How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making


Despite the obvious flexibility of the chain grid, not only stationary fences and fences can be made, but also the functional elements of the input group - the gate and gate.

A simple technology of the disintegration gate device from the chain grid allows you to quickly and inexpensively organize a functional passage / passage to the area of ​​the site in the country or the courtyard of a private house.

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Gate from the chain grid do it yourself

The gate from the grid Rabita has many advantages and are chosen by dacms and private traders not only for considerations are cheaper.

The advantages of the gate from the chain net

  • high production speed;
  • Comparative strength and reliability;
  • Simplicity of design, availability of materials, ease

    transportation and the ability to make one with your own hands;

  • Absolute light transmission;
  • durability, resistance to atmospheric phenomena and

    mechanical damage;

  • Maintainability and undemanding in care.

In addition to the fact that the gate of the Rabits is more often used for

cottages, they have proven themselves to be installed in industrial fences

zones, open warehouse and construction sites.

At the same time, simple "mesh" gates may well be

high-tech product. After all, not every country site has the opportunity.

Install the swing gate with the wicket from the chain grid. For some land owners, only retractable or sliding are suitable. No place

To break down or the complexity of the design of the retracting gate, will not be an obstacle to the manufacture of homemade gates from the chain grid.

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Swing Gate from Rabits Mesh

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Swing Gate from Rabits with automatic

We offer a brief guide for self

manufacturing in the form of step-by-step instructions.

How to make a gate from the chalk grid do it yourself

So that the swing gates are securely functioned during

Laid period, you need to perform two basic requirements:

  1. Buy high-quality building material and components


  2. accurately calculate the parameters of the gate.

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Material for the manufacture of gate from Rabitsa:

  • Rabita wicker grid . Buying a grid needs to pay attention

    into several parameters that distinguish this material from others:

  • sizes of cells . For the fencing of the site usually buy a grid

    Rabita with cell size 50x50. If the gate is designed to install in

    Wolter for the dog, you can take a larger cell, and for petty livery

    It is better to purchase a mesh with a cell of 20x20 mm (finelye). Ceteris paribus

    conditions than the smaller the cell, the stronger there will be a grid;

  • Wire thickness From which the grid is made. The thicker

    The wire, the stronger will be the design and easier to install the gate;

  • View of the coating of Rabita . From existing mesh species

    (non-zinc, galvanized, with polymer coating), it is better to give

    preference galvanized (subject to appropriate quality, because good

    Rabita with PVC coated can be more reliable Chinese galvanized). Metal

    Galvanized grid is the least susceptible to the appearance of rust, and the service life

    at least 20 years;

  • Width Rulona . Since the net gate rarely exceed

    Rabs roll length (10 mp), then you need to take into account the width of the roll, which will determine

    The maximum possible height of the gate. Rabys mesh height of Rabitsa is 1,500

    mm. Taking into account the fact that the gate is installed at an altitude of 50-100 mm from the ground,

    The total height will be 1 600 mm.

  • Profile Pipe for Support Racks - 80x80 mm;
  • Profile pipe for gate frame - 40x40, 4 mm thick.

    or corner;

  • Wire guide (stretched) with a diameter of 4-6 mm or hooks for


Due to the fact that the grid has zero sailboat, no

need to make a reinforced frame, but additional diagonal

The cross will join the challenge of the chain. And in the place of attachment of the deposits, installation

The castle is preferably put additional lag (crossbar).

Gate manufacturing technology from Rabita - step by step

Swing gates from the grid Rabitz for giving can be made

literally in one day. Sequence of work:

  • The diagram and drawing of the gate of the Rabita are prepared;
  • Future blanks are cut from the profile pipe


  • Metal blanks are grouped, bursts from cutting


  • The blanks are welded in each other according to the drawing. Wherein

    Masters recommend using first spot welding, and then, after

    As you were convinced that the design corresponds to the required parameters, and all the angles

    have 90s to do solid weld;

  • The welding place is grouped;
  • Loops (canopies) and locking loops are welded to the frame


  • The whole design is covered with anti-corrosion solution

    (ground) and paint;

  • Prepared by the cloth grid Rabitsa, whose size

    Corresponds to the inner area of ​​the frame (if the corner is used) or

    The size of the gate (when using a square tube). To get a cut

    Grids can suggest one wire from the roll.

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How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Scheme-drawing of the gate from the grid of the Rabita

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Production of frames of shifts of the gate from the chain grid

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Production of a gate of the Rabita

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Schedule Clauses from Rabit

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Installation of transverse slats on the sash gate from the Rabit

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Fixed sagging after installing transverse slats on gate sash

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Adjusting the parts of the gate to the welding

How to make a gate from a chain grid for cottages - step-by-step making

Protecting the frame of the gate from the Rabits grid

Material prepared for site

How to pull the chain grid on the gate?

Fasten and pull the challenge inside the gate frame

in several ways:

  • on the hooks welded on the frame;
  • on tension wire.

In the latter case, the wire is pulled through the cloth and

Installed in the frame by welding. If the grid is installed on

Frame made of profile, then the grid is fastened with the wire to the top, bottom and

Diagonal lags. In the absence of additional lags, it is necessary to use

Stretch wire installed in the middle of the frame.

The final stage of construction is the installation of the gate from

Rabitsa, which lies in hanging ready-made sash on the support poles.


The cost of the gate from the grid Rabitz will depend on the size,

Material and work, i.e. Homemade gates will cost cheaper, provided

Availability of experience and tools. Depending on the width of the gate and configuration

Frame The price of the finished product varies within 1500 to 14,000 rubles.

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