Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests


Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

The sofa accordion without armrests will be an excellent choice for a small apartment, and for a country house.

We invite our readers to get acquainted with this subject of furniture and learn about its design and qualities.

What is the difference

Sofa bed accordion without armrests, unlike the usual "book", has 3 sections.

Due to this, it can be pulled out for a length of 2 more than a meter. For high people, this design is a real treasure.

But not only it is different from its soft fellow sofa bed accordion. The absence of armrests allows you to put it under the wall, and in the middle of the room - in general where it is convenient to the owners of the house. And the absence of limiters will allow you to easily approach him from any part.

Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

With a larger area of ​​recreation room, the accordion on the metal frame without armrests has the same dimensions as the usual sofa book or the retractable group.

And this is a huge plus for families whose bedroom has small sizes or who live in a one-room small apartment.

The same who will put such a sofa of the accordion on the metal frame as a backup bedroom, do not have to regret it. It can be put on it not only two people along, but also four across.

Design specifics

In folded form, the sofa bed accordion takes the same place as the usual sofa. This is achieved thanks to the well-thought-out furniture design. 3 sections are unfolded into one flat platform, on which the sleeping person practically does not feel the joints.

There is such a sofa literally one light movement of the hand.

Even a child will cope with it, so many parents buy such upholstered furniture from a crib, many parents. The choice is justified, because the accordion on the metal frame without armrests gives the child greater freedom of movement. Yes, and the risk painfully knock on the railing during sleep is absent.

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Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

The seat of such a sofa is advanced on the rollers and fixed. A back, which consists of 2 parts, turns out, covering the space above the box for bedding.

Box is a great thing. Regardless of where the manufacturers arranged it, it is roomy and allows you to store not only underwear, but also pillows with blankets.

The sofa is going to the accordion on the metal frame as easy and simple. For these qualities, it enjoys such popularity from buyers.

The construction is based on a metal framework, which increases the reliability and durability of this object of upholstered furniture. Details attached on it are not flawed quickly, and the risk of random breakdown in such a design is minimized.

Metal carcass

Separately, you should talk about the internal device of our accordion sofa. It is based on a metal frame. All elements of this object of furniture are attached to it.

Constructive elements are made of stamped metal, which can withstand frequent folding and folding. They are resistant to abrasion and high loads. This increases the life of the sofa the accordion on the metal frame.

Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

The layout of the sofa-akkardeon.

Soft elements of seating and elements of the back are spring blocks or polyurethane shock absorbers. They create a fairly elastic surface, so that there is no need to sharpen the mattress on the sofa.

The design of shock absorbers and springs is such that they are not deformed for a long time. This allows furniture for a long time to maintain a flat surface on which it is convenient to sleep.

If the owners of the apartment will be resolved to buy a sofa with springs inside, then they need to know that such models have a so-called independent suspension.

This means that each spring is fixed to the frame in such a way that in case of failure, it can be easily replaced by a new one, without resorting to the services of a specialist.

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The folding and folding system of such an area of ​​upholstered furniture is also good. Having at hand the easiest set of tools and primary skills in a locksmith, homemade wizard will easily remove and replace the old item to the new

Useful property

Choosing your new sofa accordion on the metal frame, pay attention to the fact that he has a mattress.

Some manufacturers provide their own models with orthopedic bases.

With their manufacture, high-quality materials are used, as well as modern technologies from the field of medicine. Thanks to them, such models are in stable demand.

Therapeutic effect enhances special orthopedic lats located at the base of the metal frame.

Sofa Accordion with an orthopedic mattress will be useful not only to those who have problems with the spine, but also people engaged in professional sports, severe physical labor, as well as those who spend a lot of time in the office sitting at the table.

Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

But not only people from the risk group will be useful to the accordion with an orthopedic mattress without armrests. On its surface, you can relax perfectly after a hard work day, sleep well and gain new forces.

In addition, the sofa accordion with an orthopedic mattress will help elderly people who have chronic spinal problems from time to time. They will be able to forget about their ailments and sleep peacefully all night.

Choice of furniture

If the data we have given is enough to make a choice in favor of this type of upholstered furniture, share tips on how to buy your accordion sofa.

The first step in the purchase is to check the reliability. In a good salon, the buyer can not only ask the seller to show how the mechanisms act, but also independently check their work.

Meet: Sofa bed Accordion without armrests

Sofa-Accordion sofa frame circuit.

It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The seat must freely go ahead, never clinging inside.
  2. The wheels must rotate freely, and the back is unfolded without effort.
  3. Mechanical parts should work without squeaks, friction sounds and a grinding. In addition, there should be no sharp clicks - they suggest that the parts of the mechanism are loosely adjacent.
  4. The next important point is the upholstery of furniture. It is made from different materials, the choice of which depends on the tastes and the aesthetic preferences of the future owner.
  5. However, not only the color and pattern are important. Since the sofa of the accordion on metal frame implies frequent transformation, the material must have high bending strength and abrasion resistance. And its coating should be as resistant to deformation.
  6. To protect against mechanical damage, manufacturers use different ways to protect. One of them is Teflon impregnation. It improves the mechanical quality of the upholstery material, makes it more elastic and protects against spilled fluid. The second method is applied to the surface of the Teflon layer. Such a coating is inferior in the quality of impregnation, but it is more accessible at a price. Experienced buyers note that Teflon coverage is impossible to recognize a person who does not have experience. Therefore, making the purchase of furniture with such a protective layer is needed in the confidence interior.

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Some manufacturers are offered with the furniture case for her. They are made both for the entire sofa and for its removable elements.

This is not only a pleasant bonus along with a set of pillows, but also a good means to extend the life of the upholstery of the furniture.

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