How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]


Proper house lighting helps to correct the decor errors, create the right perception of the surrounding space. At the same time, errors made in the arrangement of home lighting can destroy even the best designer idea.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

What you need to pay attention to, creating a system of light in a living space of my house.

Calculate the number of light sources

The traditional way of lighting with one central chandelier is the root decision. Of course, you can hang a chandelier with a lot of horns and screw powerful light bulbs into it, but to achieve this way of pleasant, natural lighting of the whole room will not work.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

From the point of view of the right LED, residential space is better to illuminate and using several sources of local illumination (flooring, single suspension, desktop lamps).

The modern version of the lighting source in the room is spotlights. They allow to save electricity, and also provide uniform lighting of the entire residential space.

We select the type of lighting

There are three main types of lighting: reflected, accent and direct / directed.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

With direct / directional lighting, all objects in the room will seem more voluminous.

Reflected light sources will help create an atmosphere. Luminaires with reflective properties are the perfect solution for sleeping rooms and living rooms.

The accent light radiates a very bright, directional glow. Such lighting is used locally in places where it is necessary to highlight a specific subject of the interior.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

Whether wall lights need

More than 80% of the attention is riveted to the surfaces of the walls and will not extend additional backlight on them. As vertical lighting, you can use a hidden backlight of plasterboard ceiling structures, wall scaves. A reasonable solution, place several wall lamps around the perimeter of the whole room and, if necessary, include only them, creating a pleasant atmosphere of heat, comfort, relaxation.

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How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

We select a single color temperature

There are several variants of lamps, with different color temperatures: cold glow lamps, neutral and warm lights.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

It is important that the lamps are the same in the same interior in color temperature. Otherwise, an imbalance will be created, straining vision, creating discomfort.

Use dimmer to adjust the brightness of light

To improve the proper lighting of the house, the dimmer (brightness controller) is simply necessary. It is this small device that provides the desired brightness depending on the time of day, events or mood. Also, the dimmer helps save electricity that in the realities of the tariff policy is very relevant.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

We select room lighting options

For sleeping rooms, a small ceiling lamp will be a good solution and several points of local light (desktop lamps or lamps). It is important that the light in the bedroom is warm (we select the lamps of the appropriate glow).

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

For the living room, it is necessary to provide several points of light (separately for each functional zone). Be sure to - upper light (chandelier). For a working area or recreation zone, it will not be superfluous to provide several points of vertical light on the wall. The accent light (illumination) of individual interior items will emphasize the style of the entire room.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

Uniform lighting is important for children's rooms. The optimal option for such premises will be the installation of accurate lamps of scattered light.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

In the hallway should be light and cozy. Alternatively, you can install a single ceiling lamp or several wall lamps. It is important that the light is not irritating too bright. The most suitable for this type of room will be a neutral luminescence lamps.

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

The concept of home lighting is created simultaneously with the development of the designer idea of ​​the arrangement of residential space. Only so the interior is obtained by a holistic, beautiful, cozy and properly lit.

How to calculate lighting. How much light bulbs need in the room. Calculation of the desired amount of light (1 video)

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How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

How much light need for each room? [Secrets Home Lighting]

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