Choosing a balcony blinds: what better


Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

For the window design of balconies, the louvers are one of the most optimal options. Not the first decade is considered a worthy replacement of the curtains. If you remember the story, then in the 19th century, the blind curtains became a hit of the interiors, while they, as neither paradoxically, there are enough opportunities to be modern. What to decorate the balcony, what to choose from the manifold of the lolan curtain?

How to choose a louver on a loggia or balcony: Views

The first moment, which determines the choice of blinds, is the appearance of the curtain. And they are not so little.

Types of lolan curtains:

  1. Horizontal . Perhaps they are most often installed on the windows of the balconies. They are practical, comfortable, and use them very easily.
  2. Vertical . Lamed in such curtains are located, as it is easy to guess, vertically. It is quite convenient to adjust the flow of light on the balcony or loggia.
  3. Facade . Their principal difference is that they are mounted outside the building, which affects the quality of the curtains. They are very durable and reliable. And there are such types of louvre facade curtains that simultaneously serve as protection against robbers! Since such louvral curtains are combined into a solid facade, they make plastic windows more functional.
  4. Pliste. And this is already a design with pleated cloth with folds in 2 cm. What are the minuses of such curtains, so this is their cost - they are quite expensive. But they can be erased, and hang them easily on any windows.
  5. Rolled. And on the balcony, and the loggia is fit perfectly. They are not so expensive, and the infinite number of variations attracts even more - after all, with traditional louvre curtains, you don't get together.
  6. Roman. But these curtains look more spectacular to classic louvre. What curtains are better suitable for a balcony of solid and elegant? Functional, comfortable, made from natural fabrics - flax, cotton, silk. So that the fabric does not fade under ultraviolet, it is covered with a special composition.

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Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Rolled blinds or mini-colored - great option for the design of balcony windows on the sunny side

These are not all options as you can decorate the balcony, there are more exotic, which are increasingly gaining popularity.

Blind blinds: Choose correctly (video)

Bamboo or Wooden Blinds

They are more decorative than functional, but this external appeal is so impressive that many are ready to sacrifice the practicality for the sake of such interior beauty.

What attractive bamboo and wooden louvral curtains:

  • Natural texture. It is always in fashion, it is always beautiful and stylish, and now the current tendency of eco-interior with this choice is perfectly picked up.
  • Create a mood. This is not a barcode, but a real emphasis, with which the balcony is conceptually changing.

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

The mechanism of lifting bamboo blinds folds the slope into a roll, which greatly simplifies the adjustment and control

But without flaws, unfortunately, it does not work out - the weight of such curtains is considerable, and it sometimes leads to a rapid weakening of the mount. Yes, and the cost of such curtains is very high.

What curtains are better suitable for balcony and loggia

There are several fundamental tips that help in choosing a blind.

Tips for choosing a louvral curtain:

  1. It is impossible to install horizontal stubborn curtains on sliding frames from aluminum, because such curtains are attached to the sash;
  2. More aesthetic other, softer and more gentle, curtains-plize, which in a different way can call corrugations, they look great on large windows;
  3. If you again chose roll curtains, you need to arrange designs with a cassette mechanism so that the fabric is located inside the protective box.

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

If on the balcony you have large sliding frames, choose free-winning rolled blinds

Do not forget about the main functions of the blinds - this is the regulation of sunlight, regulation of air flow, a decrease in the temperature on the balcony, minimizing the balcony overview is outside, the balcony decoration.

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Materials for lolan curtains

Material plays great importance, of which the louvre curtains are made.

Types of materials for lolan curtains:

  • Wood. Such curtains look spectacularly, they are combined, perhaps with all kinds of interior. It is important to establish a good switching system that will not fail for long.
  • Paper. This is an option for curtains Plistes. Interestingly, such a curtain is not so difficult to make him own.
  • Metal. But the metal louvre curtains on the balcony are chosen rarely, they do not very well tolerate bad weather, quickly dull and besides. And regular polishing is required for them. Perhaps only this option is best for a decorative balcony.
  • Plastic. And this is definitely the most common louvre lamellas. It is important that you yourself can collect them and install, and even care for them is completely simple. True, cheap louvre curtains will disappoint you with their quality, you will see that they will crack and yellow themselves.

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Fabric lamellas are durable and practical. Attractive tissue curtains and thanks to a wide range of colors

Nevertheless, there is a choice, and for each window you can find such a blind outfit. It is difficult to definitely say what better. The main thing is to acquire such curtains in a proven place and remember that it is necessary to care from the first day, not allowing contaminants.

Installation of blinds on the balcony (video)

For a long time, the lolan curtains have become the best alternative to fabric, and they are improving, the designer thought is becoming more and more interesting, and the technology of making blinds make them more profitable. Look for your option, pay attention to the strength of fastenings and the serviceability of the mechanism, and use long beautiful louvral curtains.

Balcony blinds (photo)

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

Choosing a balcony blinds: what better

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