High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate


Any sex in modern conditions, decorated with laminate, can be warm. To do this, the warm water floor system is installed. The outer layer made in a short period of time will provide a pleasant microclimate in the room throughout the year. Prepare the necessary materials and having studied the main work scheme, you can install a water warm floor with your own hands. This can be done without significant material costs, without pouring a concrete tie.

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

Water warm floor will provide a warm, pleasant microclimate in the room.

To work smoothly and organized, you should prepare a number of devices:

  • Lining material that helps reflect heat: isospan, megazole;
  • infrared carbon film with carbon base;
  • coating for installation of waterproofing;
  • Scotch for installation and electrical work;
  • copper wire;
  • soldering iron;
  • Thermal sensor and floor temperature controller.

Laminate and Water Heat Compatibility

Before installing such insulation, it is worth finding out whether these components are compatible:

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

Scheme laying pipes on the floor of a snake and snail.

  1. Despite the outer fortress of the foundation, the laminate does not have a sufficient degree of moisture resistance. However, many manufacturers found an optimal output from such a situation: they created a special type of material covered with a special composition, such surfaces are not afraid of water.
  2. Water warm floor under laminate requires the installation of a lining layer. However, such materials as a plug, do not tolerate close-up with next to passing tubes. Any synthetic coatings are suitable as a substrate.

Disadvantages of warm water floors:

  • Installation works are associated with significant material costs;
  • the need to attract specialists to work;
  • The installation is associated not only with the mechanical layout of the material on the floor, but also requires the connection to the heating system of the building, compounds with the boiler, pump, filter, radiators, pipeline and bypass.

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Such water base floors contribute to the warming of laminate. At the same time, he retains its strength indicators. Concrete base, even having a high-quality waterproofing layer, will not be able to carry out similar functions.

If we compare with electrical varieties, water coatings will cost much more expensive, which you can not say about the further maintenance of the system. The funds spent on the installation pay off during the first six months of use.

Preparatory work

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

The principle of heating a warm floor.

Installing the selected floor heating system can be carried out independently. In order for the chat prepared for the flooring acquired the specified humidity indicators, it is necessary to warm up and dry the surface. To achieve the desired readings, connect the heating of the floors, gradually increasing the temperature of the floor surface. On the eve of laying of laminate, it is necessary to control the quality of the screed performed, trace the level of burning its base. Typically, manufacturers of such a coating indicate these values.

Regardless of whether a concrete screed will be erected or not, laminate necessarily requires protection against dampness. For these purposes, a polyethylene film is placed on the finished surface, the thickness of which corresponds to 200 microns. To protect against extraneous sounds, the screed is isolated with any noise insulating material. It can be foamed polyethylene, the thickness of which corresponds to 2-3 mm. The substrate is determined throughout the area of ​​the placement by the method of dusting the layers.

Main options for mounting

Most often this method of laying is used, in which the laminate is laid out on top of the finished coating. There are the following options for the device:

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

Connecting the floor to the battery.

  1. Wooden racks assume fixation of the tubes between lags, the openings for wiring are mounted on their own. In the upper part, plywood is laid out, which is a lining material for laminate. As other durable materials can be applied as a sample substrate.
  2. Wooden modular designs are submitted by a pipe device connected along with lags. It requires the provision of flooring to place the lining base, it is possible to use the most solid samples. The role of heat exchangers will perform iron plates with a wide base.
  3. The polystyrene device applies pipes from the corresponding materials.
  4. Concrete flooring is most common. Here tubes are located in the coating itself, they play the role of a prevention beginning, and also exchange heat.

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Water warm floor is impossible to imagine without some elements that do not depend on the variety of the applied finish flooring:

  • distribution collector, for heating a certain number of such parts is taken;
  • A trunk collector that allows you to connect a warm floor to a general device of the heating system;
  • integrated collector;
  • Pump that allows you to swing water.

Recommendation! Laminate under water warm floor has one drawback: it has insufficient heat transfer rates. To get out of this difficult situation, it follows for the flooring to take more subtle rails, a height of 2-3 mm.

Installation of the heating system

On the eve of the main work, it should be determined with the method of pipe placement, while taking into account some points:

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

The overall circuit of connecting the warm floor in a private house.

  1. The length of the contour should not be more than 100 m, otherwise the pumping device will not be able to perform its functions efficiently.
  2. Make a maximum of effort to break down the contours, calculating that one of them heated part of the room with a total area of ​​40 square meters. m. Excessive length of these elements should be avoided.

Pipes on the warm floor can be mounted in such ways:

  • snake;
  • double snake;
  • angular snake;
  • snail.

Preference to a specific methodology is standing on the basis of personal views and experience.

It should be noted that the efficiency of all four ways with equal length of contour gives similar results.

Installation sequence

Warm floor under the laminate with their own hands is placed on a specific system:

High-quality water warm floor do it yourself under laminate

Temperature distribution scheme with radiator heating and warm floors.

  1. Special attention deserves the preparation of the draft coating. It should be flawless smooth, without pamph, chips, dust, garbage. If it is necessary, it is worth using plaster or grinding to align the base.
  2. The surface must be carefully dryed.
  3. Laying the waterproofing layer with one plastomofo the possibility of nearby elements to docile with a double coating in the upper and lower part with a waterproofing tape.
  4. Installation of heating tubes, and the sensor is mounted, which determines the temperature of the water in them.
  5. The operation of the installed system is checked.
  6. Warming elements are covered with a concrete screed, it should be thoroughly dissolved.
  7. On the finished flooring is placed a waterproofing layer.
  8. Laying a lining base for laminate.
  9. Finally, an assembly of outdoor material is being built.

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A few words in conclusion

Taking into account the funds spent and further support of the device, it is worth noting that the combination of "laminate and a warm floor" seems to be the most effective based on the results of the system. If you have the need for repair, any of the slats of the selected material can be lifted, and at any point of the coating. Fix it in the right place is easy.

Installation of laminate does not imply a mandatory installation of warm floors, at the same time, as a watering device needs to cover with this type of material.

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