Warm floor in the apartment from central heating


Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

To date, consumers have a choice on the issue of arranging heating in the apartment. Not so long ago, only radiator heating prevailed in apartments, and the stove was equipped in private homes.

At the moment, it is possible to ensure heat in the house in different ways. One of these alternative methods is a warm floor in the apartment. Such a system is placed on the floor directly under the finish finish, due to its accumulation and heat transfer occurs.

Water construction

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Water floors will require fill dual screed

Water warm floor in the apartment has the main components:

  • finish coating on the floor;
  • device for feeding and pumping water;
  • fastening for fastening the components;
  • device for water heating;
  • Pipes for which heat will circulate.

Most often for finishing coating for warm floors with a water system, linoleum, laminated coating, parquet or tile are used. Some types of coatings can be placed directly to heating pipes, while others need to be protected from drying out.

For example, laying the laminate, it is necessary to use the substrate. As for linoleum, in this case it should be high quality.

Otherwise, when heated low-quality material, harmful substances will be released that will damage the health of the inhabitants.

Types of floors by way of arrangement

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

On top of the screed, you can lay the finish coating

Water warm floors in the apartment is divided into several species by the method of their arrangement:

  • polystyrene;
  • wooden;
  • Concrete.

Water warm floors, which are equipped with a concrete method, were the greatest distribution. It is used by the well-known and familiar screed of concrete. The execution process is based on such steps:

  • Initially, thermal insulation is placed on the surface;
  • The next stage is the armature grid;
  • Pipes that are used for circulation on them warm water lay out over the reinforcement grid and in some places they are fixed;
  • Produce the fill of the special concrete, which is used for water warm floors.

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The last stage provides a screed for the finishing layer of the finish. Screed must completely align the plane.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Luggage for pipes or channels made by rail are arranged in a wooden basis.

When arranging floors of wooden type, heating pipes must be placed directly on lags or rails.

If there is no such possibility, it is necessary to further provide modular systems from the chipboard board.

In such modules, the channels for the location of pipes were prepared in advance. There is a heater, for example, minvat or polystyrene between them. Then the pipes are coated with foam film or specialized cardboard.

It should be remembered that aluminum plates are located on top of the modules, which will subsequently heat and give heat.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Laying on polystyrene plates facilitates installation

The sequence of grinding floor of a polystyrene type consists of such steps:

  • providing layer of isolation;
  • Laying polystyrene plates in which special recesses for laying pipes and installation of aluminum plates are prepared;
  • providing a layer that is responsible for absorbing excess moisture;
  • Laying finish coating.

Electric construction

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Cable on fiberglass stacked inside screed

An alternative to water warm floors is the electrical version. They are also mounted under laminate, tile or linoleum.

But it should be noted that for each option of flooring there are a specific type of elements of warm electric floors. For example:

  • Single cables are laid under the screed;
  • The tie with the subsequent laying of the tile uses a cable on fiberglass;
  • Rod infrared warm floors - also in the screed;
  • Infrared film floors - directly under linoleum or laminate.

The most common and reliable option are warm electric floors using two-tone thick cables. Less reliable are infrared film floors.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Device of the two-housing cable

The functioning of such heating elements is ensured by electricity. To do this, thermostators are mounted in the wall. The sensor to determine the temperature that is placed on the floor surface transmits data to the thermostat that adjusts the degree of heating.

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Pros and cons

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Let's talk now about all the positive characteristics of warm floors. Let's start with the floors that function at the expense of water heating. So, water warm floor in the apartment has such disadvantages:

  • breakthrough pipes, if not enough high-quality material is used;
  • Significant material and labor rates when installing.

Pay attention to the advantages of the system of this type:

  1. Quite low costs for ensuring the functioning of the heating system compared to other options. For example, to provide electric floors you need two times more costs.
  2. Safety on technical and environmental parameters. For more information about the qualities of water floors, see this video:

We present some comparative characteristics of the electrical system:

  • the ability to generate electromagnetic radiation, which is not very useful for human health;
  • The product is sufficiently accurate calculated power.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Such conditions are absent in the design with water heating. But it should be noted that electric warm floors have priorities in relation to Water:

  1. Installation costs much cheaper.
  2. Non-relief control of the functioning of the structure.
  3. The possibility of mounting even after repair.

Installation of water floors

Performing work on the installation of warm floors absolutely does not cause difficulties. Even the amateur can cope. The main thing is to study carefully instructions and strictly follow the algorithm. For details on the installation of water heaters, see this video:

So, the water floor in the apartment is equipped with taking into account such nuances:

  1. Dismantling of the old coating and cleaning of the surface from unnecessary objects, dirt and dust.

    Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

    The most popular pipes made of stitched polyethylene

  2. In rooms with high moisture, for example, in the bathroom it is best to get rid of an old screed and equip a new one.
  3. For the arrangement of the system, propylene pipes are used, especially in places connected the cranes and other elements.
  4. Carefully think over the connection location with the heating system.
  5. It is desirable to connect a tee to the crane. In this case, it is possible to the free nozzles of the hoses if it was necessary to use hot water.

We take into account that new floors will rise in height of about 7 cm.

Providing protection

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

Before filling the screed, check the system for tightness

How to make warm floor in the apartment? To protect against leakage occurs, we provide reliable waterproofing. To do this, initially covered high-quality film.

For example, PS or PE waterproofing material. The first provides special plates, and the second is a rolled material.

We proceed to the arrangement of the screed. To do this, it is necessary to purchase the necessary mixture, which is then connected to water, and the resulting solution is applied to the prepared surface.

Do not forget to check the horizontal level.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

When laying a water circuit, go around the places where large furniture will stand

After the screed is made, begin to place the pipes. It is recommended to place the layout in advance in the diagram in order to correctly perform the purchase of the material.

Directly when laying, the main requirements should be followed:

  • It is impossible to lay pipes in places where furniture will be located.
  • Observe the distance between the pipes. It must be at least 40 cm. We also observe the interval from the walls - 25 cm.
  • Under the windows, the pipe should join directly to the riser.

Directly on the pipes it is recommended to lay foil plates. This will help increase heat transfer. Most often used insulation, which has a foil layer. About how to isolate the floor from leaks, look in this video:

As for pipes, it is better to use metal-plastic pipes without the presence of seams with a diametrical cross section of 20 or 25 mm. Calculate the correct amount of pipe will help the data presented in the table.

Warm floor in the apartment from central heating

We draw attention to the fact that to connect warm floors directly to the heat network, it is forbidden. This procedure must be coordinated in relevant services.

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