Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video


In the summer, I want something new and unusual, sutscent dresses are, of course, good, but the girl in a knitted dress will attract much more attention. Such clothes are quite difficult to find in the store, so it will be much easier to tie a summer dress with a crochet, to understand this article will help this article.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

For girls in the body

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Knitted dresses are perfect for full girls, so the first master class in this article will be devoted to exactly such a model. This lesson will be quite simple, so it is perfect for beginner needlewomen.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

First you need to carefully examine the scheme proposed in the photo below, it is on it that we will work.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Let's start knitting from the back and front of the product. Initially, you need to dial 138 internal capets in one chain. Slip rows and back. One row to lie with columns with Nakud. Then knit according to Scheme No. 1, the rapport is repeated 16 times. When you associate 14 cm, the product must be divided on the back, in front of the prugo, it is necessary to do this as follows: they are following two rapports of 28 airclakes, 4 rapport between * _ * should be skipped, then knit 28 air hostels again, we skip 2 rapport between * _ *. Further, knit according to Scheme # 1, when the product reaches 36 cm size, set it aside.

We continue to knit the belt. The belt will be knit from the motives according to Scheme No. 2, they must be associated with 6 pieces. All motifs must be combined with one strip, the motives to attach to the main canvase, to connect into a circular row.

Next, knit skirt. Next, knit down in a circle, along the belt, we work according to Scheme number 3. We repeat the rapport between * _ * 12 times. Thus, knit to the part A in the diagram. Part And you need to repeat 6 times when you adjust to part in, we encounter part in, repeating 5 times. After that, finish this scheme.

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Final strokes. In prioritize one row by columns with Nakud on the pic. We sew a cut, process the neckline and sew the button.

Wonderful knitted dress for women with lush forms is ready!

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Evening outfit

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Whatever enough, but also evening dress can be connected with the hook. We offer you a master class for knitting an elegant dress with an open back. This lesson will be simple, the main thing is to be checked with schemes, and the process will not seem very difficult to you. Work description will be carried out according to these schemes:

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

We start working from the front. Type 156 air hostels in a chain and three loops on the rise. Knit pattern shown in the first diagram. When the length of the product is 77 cm, 20 kettops in the center do not insert, it will be the neck of our product. Next, we begin to make a drop of 5 kettops and for four times. When the length of the product reaches 82 centimeters, work can be postponed.

Next, we work on the back. We start knitting the same way as the front part, we continue before the height of the product reaches 46 cm. From now on, you need to start making a cut on the back. We leave not past 6 loops, on each side we reduce two loops 10 times, and one - 18. When you get to a height of 82 cm, stop work.

We begin work on the sleeve. Type a chain of 66 kettops and 3 leave for lifting. We work according to Scheme No. 1, having a pattern. In each row you need to add one loop over 26 rows. When the product reaches a height of 42 cm, stop working.

Finishing strokes. We begin the assembly: first cut the shoulders, the product must be decorated with pearls, how to do it correctly, is shown in the diagram. Next, the sleeves should be sewn, sew two halves, tie all edges. Elegant evening dress is ready to ensure that his owner conquered men's hearts.

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Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Model for girl

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

With the help of a hook, you can connect a very pretty dress for the girl of any age, even if the baby has not yet turned 1 year or a girl older than 5 years.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

For this model, you just need the threads of two different colors, but choose only high-quality material.

Take the thread of the main color (which will be the dress itself), type 160 kettles and close them into the ring. The first row knit in this way: 40 columns with Nakud, 1 aircraft, we repeat according to this scheme three times.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

From the second to the fourth knitting need a grid, which consists of a column with an attachment and an air looping. The fifth row knit like this: 2 columns with two casuals, air loop and so on. The sixth row knit the thread of another color, we carry out this series of columns with Nakud. The following two rows knit grid, as in the third step.

To work on the ninth nearby again we take a thread of the main color. We fold the coquette of the dress twice and refer to the line of the armor. We begin to make a slope in this way: * A column with nakida, an air loop, after 3 loops column with ancad, an air loop *. We repeat this rapport, thereby making it before and back, the threads do not break.

The 10th and 11th row knit the already familiar grid. From the 12th to the 15th row, knit the grid, which consists of two camps with three loops. From the 16th row in the grid, a column with two campaigns replaced with a column with three nakidami. 17-36 A number of knit the usual grid.

Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

In 37 row, change the thread on another color and knit a number of two columns with one nakid. The 38th row knit column with Nakud through one loop.

The dress can be decorated with a cute accessory, for example, such a nice bows:

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Summer crochet with open back: master class with photo and video

Video on the topic

At the end of the article we offer to watch video lessons presented in this selection.

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