlets the brush animal bright beads.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. Making the tail - banana ready!

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

Banana for resident

Flat monkey make it easier, as it is not necessary to increase the number of beads, keep shape, use sweater materials. We will make such a fun friend.

Do not forget to use the schemes to work easier to work.

For work you will need:

  • Middle beads (as much as possible), choose the color yourself;
  • Wire;
  • Scissors.

An animal can be merged or serious, striped or not. Do not forget that the success of the work depends on the quality and size of the materials.

Here is our assistant. Here we need brown, yellow and several black beads for the eyes.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

  1. We take a sturdy wire, cut off about 100 cm.
  2. We start working in the picture - from the top. For her, we recruit 6 beads, promote them to the middle. We use again parallel weaving, which is ideal for such a product.
  3. The second row will need seven beads, we first score them one way, the second we skip through the beads in the opposite direction. Do not forget to pull the wire so that the product is smooth.
  4. Do not cut the wire in the work, it is better to calculate the quantity at the beginning of work.
  5. Finishing the work, twist the ends, hide between the rows of the product.

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If you want to work more difficult, then craftswomen advise to get acquainted with brick weaving. It requires a lot of attention and time, work out with simple products to create such a hooligan at the end.

Scheme Simple:

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

For work, take:

  • Beads of brown, black, beige and white colors. Consider the desired number according to the scheme.
  • Lesk for weaving, wire for the tail of about 20 cm.

Working exclusively in the picture, it will turn out such a girlfriend-hooligan.

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

How from Beads to Estim Monkey with Schemes, Photos and Video

Video on the topic

In addition to the above master classes, craftsmen advise you to get acquainted with creativity with the help of video lessons, where professionals will talk about the correctness of weaving. You can also study handicrafts on the forums, communicating and asking questions to the same beginners. Beadwork is a unique weaving, it allows you to create real masterpieces using conventional materials and beads. And do not be mistaken if the first products are imperfect. Remember, without difficulty, do not pull the fish out of the pond!

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