If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...


If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Many seek to restore order in their halls, they can help the galoshes for shoes, which will be a non-standard solution to the storage of all everyday shoes.

Games for shoes in the hallway often resemble the cabinet or chest of drawers, but there are much more creative options.

What is suitable from the variety of options?

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Many options for galoshnitz performances make it possible to choose exactly the one that the most organically fit into the apartment interior. Inside such an interior item, several free shelves or drawers of the drawer type, where you can freely accommodate all unnecessary shoes.

The most in demand today the following models of galoshnitz:

  1. Garospheric-dresser equipped with special boxes dropped under a certain slope.

    Inside contains a bar for ease of storage of shoes in high heels. The number of drawers here varies - from 3 to 5 or more.

  2. In the form of a traditional couch with classic swing doors.

    A similar subject of the interior has comfortable shelves, opening inward. It is possible to freely place several rows of shoes on each other.

  3. Still with soft seat either a banquette.

    Such a galoshnitsa has a puff for the convenience of dressing shoes. Right under it and placed an end with the doors. This original embodiment of the plant is perfectly suitable for those people for whom comfort is primary, as well as for those who seek to save residential space.

  4. Games for shoes of non-standard designer performance.

    It can be some kind of forged metal products with an extraordinary appearance. The metal galoshnitsa with forged elements choose more often, because it is not a traditional shelf for storing shoes, but an organic combination of the originality, simplicity, elegant patterns and ornaments that came out from under the hands of skillful masters. A similar subject of the interior is much more expensive than its wooden counterparts.

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Which of the proposed options to choose for your apartment interior, decides everyone. Favorable advantages of such products are as follows:

  • possess a chic appearance;
  • very easy to care;
  • rather durable models, they are not scary moisture.

You can order a similar plant, and you can create something original with your own hands.

At the same time, small dimensions of the living space do not have much importance, because narrow galoshes for shoes with their own hands can accommodate the most necessary shoe arsenal of the average family.

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

There are various versions of narrow galoshes. It can be represented in removable form Slim, where the shelves located at a certain angle can accommodate a given number of shoes as a galoshing in the classical version.

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As subspecies narrow galoshes, it is customary to be a vertically suspended shelves, where the shoes are fastened with special metal holders. Its forms and sizes can easily vary depending on the dimensions of the hallway.

The plant can be in any embodiment: as a simple set of shelves, which are fixed on the wall arbitrarily, or in a stationary cabinet design, very similar to bulky wardrobes, a convenient rotating floor-type system or a rotating mobile version where small wheels are provided.

Required materials and manufacture

Narrow galoshes is often performed from wood slats with various forms of finishes, natural wood, durable metal, safe plastic.

The design of a narrow shoe can be performed completely from one type of material or to represent a combination of an interior object from metal and natural wood, or wood and original laminated plates. As a soft seat upholic, materials are successfully used, characterized by sufficient density and durability - it is tapestry, high-quality artificial leather, pleasant microfiber. All of them have increased abrasion resistance, they are quite simple in care.

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

It is necessary to prepare for the creation of a narrow galoshes from a high-quality tree following important tools:

  • a set of confirmable drills;
  • roulette and pencil for carrying out the necessary measurements;
  • good hammer;
  • working screwdriver;
  • 4-millimeter key of the hexagon form;
  • awl;
  • Prepared pattern.

As a supplement, it is worth not overlooking the following accessories:

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...


  • curly handles;
  • high-quality Eurovintages;
  • Ready-made mechanism for narrow shoes, if in the project it is provided;
  • various screws;
  • Durable decorative supports (with their help, the design will gain a much more solid look).

All this is used when creating a comfortable jacket for home.

Total product dimensions

The product format depends on the area of ​​the hallway itself, where it will be installed, from the needs of the owners. A narrow plant is quite consulting with lonely people, but a family of 3-4 people may need a full-fledged jacket design with a capacity of up to 40 pairs of shoes. The shopping variations of a narrow cutter are often produced in China, where the people have a tendency to do everything in a miniature.

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Fastening drawing.

The shoes can be a narrow or more expanded plan. A spacious cabinet either the bookbate to create itself is quite difficult, so it is quite possible to restrict ourselves to the usual closet.

The basic requirements that make many customers to this kind of products are:

  • functionality;
  • ergonomics;
  • excellent thinking;
  • Sufficient capacity.

A narrow jigger-dryer will not require a lot of space, it simply leans against the wall. There are other options for narrow galoshes that contribute to the optimization of the small space of the hallway. You can make a simple version of the galoshes from such a healthy material as a cardboard.

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Cute durable cardboard

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Project-drawing galoshnya.

To store demi-season shoes, you can easily make such an original galoshny.

High-strength cardboard is taken as the basis, unnecessary drawers, which thrown out in stores and other additional tools:

  • acute furniture knife;
  • High-quality carpentry;
  • wide scotch;
  • Big ruler and pencil;
  • Stapler with large brackets.

To begin with, the entire cardboard needs to be decomposed on a flat surface, sharing it with a pencil on equal sections of a rectangular shape. The height will be about 30 cm, the length is comparable from the initial width of the cardboard itself. Each rectangle obtained needs to be bent in half, and the side walls are bended with equal rectangles whose vertices will be directed down.

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Drawing of mounted shoes.

With the help of the bending of the correct triangles, the formation of boxes occurs. Their edges are desirable to gently glue a tape for additional protection against incoming moisture.

These standard boxes are entered into neighboring grooves, for strengths are fixed using joinery glue. Thus, there is a solid single design. From above, metal hooks for fixing on the wall are attached.

Narrow outdoor shoes is created in the same way, only it is not installed on the wall surface.

The disadvantage of such a design is in its instability, because the cardboard itself is quite lightweight material, so it is easy to overturn such an outdoor plant, slightly taped the edge of the outerwear.

Stable blade from wood

If you decide to make a guiltle for shoes ...

Drawing of outdoor galoshnya.

As a more reliable option, a narrow shelf of wood is suitable. A tree is taken for the base in combination with durable metal straps. With the help of these available materials, it is possible to make a sufficiently stable design, which will be assigned an important place in the hallway.

Those who wish to save on raw materials can replace the woody array to the familiar LDSP or DVP. The standard thickness of the sheets should not exceed 1.5 cm. In addition, special carpets made of stainless steel may be required. The form they have cylindrical. You will need only 8 such elements.

It is important that at the same time the total diameter of the cross section of the slats did not exceed 2 cm. Reliable mounts and clamps will also be needed when assembling the shoes. Here you will need a standard set of joinery tools.

The process of creating a house for shoes begins with cutting side and rear walls. The alleged height of the future shelf is arbitrary, and the width is 23 cm. All this allows you to form a two-level junk.

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The rear wall is cut on the initial stage from several lightweight slats. The planned width will be 20 cm. After the logging fragment is cut, it is necessary to make a thorough grinding of the edges, then you can proceed to the side walls.

First you need to make marking for a pair of the same type of rectangles. All marking, front rounding, including, produced with a pencil, circulation and ruler. All marked roundings are cut out with a jigsaw, after which all the walls pass thorough grinding and fixed into a single section.

The procedure for actions in the final of the assembly of a compact overica with their own hands:

  • Points of fastening points are made;
  • with the help of metal slats, the lateral walls are securely fixed between themselves;
  • The rear walls are strengthened with nails to the end of the sideways themselves.

At the request of the owner, the initial scheme can be slightly complicated, the upper part of the shelf is hampered by soft skin, turning the standard shelf into a comfortable junction of the pen. Make such models of the shoe independently - this is original and at the same time available.

You can perform a galoshnitz in the form of a large box, where there are many standard cells, which is very functional. Closed-type junk is worth making pets of pets, because they will be able to protect their shoes from imminent damage.

For a large family, you can allocate a whole cabinet for the correct storage of seasonal shoes, where various shelves will be placed. Decorated wooden boxes fixed on the wall - also an excellent option for homemade butterms. You can make a multifunctional model - the folding table and the junction, which will help save the already limited residential space of the hallway.

Here you can give the will of your fantasy, creating an original piece of furniture, which will not only be functional, but also enough will fit into the overall interior of the housing. There are many such non-standard solutions, you can choose and modify one of them. In this case, it is possible to draw your attention to the models simple, no more inferior to others in terms of functionality.

Variations from modern designers on the topic of storage of shoes are very much, no one will remain without a model. Standard shelves retain their relevance today. Such a design forces to create any newcomer that has minimal skills for this.

It is much better when all shoes carefully stands on the shelf, rather than scattered in a mess on a dirty floor. From how the shoes are stored, the duration of its service is depends, as well as the safety of the initial appearance. Comfortable cans will help keep shoes clean and perfectly.

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