What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?


Quickly change the interior of the room, create a stylish design, a special atmosphere, to emphasize the individuality, using a variety of wallpaper wallpapers. Washable and painting, paper, vinyl, bamboo: a variety of decorative canvases allows everyone to choose the ideal option.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What should pay attention to when buying, so that work on shook wallpaper has passed quickly, and the result pleased with the quality?

For each room, your type of wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper for different premises, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention not to the drawing, but on the type of web. So for bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms, wallpapers are selected from natural materials (paper, bamboo, plug). For kitchens and bathrooms, wallpapers are ideally suited with high water resistance and wear resistance (for example, fliseline) . In the hallway, the wallpaper is selected for damage and dirt. As an option, the walls are watersted under painting.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

We select shades and wallpaper patterns

Color solutions of wall decor - the case is purely individual. But for those who do not know how to properly combine colors and patterns worth paying attention to ready-made collections. Most manufacturers offer the consumer with a ready-made list of variations of various colors and wallpaper patterns. The buyer can only choose the most liked option.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

We try on the wall wallpaper

The main difficulty when buying wallpapers is to proper mentally liked the canvas on the wall. You can avoid errors. To do this, in the store you need to ask the seller to reveal the roll and attach a small part of the wall of the wallpaper to the wall.

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What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

Carefully learn quality certificates and manufacturer label on the roll of wallpaper

Wallpaper quality is determined by many factors: environmental safety, water resistance, direct sunlight fire, abrasion resistance and air permeability indicator, density.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

It is very important before buying checking certificates of product quality (make sure that it is safety) and study the manufacturer's label at a roll carefully (the main parameters of the decorative material are indicated).

What should be on the manufacturer's label

High-quality wallpapers necessarily have a label on which information is indicated about the product, its features and rules of operation. First of all, choosing wallpaper needs to pay attention to the following data:

  • intonation about the manufacturer (name, city, feedback address);
  • serial product number;
  • Rapport drawing;
  • type of wallpaper (for example washable wallpaper or canvas under painting);
  • Figure direction;
  • Additional information on special processing;
  • The method of applying glue;
  • Light resistance rate.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

General recommendations

In order for the purchase of wallpaper to bring only positive emotions, some recommendations must be followed:

  • Before paying for the goods, make sure all rolls belong to one batch of release (Check the label on the package);
  • Calculating the number of wallpaper is necessary, it is worth considering several stock rolls. This little trick will help to avoid the situation when it is necessary to correct the mistakes in sticking or carry out current repairs in the future, and already crooked wallpapers are removed from production;
    What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?
  • By making a purchase, carefully study badges on the label (sometimes they give information much more than the seller)
  • Buying wallpapers, follow the integrity of the packaging (there should be no spots, rimmed edges of the canvas).

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

Taking into account all the secrets of the choice of wallpaper, the purchase of decorative material will be successful, and the result of sticking wallpaper on the wall will delight with beauty and quality.

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper? (1 video)

Various wallpapers (9 photos)

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

What to pay attention to the purchase of wallpaper?

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