Heated the pool with their own hands


Heated the pool with their own hands

Every dacha owner wants to have a pool on its plot, it can be a bought a small pool or a capital building with your own hands, but some of the difficulties will come from him.

It is important to resolve the water heated issue, there are several options for solving this issue. The normal temperature in the adult pool is from + 24 ° C if you have a pool for children, it should be from + 28 ° C.

Without special devices, it is difficult to enter these indicators, and swimming in the cold pool will not be very different, cold water is also harmful to children.

In principle, you can not make an easy heated of the pool with your own hands, but for this you still need some skills.

How to make a pool heated with your own hands

To organize heating, it will be necessary:

  • television
  • Heat pump,
  • electric heater
  • Fuel water heater.

Heated water with the help of a heat exchanger is very popular, it consists of a flask, inside it circulates the coolant, it warms the water. It can be connected to the heating system of the cottage or at home.

Heated the pool with their own hands

The automatic heating system will make heightened once and stably maintain the desired level of water temperature. There are systems capable of working independently, but they are fairly expensive.

The operation of the electric heater is seriously different from the heat exchanger, the water passes through the heating element, it usually happens to such an element, made of anti-corrosion alloys, it is covered with a special protective layer, the electric heater will feed from the network, its power may be different. Such a system is suitable for small pools.

  • If the pool is large, the use of such a water heater will be costly.
  • Their minus is the dependence on the power of the household power grid, not always the device with high power can be used to heal water.

Quite often, heat pumps are used to heal water in the pool, they work using the energy of the environment. They are especially popular in summer, they are optimal for small country pools.

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These pumps can work almost from any network, the system will operate at a temperature of 5 degrees. For heating, you can use solar panels, such a system will be optimal if there is a lot of sunny day in your area, this is a good option for summer pools.

The principle is simple here, water when entering the pool passes through the collector, in it and the heating occurs, the financial costs are minimal, with very high indicators of ecology.

It is quite effective and environmentally friendly the use of fuel water heaters, but the system needs to be connected not only to the pool, it is also important to choose the right fuel, usually it uses gas and oil for them, but boilers on solid fuel are often used, although they will need to be converted, which is expensive, but Costs will pay off due to good savings.

True, when installing such a water heater, it is necessary to obtain permission to design and register the instrument, install the fire system, control fuel reserves, build a chimney, control the system or automate it.

In general, there are now many water heating systems on the market, the choice should depend on the pool itself, its shapes, places on the plot, sizes and other factors.

It is important to take into account the volume of water to be heated, as well as the possibility and desire to automate the system. If you stopped at the heater, then this work should perform an experienced specialist, it is also necessary to issue all the necessary documents.

You can also make underwater lighting of the pool, but if you work yourself, it will be very difficult, the cost of such work is also quite high. It is also necessary to pay attention to the distance between the house and the pool, if the territory of the site is large, then the distance should be at least the height of the house, the minimum between the house and the pool should be 3 meters.

  • The sun is an excellent free way to heal the pool, many want to locate the pool at its rays, in this case, the western and south side of the pool should not close the trees, and their crowns should be five meters from the water, trees are able to destroy the bottom of the pool, so They must be no closer than 2 meters from it.

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It is desirable that the wind blows along the longest side of the pool, you can also make a design that protects it from the wind.

Heated the pool with their own hands

In general, the closer there is a pool to the house, the cheaper various communications will lead to it, and the house will protect it from the wind, will create a shadow and reduce heat loss. To avoid problems with the filling of the pool, the storage location of pumps should be no further than 15 meters from it, all new communications need to do so as not to destroy the available.

The pool area should be at least 20 square meters so that it does not turn into a public bathroom, it is better that its area is more than 30 square meters.

In any pool there should be a filtering system, disinfection and water heating system, for this you can purchase a simpler equipment, it will be cheaper, or to stop on an automated and spend a little more. If you visit the Construction Forum on our site, you can find a lot of useful there.

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